So, having recently found out I am 'up 'duff', I thought I'd create a thread relating to all of us Tattlers that are either expecting or already have children.
I hate all the usual 'Mummy Forums' as I am honest, very straight talking and have quite a dark humour. I always find 'Mummy Forums' very wishy-washy, and full of people talking about their darling children. Talking about motherhood in a very untruthful 'perfect parent' type of way. That is just not me!
Parenting is not full of fluffy clouds, dancing unicorns and bright rainbows 24/7. Kids can be little ***** that make you want to bash your head off a brick wall, because they're smashing their head off the kitchen floor because they're not allowed yet another chocolate bloody biscuit, just me!?
I sincerely hope not. So if anyone else wants a thread for a bit of straight talking parenting, with a shot of humour, please join me.
As since joining Tattle, only recently to lose my tit over Mrs 'Im a twit' Hinch, I have found that you guys are definitely a bit of me!
Well done if you're still awake after all that rambling.
I hope I'm allowed to do this!
So, I'll start us off!
I'm Lorna, I have just found out I am pregnant (5 weeks - due December) after being told I was infirtile 3 months ago!
I have two children William (9) and Sofia (2). William is my laid back lad, unless you keep him away from electronic device, and Sofia. Well where do I bloody start. She was a perfect baby, until she turned 1!!! She started terrible twos early and has been tantruming ever since! She paddies about almost anything, even when she's getting her own way! She always wants it to be her way or no way - which started at birth. After being in labour for less than 5 minutes I delivered her on the bathroom floor, very nearly into the toilet!!
My other half - Lee. Works away. He was in the Army for 25 years before leaving at half pention. He now delivered luxury long boats and is away monday-friday!
I'm aware this sounds like a therapy session and no one is even here never mind asking for my life story, but here I am. Hoping other people will join me for rants about parenting!
I hate all the usual 'Mummy Forums' as I am honest, very straight talking and have quite a dark humour. I always find 'Mummy Forums' very wishy-washy, and full of people talking about their darling children. Talking about motherhood in a very untruthful 'perfect parent' type of way. That is just not me!
Parenting is not full of fluffy clouds, dancing unicorns and bright rainbows 24/7. Kids can be little ***** that make you want to bash your head off a brick wall, because they're smashing their head off the kitchen floor because they're not allowed yet another chocolate bloody biscuit, just me!?
I sincerely hope not. So if anyone else wants a thread for a bit of straight talking parenting, with a shot of humour, please join me.
As since joining Tattle, only recently to lose my tit over Mrs 'Im a twit' Hinch, I have found that you guys are definitely a bit of me!
Well done if you're still awake after all that rambling.
I hope I'm allowed to do this!
So, I'll start us off!
I'm Lorna, I have just found out I am pregnant (5 weeks - due December) after being told I was infirtile 3 months ago!
I have two children William (9) and Sofia (2). William is my laid back lad, unless you keep him away from electronic device, and Sofia. Well where do I bloody start. She was a perfect baby, until she turned 1!!! She started terrible twos early and has been tantruming ever since! She paddies about almost anything, even when she's getting her own way! She always wants it to be her way or no way - which started at birth. After being in labour for less than 5 minutes I delivered her on the bathroom floor, very nearly into the toilet!!
My other half - Lee. Works away. He was in the Army for 25 years before leaving at half pention. He now delivered luxury long boats and is away monday-friday!
I'm aware this sounds like a therapy session and no one is even here never mind asking for my life story, but here I am. Hoping other people will join me for rants about parenting!
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