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She’s a meat eating, plant based, non vegan crazy, who struggles with the truth in her religious world of bibles. She is married to a cultist who threatened to rip the hearts out of border control officials if they’d kept his daughter a day longer in quarantine than is the law. She talks like a baby, allows her son and daughter (now that she has rejoined the clan from God knows where), to bring up the smaller children. No, she insists on it. She still breast feeds the youngest who is a demanding thug (clearly not introduced to the Bible yet) and terrifies the bejesus out of her arachnophobe daughter with stories of spiders crawling over her face as she sleeps. She’s as boring as bat sh*t and her 8 minute videos reflect that. Anything else? The woman is barking mad.
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I have seen about 20% of the videos of this uneducated family, I am not proud about it. It is just time wasted.
A lizard crosses their rented garden and is an event worthy of 10 videos. They go around Europe and only visit Malls, ate beans from a can or buy food in the cheapest places. And she thinks it was magical….

This woman is a pathological narcissist and liar. SHE claims she is an amazing homeschooling-hardworking-mom. And yet the evidence in her videos shows the complete opposite!!
No sing of the “music geniuses speaking many languages”. Only lazy kids and young adults completely domesticated by their own fundamentalist ideology.
The older kids are already a burden for society and the younger ones are very behind in their development and in their learning. Bravo Taina….

I was not surprised that her daughter could just not have a normal first boyfriend experience…. This is now the most significant relationship in her life. For most of us, it would be just a bad couple of week experience… again Bravo Taina…

Their eating habits are so poor!! They look so unhealthy and have no life in their eyes!! No School, no friends, no jobs, no fun…just sad. Her videos are boring. They are boring.

I am out for good.
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Taina does not have OCD. The D stands for disorder, as in massively impacting your life. She's narcissistic and a control freak, and maybe a perfectionist, but that's not OCD.
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Chatty Member
I saw the trailer. Who on earth talks about getting your popcorn ready for all the juicy details when you are going to talk about your daughter escaping a very dangerous and abusive marriage.
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I followed Cleo's husband on Instagram and he started messaging me and then sent me all these collages of Cleo and him, some showed him with all the fam and what looks like them in Vegas getting married!!! This is madness 😂


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The "planning a gender reveal party" ....for who??? Your siblings? You have no partner, no friends, no co-workers ....what a sad "party".
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The time line has been hand picked by these people so that this baby would be “born” on Easter Day and therefor be “holy” and “pure” because “god” chose that day for this baby to be born. It’s a theory, but this is the exact image they are trying to paint for their viewers and chalk it up as “divine coincidence”
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New member
Hi everyone,

I just joined TL just to comment on this thread because this saga is so crazy. I swear it will become an investigatory podcast one day.

Anyway, I have been trying to piece together the timeline: Around March or April 2021 Taina posted several Instagram stories of her and some of the boys skiing in Lake Tahoe (it was definitely late season, likely April, because they were skiing in t-shirts and the snow was slushy) and I distinctly recall her saying that she will ’reveal’ the reason why they were there in August 2021. Then it seems they returned to Finland and moved to Australia shortly after. This coincides with their suspected May 2021 quarantine in Brisbane.

I think I read a previous comment in this thread where someone said that Cleopatra arrived in Australia in August 2021, and I also think it was 4 months that Cleopatra was in the US, so that timeline also lines up. It also answers the question as to why the ’reveal’ video was never delivered, since they found out Cleopatra’s new husband was a lunatic and so she left him beforehand.

In the pregnancy announcement video Cleopatra looks at least 7 or 8 months pregnant. This means she probably got pregnant somewhere between May and June (and due in February-ish 2022). I’m thinking she arrived in April, got married straight away or was already married, it was all rosy for a month or two and in that time she got pregnant and participated in those weird tiktoks with him, then something happened and he became abusive, so she left and went to Australia in August 2021.

I also have a bit of a theory on how they met: I think Paul delivers some kind of online church? so perhaps the husband joined the online church and formed a relationship with the family that way (hence Paul calling him “son“) and either it was arranged for Cleopatra to go, or her husband asked Paul if he could marry her and they started a relationship that way. I also wonder if they were married online and then Taina and the boys went to drop her off, which would explain the surprise at his height.
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I have been doing some research on this family today, after I found it with my best friend and we both got some weird vibes from it. This is what we found out:

- The father doesn't work because of his bad eyes, which means their primary income realistically is benefits alone (which pays well in Finland, especially with 10 children.)
- The father is a doomsday cultist along with his mother, he has some weird stuff on his youtube channel and instragram profile.
- The father deleted all of his youtube videos except for one very suddenly, and set his instagram account to private.
- The father has an account on a rapture forum.
- The father has a podcast, his username is almost always "elohimisjesus".
- All their videos are out of place, as they posted a new video 3 days ago where it is bright and sunny outside and all the kids are dressed in next to nothing, while in Helsinki there is snow and very cold right now... Makes no sense.
- I found their perfect house on a Finnish site FOR SALE, and it has apparently been for sale for over a year, the price has also been reduced. Where this family actually lives now is unknown.

I'll let you guys know if I find something else out, and I'll be happy to post some links to these things if you want to know.
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It's weird because I don't believe jjj or them lol.
Both sides are lying…the truth is somewhere in the middle of their ridiculous stories.

But the things that are true Cleo went to the USA and married a man that she had never met and her mother allowed this.

What kind of parent wants this for their 20 year old daughter, she had her whole life ahead of her to find someone and have a family with. But ends up married to a short 34 year old that she didn’t like, was she that desperate to get away from her mother that HE was the best option, and was he mother so desperate to get rid of her she left her in The USA with basically a stranger!

Absolutely NO loving parent would do this to their child, fly them half way around the world and marry them off to someone they met in person the day before.

Now there is an innocent baby going to be born in to the middle of this mess to be used as a pawn.
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Jerusalem seems really fed up in the vlog where they show what they bought for NYE. He even speaks finnish a bit telling Taina he haven’t shaved his face because he didn’t know he would have to be in front of the camera that day. This is followed by Taina getting really awkward and saying “oh wow” and Cleo laughing in the background. Honestly I think their lives where much better back in Finland, or at least they had a home! I think Taina have had these big unrealistic thoughts about life in Australia and has hyped the kids with these dreams. Now Jer starts to understand they were all lies and when he saw what Taina did to Cleo he propably isn’t buying all of Tainas bullshit.
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New member
Taina and clan are lucky they can live in that tiny "mancave." It would be illegal (considered a health hazard) for so many people occupying a small space, where I'm from. They do seem to be in a very remote place in Australia now. I suspect the parents really enjoy small places where they can all sleep together. Very pedophilia creepy to me, but then again, I'm a prudish type. Ya won't ever catch me naked in a sauna with my family. And, don't tell me they would never look at each other's private parts when steaming together!

I've been watching her videos for over a year, and I have to say, if Taina was my mother, I would be very very afraid. I remember King James remarking about whether he will get fed, when Taina surprised them with their trip around Europe in that way too tiny motorhome.
One just gets the feeling that they probably run out of food at times, and end up with only rice and beans when mania Taina and Paul probably (and often) irresponsibly spend all their money on some gift they can't afford. Well, if that's the way they want to live, but I rather be in a stable home, with a bedroom that has more than three pieces of furniture. Minimalism: Another way of living that irks me. I do love, and admire their cleanliness and orderliness though, so there's a compliment!

All that said, I am new here, so hello everyone. Glad I found this place as I have had so many nosy questions for the longest time regarding flaky Taina (come on, it took her a year to post another laundry vid!) and clan, who doesn't tell us much.
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I knew Taina before she moved to Finland and our families are still acquaintances. Always thought she was weird and after watching some of her videos she seems weirder than ever, there’s something very off about the whole thing
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I know it's cruel and Cleo is a victim here, but when I see her pregnant, I imagine her giving birth to a mini version of her rather unattractive hubby and I choke laughing.
Poor girl, I can't imagine the horror of bringing up your own child in this family, with lunatic mother-Nana-Bambi-Taina breathing at your back.
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The amount that Taina mentions how Cleo is so tiny, thin, and has no fat is making me feel so uncomfortable. Throughout the whole pregnancy, it’s like Taina is living vicariously through Cleo’s experiences.
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New member
If Cleopatra is really pregnant I cannot imagine how hard it must be for her to live in a cramped dilapidated shed, sleep on the floor and share a bathroom with ten other people. A pregnant woman living in some slum in a war-torn country probably has better living conditions.
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