I ate better and was a lot healthier as I had someone else that was feeding off what I ate
I liked my baby bump (for the first time ever I wasn’t self conscious about my body)
Feeling your baby move/kick is an amazing feeling
Scans and just hearing good news back to something you’re constantly worried about
Planning for your little human being, people usually feel excitement towards the end of the pregnancy as you’re closer to meeting your baby
Morning sickness
Feeling tired all the time
Getting out of breath quickly
Feeling lazier as you don’t have as much energy
Doctors appointments for me because I was classed as a “high risk pregnancy” which meant a lot of check ups which was sometimes a bit of hassle coming out of work
Having a baby has made me more considerate to others
You become less selfish as everything is about them
It’s a challenge but a good challenge, one that is very rewarding
You hit all their milestones with them, most of which you have helped them learn (for example, walking)
Every time they’re happy, you are. Seeing their smile makes your day a whole lot brighter
You learn things about yourself
You become more patient and understanding
It’s non-stop, you never really get a break
It can be mentally challenging at times
You are sometimes left with postpartum depression
They take up a lot of time which means less time for yourself and the things you want to do
You won’t sleep like you did before
You need to stay calm, even when your child isn’t
Luckily I had an amazing pregnancy and a good birth which I’m forever grateful for. My daughter is now 11 months old and I enjoy everyday with her. She’s teething at the moment so wakes up about 5 times in the night but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I sometimes see these stories online about parents getting angry with their children and hurting them or refusing to take care of them and it makes me sick, I’d do anything for my daughter and all (good) parents would say the same. I thought a child would be physically challenging but it’s much more mentally challenging. I found at times I doubted myself as a mother over such small things that were out of my control. Sometimes you just have to watch your baby sleep and think to yourself how you created something so perfect. I will forever be grateful for my daughter and I feel like she was the gift I needed in life to experience the happiness I have with her