Social Media Addiction

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So I’m from a generation where I can remember a time before social media (even if I was only like 10 haha) but in recent years I’ve found myself become almost addicted, especially to instagram.

I’ve become very aware recently like everyone else the damage social media can do, and I’m really trying to work on my self esteem issues.

One of the things I'm trying to limit is posting pics of myself to instagram, and I want to wean myself off the rush I get when I get likes. But how do I do it? I’ve removed everything from my insta, and I wouldn’t want to get rid of it completely as I have lots of people I know personally on there and I do follow some good history and dressmaking accounts, but i I’ve unfollowed fast fashion and overly fake insta accounts and I do feel better for it.

But one thing I’m struggling with is am I still allowed to post a pic of myself when I think I look nice? Like tomorrow I’m going out for lunch and have a really nice new top to wear and I’m already feeling the urge to get ready earlier so I have time to take pics, but I know I’ll get stressy if I can’t get a good shot.
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If I am been trueful I was the same and deleted Instagram and it will stay deleted till I feel better about it all
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What I often think is, you are missing out on actually living your life by having everything revolve around taking a pic for instagram. I used to be a bit like this but I just stopped and don’t post anything now. Living your life for the validation of others on an app.
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Omg can totally relate. A few years ago when I was at uni all I cared about was getting a good selfie before going out. If I couldn’t get a good picture id be in such a foul mood and my night would be ruined. Id even delete pictures if they didn’t get over 100+ likes. I wasn’t excited about having a good time I was excited about ‘getting pics for the gram’. (Which I would filter and edit) Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it

When you say you’ve removed everything from insta, do you mean your pictures you’ve posted or the people your following?

Instagram can be very toxic. Especially if you follow a lot of “insta models” and reality stars that are constantly posting edited pictures of their false lives and flouncing their free clothes and items from brands to promote.

The best way to try and think is that Instagram is not real life. Nobody is living a perfect life. Nobody looks the same in real life compared to their heavily filters pictures.

Do you have any hobbies? As I’d spend my whole lockdown staring at my phone screen, comparing myself to others and feeling shit. I soon saw how unhealthy that app is and now have gotten really into fitness and learning a new language.

I don’t post hardly any pictures of myself anymore. Only at special occasions and holidays. It’s hard to get out of the habit of thinking “yes I’ve got a brand new dress I’ll wear at the weekend and I’ll get a bomb photo for the gram”. But you need to try and change your mindset and focus your spare time on more physical hobbies.

Life is too short to be stressed about not having time to get an insta pic. None of us will be remembered for our Instagram pages when we die.
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So I’ve deleted all my pics (not that I had that many on there!) and unfollowed anyone I don’t know personally or things that don’t educate me or spark joy, and removed all followers that I don’t know personally, so basically less than 100 followers and following. Sometimes I look at myself and think how did I get so wrapped up in it all? I always thought because I can remember a time without social media I’d be sensible enough to never get wrapped up in it, but here I am

I do have one hobby, but now things are opening up I’m going to try and get out there more.
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What you should ask yourself is - why do you need the validation of others to make yourself feel good?

Most social media platforms are toxic. I ditched all of mine 5+ years ago. Privacy is luxury.

Would you go up to people you barely know and whip out a pack of printed photos of your holiday to Spain in 2019? No. Nobody would.

The idea of people being able to search your name and know what you look like and what you’re up to is terrifying.

If you have a nice outfit to show off, text your friends/family to show them and ask for opinions, etc.
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You’ve done a great first step!!! I’m still in the process of unfollowing anyone who could negatively influence my self esteem.

Social media addictions are real, and sadly not taken seriously as opposed to drink or drug addiction. An addiction is still and addiction and social media can seriously impact mental health and lead to anxieties and depression.

Defo focus on your hobbies and whenever you’re out try and keep your phone switched off and away.
If you feel yourself getting back into the “insta mindset” research some coping mechanisms and mindfulness. We’ll get there!
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I can relate too. I ended up deleting my social media accounts back in March and it’s done my mental health the world of good. I found that I just wasted so much time scrolling scrolling scrolling. Also I was just finding anything to post and would end up posting needless selfies. one day I just thought why do I need to share any of these photos with anyone and why do I need to be bombarded with other accounts’ photos. I really don’t miss it.
I understand you want to keep your account for your interests though, but I think if you have the app and quick access to the app, then you’re more likely to continue to post selfie’s and get the “like” buzz.
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I recently did a 2 month social media/news detox (I wont lie I still had TT and still had FB messenger seeing as that seems to be everyones main communicaton method now), I was just so sick of seeing the same old over and over again, and nothing but bad news. It was probably one of the single most helpful things I've done for my mental health in a long time and fully allowed me to reset and rebalance my mind.

I've never been one for over sharing on social media but did find that I had become a serial scroller and would scroll aimlessly and before I knew it I had lost a few hours. I really loved getting my time back to spend elsewhere, the only thing I really missed in regards to facebook was the groups I am in, and insta I missed looking at other peoples puppies. I'll probably do it again in the near future.
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I am going to try and do a few months I need an year to be honest...
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I deleted Facebook and Instagram 4 years ago. It wasn't good for my mental health. I came to the realisation that receiving likes from other people or feeling crap because I didn't receive likes wasn't important. I do a lot of fitness and found myself comparing pictures of other women's bodies to mine and it wasn't healthy. It was really hard at first and I was surprised how many people don't bother keeping in touch with you when you don't have social media! I haven't took a selfie for years and don't pull myself apart as much as I used to. I'm 41 so can remember when I was younger we didn't give a shit about how we looked as long as we were having crazy fun!! I do though understand why and how people can't give it up as it is everything now and is a lot harder for the generation who have never been without it.
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I haven’t taken a pic of myself all weekend even thought my outfits have been banging haha so that’s progress but I actually don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything
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I haven’t taken a pic of myself all weekend even thought my outfits have been banging haha so that’s progress but I actually don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything
I've never ever really been one for taking photos all the time, sometimes I regret this as I don't have anything to look back on, such as for example concerts, my nephew/dogs growing up and the such, but its mainly because I'd rather view it with my own eyes then through the screen I'm recording on. Concerts in particular. Whats the point in paying all that money to end up watching it through a 5 inch screen as your trying to record it to share and ultimately show off on socials. I just dont get it. The last concert I went to I was far to busy singing and dancing a long to even get my phone out!
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Doesn't cross my mind either to take pictures, yes I sometimes wish I had so I could remember the moment but just like you I am normally having fun so don't think about it.
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Deactivated my Facebook again, was spending far too much time on it It is just such a hole for negativity and people blowing smoke up their own asses. Still keep Instagram for now
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I caved and got my sister to take some pics of me trying to resist the urge to post them, but what am I posting them for? For the 15 likes I’ll get? I know I probs sound really shallow when there are bigger problems in the world but I’m really struggling with this Any tips?
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I really would suggest just deleting the apps on your phone then you won’t be as tempted to go on them and post (I know it’s easy enough to restore the apps) but deleting them really helped me. I was a mindless scroller instead of a frequent poster though.
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I agree that social media addiction has become a huge problem for many people.

I agree that social media addiction has become a huge problem for many people.
People are using different filters and photo editing applications. In r reality, they look different, but because of these actions, other people think they look bad. I read more stories about people trying to be like Instagram models and making different plastic surgeries; others are trying to get more followers on their social media by creating weird content. I believe we all need to avoid this social media madness today. Of course, if you are using Instagram for the business purposes like me, it is not bad, but even in this case, I am trying to get other services like to promote my Instagram account.
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I'm on Instagram with two accounts. One for memes/body positive accounts and the other for people I know. Even on the account with the people I know, it is hard as they show off every little bit of their perfect lives which in turn makes me feel shit. It was the reason I deleted Facebook (along with that and the general mass of uneducated people spouting garbage or treating it like a Dear Diary....) I keep off the personal one and use the other one to inspire me or make me laugh. If an account does neither, I unfollow it. I long for the time back when social media didn't have a place in society (I'm a millennial). That said, I do love Tattle for the celeb gossip/debates/advice as you are generally a helpful lot

I have Whatsapp but can get left out of the loop still as I'm not seeing announcements on Facebook. I just tell myself if they were close enough/gave a damn, then they would get in touch with me! Deleting Facebook genuinely showed peoples true colours for me.

@ChampagneBox how did you get along with the detox my lovely? xx
I deleted all mine a few years ago when I released I wasn't even enjoying my holiday because I was trying to get the perfect pictures for it, my dad at one point just looked at me an was like the hell are you doing, I think that was the moment for me when I realised this holiday was passing by an I wasn't even allowing myself just to relax an enjoy it because it was revolving around photos, I was also getting sick of the people posting all this crap an then others asking if they were OK then they would do the "it's fine just leave it" I'd find myself getting angry because why post it all then tell others to keep out it

I did go back to Instagram but now it's only for posting any little arts an crafts I do an absolutely nothing else, I follow very few an the things I see are all set to be other peoples little arts an crafts so am not seeing any negativity, I did get twitter back for animal crossing cause I wanted to get stuff lol but I hardly use it an again I follow very little, I also set the location on that to Japan so I'd not see any negative news stuff an it's been fine for me, I've never went back to anything else an have kept them deleted

I think really social media ruined us, at first it was great because it was a way to keep in touch with others an see all those holiday pics without them having to come over with printed photos, but now it's turned into such toxicity that its hard to get out of because in a way its sorta brain washed us, we all feel the need to keep up with posting because others are, if someone is posting all these great holiday pics then we need to, my family is atrocious for trying to outdo one another with the kids pics, if one posts then they all need to post an each has to be better than the last

It would have been nice if socal sites had stayed like the simple days with keeping up with others news like it started off like an the odd holiday pics before all these influences come an ruined it with their fake filters making you feel like shit
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