Sir Keir Starmer #2

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I'm a high earner and in the mid tax bracket, any bonuses or commission tip me into the top paying one. I know I'm very lucky to even be verging on the high tax bracket compared to other people, including my own family; I've got where I am with no family support, I couldn't go to university because my household couldn't afford me to, so I started at the bottom in a job that meant I could pay my keep, and I was very lucky, and honestly very driven, but I am where I am because of multiple factors. I know I'm lucky, but at the same time, when I make any 'additional' (bonuses/commission) money, it's almost gone before it even hits my wage slip. I earned (in commission; I get a % based on what I add to the business) this month, and once tax and NI had taken hold it was less than £1k in my bank. I'm in a great position to even be complaining about this I know, but when I saw my payslip this month I did think "why am I bothering?" I worked REALLY hard to get that additional 3k and I've actually seen so little of it that it's almost irrelevant. That attitude doesn't drive growth
This is my point exactly! I understand the tax and how it works but when people work their asses off and their payslip doesn’t reflect that.
my husband teaches and his work doesn’t end when he gets home, but he isn’t paid for that time.
I understand the purpose of tax is to help those who can’t work (amongst other things). But damn doesn’t it just piss me off when we were worried about having enough money to do the shopping and pay bills whilst some people make a career of being on the sick! I know them, I grew up around people like that on my council estate in Huddersfield.
I guess it just pays to be dodgy and lie about being sick so you don’t have to work. I’m disabled but I’ve not claimed ESA or any other benefit because I’ve always felt I’m not entitled to it (prior to husbands wage and I was alone). Some people need to get off their asses and work. Yes work sucks. Yes you’ll probably hate your job at times, but it isn’t fair for people to be carry the lazy and unwilling.
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I know people in industries where there's a huge lack of supply who are choosing to go 3 days a week because it's just not worth working 5 days to be taxed a greater % of income. I dispute that there's a lack of people to do jobs, there's a lack of people to do jobs for the pay and conditions on offer.

Governments everywhere are addressing this with more immigration which doesn't fix the underlying issues. It leads to inflating the prices of most things and suppressing wages. It's a disaster.

Then you have the birth rate drastically falling because people either don't want children with the state of things at the moment or can't afford to. The system is reliant on new people to keep the pyramid going.

This a demographic time bomb and it's just starting to go off with the huge drop in births from the 70s and 80s.
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So few people at the bottom to support the huge bulge that are nearing retirement.
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Edit sorry I forgot this was the the Keir thread! But it shows the issues the UK is having but italy have it worse.
Don’t worry, all the immigrants and unemployed will reproduce as it increases their benefits!
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Don’t worry, all the immigrants and unemployed will reproduce as it increases their benefits!
I grew up on a council estate. There was a woman who had 6 or 7 kids. As soon as the youngest hit the age where she needed to start looking for work, she was pregnant again. She even said that she didn’t want to work and having kids was a money maker. They weren’t looked after properly and always unkempt in school. So sad people see kids as a commodity and way to make money.
Best thing the tories did was to cap child benefit. And I can’t believe I’m even saying that and agreeing with a Tory policy. But children aren’t a way to make money for your fags and booze. They’re a privilege and responsibility.
Pissed me off some people struggle to have kids and you know they’d be amazing parents but there are people like this doing it for cash. So wrong.
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I grew up on a council estate. There was a woman who had 6 or 7 kids. As soon as the youngest hit the age where she needed to start looking for work, she was pregnant again. She even said that she didn’t want to work and having kids was a money maker. They weren’t looked after properly and always unkempt in school. So sad people see kids as a commodity and way to make money.
Best thing the tories did was to cap child benefit. And I can’t believe I’m even saying that and agreeing with a Tory policy. But children aren’t a way to make money for your fags and booze. They’re a privilege and responsibility.
Pissed me off some people struggle to have kids and you know they’d be amazing parents but there are people like this doing it for cash. So wrong.
Yep. People shouldn’t have children if they can’t afford to look after them. It’s one thing to have children and then lose your job etc, but totally another to never work and just keep popping them out and expecting us to pay.

I know benefits these days are all about giving money to the recipient, in the expectation that they learn to manage it, which they don’t, but people who keep popping out children shouldn’t receive money for them.

The children should get breakfast and lunch at school and a clothing allowance voucher where the parent can get X amount of clothes and shoes/school uniform for each child and they should have to fund the rest from their own benefit.

When they don’t get the cash, they might find contraceptives more appealing.
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Yep. People shouldn’t have children if they can’t afford to look after them. It’s one thing to have children and then lose your job etc, but totally another to never work and just keep popping them out and expecting us to pay.

I know benefits these days are all about giving money to the recipient, in the expectation that they learn to manage it, which they don’t, but people who keep popping out children shouldn’t receive money for them.

The children should get breakfast and lunch at school and a clothing allowance voucher where the parent can get X amount of clothes and shoes/school uniform for each child and they should have to fund the rest from their own benefit.

When they don’t get the cash, they might find contraceptives more appealing.
A woman in my street doesn't work and never had (aside from some cash in hand dodgy dealings). Up til a few years ago had 6 kids ranging from late teens to primary age. Split up with the kid's dad, met someone new. New bloke has no job either but several kids of his own (not sure how many, at least 3) and they now have a baby together and another on the way. The Ex doesn't work either and never really has (he also has several kids with subsequent partners). I've lost count of how many kids at that point but it's too many for the lack of work that goes between the whole family. 4 of the 6 'original' kids are now over 16, 1 has a job, the others are following in parents footsteps (and already churning out more kids themselves).

It's like a live version of Idiocracy, and I'm sure there are multiple families like this in every town in the UK.
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I don’t specifically think Axel’s parents are to blame, they are Christian’s who aren’t involved in any extremism. They were aware of the ’prevent’ referrals, but probably hoped that intervention was helping and were out of their depth.

When the father cancelled the taxi to the school, it’s not clear whether he actually believed his son would physically harm anyone…if it’s not happened before, then he may have thought it more likely his son wanted to go there and cause a disturbance and wanted to protect him from being arrested etc. I can’t imagine the parents knew there was ricin in the house, or at least didn’t know what it was or how dangerous it was. It looks like mould in a luchbox, it’s hard to believe a teenager would have the resources to make it. If they knew, it’s logical that it would have been disposed of at the earliest opportunity.

I agree with him to some extend that this is not a straightforward terror attack, because it was a child with mental health issues and not a terror cell…but the ideology behind it is the same.
Are you for real or completely ill informed? Just because his parents are Christian it doesn't make them God fearing and law abiding individuals. His father was part of the genocide in Rwanda, we should never have given someone like that a place living here.

As for not knowing why he was going to his school in a taxi this was a boy who broke a schoolboys wrist by hitting him with a hockey stick. The fact his father talked him out of that taxi tells me he knew that boy wasn't going to his old school for any good reason.

Yes that boy (I'm not saying it's name) had mental health issues but he was well enough to specifically target a young girls dance class to cause maximum carnage AND he stated he was glad the girls died afterwards. He also sent the products to make the ricin to a neighbours house. The father fetched them from a neighbour. You're not telling me they didn't know he was up to no good.

I want to know what was going on in that house for one warlord to bring up a terrorist.

Christians my arse.
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Are you for real or completely ill informed? Just because his parents are Christian it doesn't make them God fearing and law abiding individuals. His father was part of the genocide in Rwanda, we should never have given someone like that a place living here.

As for not knowing why he was going to his school in a taxi this was a boy who broke a schoolboys wrist by hitting him with a hockey stick. The fact his father talked him out of that taxi tells me he knew that boy wasn't going to his old school for any good reason.

Yes that boy (I'm not saying it's name) had mental health issues but he was well enough to specifically target a young girls dance class to cause maximum carnage AND he stated he was glad the girls died afterwards. He also sent the products to make the ricin to a neighbours house. The father fetched them from a neighbour. You're not telling me they didn't know he was up to no good.

I want to know what was going on in that house for one warlord to bring up a terrorist.

Christians my arse.
The most evil person i know went to church on a Sunday pretended to be a devout Christian but was a really really horrible person. Not Radukabana level evil but just really nasty. I think his parents knew exactly what he was up to.
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You have to wonder why the BBC and Sky are never asking her these very simple questions.

Who knew Richard Madeley was the UK's most hard hitting journalist?
This is my first post on this thread and just read the last few pages so this vid may and probably has been posted before, but Richard Madeley on Good Morning Britain does ask the questions people want politicians answers to and doesn’t let them squirm their way out of it. In the video above Kate was just sitting there not really speaking but when Susanna’s on with him she normally jumps in too. This is one example with Keir Starmer

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You're fucked even if you earn 100k in london. You can just about afford a council flat and work for 30 years to pay off what someone else was given for buttons.
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You're fucked even if you earn 100k in london. You can just about afford a council flat and work for 30 years to pay off what someone else was given for buttons.
I was watching black doves on Netflix with Keira knightly and I wanted to see how much some of the homes were on there (Arnold circus in London). One home was bought for Judy shy of £15k in 1997, it sold for £440k in 2020. How does a home appreciate in value that much?!
The way things are going, nobody will be able to get onto the property ladder unless they have capital from somewhere. I couldn’t afford even though me and my husband were working. His dad lost his house due to his mum leaving him and not paying the mortgage (he didn’t know she hadn’t been paying it) and left them broke. He only managed to buy a house after his dad passed away. So we’re stuck in a loop of waiting for parents to pass to buy a home? This is sad as hell.
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The voice coach on Christmas eve 2020 story seems to be getting a bit louder :unsure:
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It sounds likely that he was shagging her - how else can you explain them meeting up on Christmas Eve in deepest lockdown?

But he’s such a drop I just can’t see him as a shagger.

Then again it’s always the ones you least expect. Wasn’t the loan of Lord Ali’s flat, which he explained away by saying his son needed somewhere to trice for his GCSEs, because his wife had booted him out for an affair?

It’s all so interesting, mostly to see how those on the left who were (quite rightly) furious about how Boris etc flouted the rules react.
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I remember Starmer insisting his morals where absolutely nothing like Johnson's - It turns out they are actually bleeping worse.

Honesty, transparency, accountability and Integrity matter in politics -This came from Starmer's gob before he was elected by the loonies. Total horse tit from the biggest sanctimonious bleep i've ever seen as a prime minister. That's his best achievement so far - To top a tit list..
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It sounds likely that he was shagging her - how else can you explain them meeting up on Christmas Eve in deepest lockdown?

But he’s such a drop I just can’t see him as a shagger.

Then again it’s always the ones you least expect. Wasn’t the loan of Lord Ali’s flat, which he explained away by saying his son needed somewhere to trice for his GCSEs, because his wife had booted him out for an affair?

It’s all so interesting, mostly to see how those on the left who were (quite rightly) furious about how Boris etc flouted the rules react.

John Major knows his way round a fanny so Kier being a shagger isn't a massive surprise.
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