Sophie May Dickson #4

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So are we pretty certain she’s come back to uk and is hotel isolating but won’t show that because it doesn’t match her “glamorous” life she thinks she has ....
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Will make you laugh if she is back in the UK!

So much for her saying that her uncle will have a party for them next time they get back to the UK! Erm like next week love
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She hasn’t even been commenting on any of her mates’ pictures or anything, that Isabella rose or whatever her name is, just looked through her last few photos and no sign of soph whatsoever. Really weird!
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Maybe she’s back in her glitter palace on the island 🤣

The island of canvas 🤦‍♀️
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I think she's still in Dubai. She was tagged by a personalised card service company in Dubai 7 days ago. It was her birthday, it's a wonder she wasn't posting cringy pouty selfies with her tacky mates. Probably back porta pottying to afford her plastic materialistic lifestyle sans education for her pre teens.
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I think she's still in Dubai. She was tagged by a personalised card service company in Dubai 7 days ago. It was her birthday, it's a wonder she wasn't posting cringy pouty selfies with her tacky mates. Probably back porta pottying to afford her plastic materialistic lifestyle sans education for her pre teens.
She is damaging them poor girls and surely they must be missing home, friends, school, there toys at home etc ... ?
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How old are the girls now? Is princess coming up for secondary school? If so she needs to be enrolled in a school and get an education.
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I really thought she’d be back in the UK! I almost thought maybe the girls had come back home and she was staying there!
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Also just noticed that since I commented on here about the spelling mistakes on that card she was tagged in, it’s disappeared from her tagged photos 😅👀😂
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She’s back then, celebrating her birthday and shouting like a fishwife 🙄
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