This is my point exactly! I understand the tax and how it works but when people work their asses off and their payslip doesn’t reflect that.I'm a high earner and in the mid tax bracket, any bonuses or commission tip me into the top paying one. I know I'm very lucky to even be verging on the high tax bracket compared to other people, including my own family; I've got where I am with no family support, I couldn't go to university because my household couldn't afford me to, so I started at the bottom in a job that meant I could pay my keep, and I was very lucky, and honestly very driven, but I am where I am because of multiple factors. I know I'm lucky, but at the same time, when I make any 'additional' (bonuses/commission) money, it's almost gone before it even hits my wage slip. I earned (in commission; I get a % based on what I add to the business) this month, and once tax and NI had taken hold it was less than £1k in my bank. I'm in a great position to even be complaining about this I know, but when I saw my payslip this month I did think "why am I bothering?" I worked REALLY hard to get that additional 3k and I've actually seen so little of it that it's almost irrelevant. That attitude doesn't drive growth
my husband teaches and his work doesn’t end when he gets home, but he isn’t paid for that time.
I understand the purpose of tax is to help those who can’t work (amongst other things). But damn doesn’t it just piss me off when we were worried about having enough money to do the shopping and pay bills whilst some people make a career of being on the sick! I know them, I grew up around people like that on my council estate in Huddersfield.
I guess it just pays to be dodgy and lie about being sick so you don’t have to work. I’m disabled but I’ve not claimed ESA or any other benefit because I’ve always felt I’m not entitled to it (prior to husbands wage and I was alone). Some people need to get off their asses and work. Yes work sucks. Yes you’ll probably hate your job at times, but it isn’t fair for people to be carry the lazy and unwilling.