Sophie and Dave #10 Dave relaxing 4 all he's worth, he deserves it after his miracle birth

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They’ve not kept up with the 5 vlogs a week though recently but I suppose if they have enough to pay the bills and can keep getting freebies they are well away! I still think it’s risky because their videos are quite boring and I wonder if people will start to get more annoyed with how lazy Dave is? I don’t know I just think at some point their viewers will wise up and get bored but then again they’ve stuck around this long what about the future when they are old? How will they afford to live I can’t imagine they will be the type to have savings. I find the whole YouTube world mad
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There have been a few ADs popping about too with musclefood, that energy drink and the midwife cream thing. I wonder how much they get paid for stuff like that?
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I just don’t really understand what their channel is

i “discovered “ them when looking through Disney vlogs. And i admit to watching them because of the car crash its become and disbelief of their behaviour tbh.

i don’t understand how or why these brands keep giving them “stuff”. They don’t really advertise them and i know I’m not the target audience, but my daughter is and she feels the same. I certainly wouldn’t be inclined to buy anything that these pair have been gifted/affiliated to promote.
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I doubt it. Their viewers seem to think Dave is a wonderful man that does so much for his wife and son.
It’s crazy because all I see is a fat lazy slob sad that these people follow them and feel part of a family when Sophie and Dave don’t care about them but just see a lot of £££ signs.
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It's to stop them preferring the bottle if she still wants to try and breastfeed. If she decides to stop and pump with formula top up then she'll be able to go on to bottles.

The midwives cup fed my little boy formula in hospital while we were struggling to establish breastfeeding.

I wasn't allowed to do it because if done wrong it can be dangerous, I am guessing the feeding team at the hospital showed Sophie how to do it when they suggested it.
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thank you! I assumed this was the reason but it looked dangerous and i was aghast when dave was doing it (i have a history in adult care and it was panicking me, having seen adults choke on liquid being poured too quickly lol
thanks for taking the time to reply
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this is a very high estimate. Adsense is currently down massively (as much as 50% less for some) as Sophie has also confirmed. Bigger youtubers may make £11 per 1000 views but I highly doubt S&D do with their sub count. The average is around £8

I’d guess more in the £7 region and now with Adsense down probably more like £3.50 per 1k views. They probably make about £70 per video.
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I doubt it. Their viewers seem to think Dave is a wonderful man that does so much for his wife and son.
yeah any time someone is negative about Dave in the comments, the fans defend Him straight away how great he is and how he’s a great father to his 2 sons.
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‘We’ll be back home before we know it’

Wonder if Dave’s ‘calves’ will still be too big for the rides whenever that is

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All he does is share pictures from previous trips and talk about Disney... start living in the real world and get back to work and provide for your son you lazy fuck
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‘We’ll be back home before we know it’

Wonder if Dave’s ‘calves’ will still be too big for the rides whenever that is

View attachment 210652
his calves probably weren’t too big last time tbh, we went the same year and there were people bigger than him riding Flight of Passage. The cast members were really good and discreet at getting people to raise their feet so that the straps locked in lower of that makes sense, it would be his body shape.
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Aye I know, and I’m sure he knows too. I can’t imagine the flight over to Florida would be great for him (or Soph, or anyone else on the flight!) with his current frame. Again, he just is so in denial...
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All he does is share pictures from previous trips and talk about Disney... start living in the real world and get back to work and provide for your son you lazy fuck
This. I'm bored of seeing him harp on about the fucking past (yes I know it's nice to have memories obviously but this is Dave).
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Obviously this is the sensible approach, but why would you go to Disney if you couldn’t go on many if any rides, I know people go for other things but they like most rides, with the baby and Dave I can’t see Sophie going by herself, surely they should save the money and Dave could do like for every pound I drop I put £x into the Disney fund, fit for barney and fit for Disney
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So he's been like twice and it's"home"? Yeh, right, Dave. Begging for a free trip by any chance? Here's an idea, why not get a job and have a little pride in yourself. You're literally no better than the guy sitting on the street with his dog and a cap out for money.
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Exactly what I think everytime I see these posts.

He makes me so irrationally angry so I can't imagine how he makes Sophie feel.
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He also had the bottle completely vertical and was surprised he's guzzling it... Er yes Dave of course he will drain it you have it completely vertical it can only go down
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