Never saw this as just can’t stand her. Never known such a lying bragger!Unfollowed when she started BLW at like 4 months old. How incredibly dangerous.
It's a shame really because she's quite funny and cannot knock her commitment and control when it comes to weight loss but I just can't follow people who blatantly go against advice on "mummy knows best" when there's a plethora of information online regarding the dangers of early weaning in general, not to mention the stupidity of early blw!Never saw this as just can’t stand her. Never known such a lying bragger!
She's made it clear that her partner goes to baby groups and all the mum's apparently love himBut by herself? She’s always by herself? I can’t recall her saying she went to anything? Maybe I missed that bit!
Oooh really?? Tell us more!! How/when did you meet her?!Met her and she's a complete idiot. Pretentious and full of issues. Thinks she has an important job, sniffing out wrong'uns online, which gives her a sense of importance and unprecedented stature in life like no other. Needs to pull her own clit out of her arse. Mug.
The PFG are her baby’s initials. Penelope Florence and then the G is the surnameThe thing I find annoying about her is that she's so 'fiercly' independent like as in screams daddy issues. And I'm sorry but does pfg stand for Precocious asFuck Girl?? Seriously I don't mean to throw shade on a kid but FML she looks like a bleeping madam already