RVKLoves #7 Freya’s cold, content’s getting old, how can someone so tight take so many flights?

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She has turned down loads of fun events so she can spend time at home with her baby! Lol. The invite pile will be handy for lighting her new wood burner when its installed
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Gifted playmat today! Oh baby girl, what a money spinner you are!
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What the heck those playmats are £140!!!!!! I don’t know why I’m surprised but what the heck!!!!!
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Fuming she’s been gifted a totter and tumble play mat! I had my eye on one for my daughter but just couldn’t justify £140 for a playmat. I find it really offputting when a brand charges those kind of prices, but can manage to ‘gift’ one completely free to a woman who can more than afford it, especially when so far she’s had EVERYTHING given to her, and the only thing she’s bought herself is a bloody baby monitor 😤 And even that killed her - I remember at least 3 hinting stories asking for recommendations 🙄 I wish brands would just offer a discount code instead to make it more affordable for the masses, rather than give one away to someone as undeserving as grabecca 😔
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What a ridiculous playmat! Nothing to stimulate a baby and so small that it’s redundant as soon as Freya starts rolling/crawling. But hey it’s hashtag bloody gifted. Can’t wait for baby bee to barf or do a giant poop all over it!
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I used to follow Gettingstuffdoneinheels until the nigh on constant adverts started appearing, UNFOLLOWED!! Also MOD/FOD ..another unfollow! 😂 There are others, but I forget the names, all much of a muchness! 😱
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Lots of questions about the play gym? I wouldn’t call that a play gym - it’s a wooden beam with 3 wooden beads dangling from it. No child will get much playing or fun from that
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I’m sure St Gimme’ll cope, twins at nursery, eldest two at school, she works one shift a week! Plus her mother’s just down the road! Ample time to flog whatever #gifted/aff/collab/PRESS discounted freebies that land on her doormat this week! 🙄
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