I thought that! How old is her child?Isn’t her child a little old to wake up early to see if the Easter Bunny has been?
Is she 9? Same age as my youngest who’s woken up eaten breakfast and said Mum when is Easter she’s so full of bullshit for her picture perfect life it makes me nauseousI thought that! How old is her child?
More deceit - she’s no way a Size 6 and it’s probably another hidden Ad or GiftedOoooo look let me attempt to draw attention to the fact I'm a size 6 and spend ridiculous amounts of money
My first thread titleStarting new thread. Thanks to @Instagrime for the suggestion!
Can @admin change title please to fit.
Slimmingworldxgemx #2 Reading books like one breathes air but doesn’t know the difference between there and their
didn’t all post. Thanks!
Yes she is still marriedIs she still married or what?!