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VIP Member
Its raining it’s pouring
Micks content is boring
The kids are in bed
Jimbo wants head
But she’s dreaming of the buffet in the morning
🎶 🎵

Love that it’s raining 😂😂😂 poor Mick, she’ll still be by that pool with her milky udders flapping in the wind
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Let’s play a game tattlers
“Speckled Egg or Micks Jugs”

Winner gets a pre breakfast breakfast and a Starbucks cup


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I'm confused why she's naked?
So she didn't sleep in the room with Jim? Which meant she slept with Herb? Well, it's a high bunk so I doubt that? So she slept on the sofa?
Or she slept in the room with Jim and when Herb got up, Vesper went in there. So why didn't she grab clothes when she got out of bed naked? 🤔
Shes on top bunk with her udders hanging down to the bottom bunk so they're just In reach when he Wakes up and fancies something spicy!
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Fuck off Mick man, if there was any chance of her being blown away you would’ve filmed it and said she was pretending

welcome home you great big cunt
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Chatty Member
That Weetabix comment. What a smug cunt. I'm ok with my healthy breakfast Henners. It stops me looking like I'm trynna smuggle a 14lb turkey in my vagina.
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This has been the best holiday I’ve never been on. So many highlights! This has been the fastest moving Mick thread I think!

So happy we were treated to one last shot of her saggy bollock hanging from her bikini

Bring on the #takemeback posts
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This may be an unpopular opinion but I am so over these people who post photos of themselves in their underwear or bikini and usually say ' I am enough" "I don't care who stares at me" I've learned to love my body blah blah fricking blah. Now don't get me wrong, we should all be happy in ourselves. It's just one massive bandwagon jump. It's getting to the point now where it's almost like we are glorifying obesity. It's a medical fact that being overweight is unhealthy and can cause health risks. Shes always saying she wants to be a role model for her kids, but what about the fact that being overweight can impact your life?? If someone is really skinny, people will say they look unhealthy and anorexic. But now, if you're overweight you have to flaunt it! Look if you're happy with yourself then great own it, but stop shoving your body In front of everyone's faces to prove some point that you apparently don't care about what you look like. Curves are fine a bit of chub is fine, but seriously let's stop showing people obesity is apparently ok!
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For me it's not even about her looks, freckles, five head, ginger bird nest hair or the size of her... it's just HER as a package. The way she holds herself, her smugness, her rudeness, her entitlement, her sour attitude, her disgusting hygiene, her greed, her laziness, her inflated false confidence. She's just a big butter ball of TWAT
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Guys, I’m going to put my cap in the middle here and we can all chuck a fiver in ok? Then I can contact the hotel and get them to tell Feebs she’s been such a good influencer, she’s been gifted a free week. We need this holiday to never end, the content (for all the wrong reasons) is gold.
Ps that ain’t a towel, she’s whipped a rug off the floor hasn’t she.
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“Hey guys, please don’t worry about us, I just flopped one of my tits into the water and she suckled her way back to safety”
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“There aren’t many English people here” yes because the kids are at school because it’s fucking January when you went!
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I’m confused…someone asked about the seatbelts on the plane. Like, they did that implying that they wouldn’t fit her, right? And she just merrily posts a smug reply. I’d be mortified if someone asked me if I was basically too fat for a seatbelt.

Also, PLEASE check your privilege Feebs. You stay at home with your kids…blinking 3000 times a second whilst fondling your weekly shop is NOT working. The person that asked that is probably leaving the house and their kids for at least 20 hours a week and feels so guilty whilst you’re there acting like you’re doing us a favour posting ads. Get in the bin.
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Fuck me, she’s even smug over her coffee. “People will be thinking where did she get those Starbucks from” don’t worry, they saw you in your bikini yesterday, they will be avoiding looking at you incase they see a tit fly out. Coffee is the least of their worries
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God forgive me for this post but…

Shes as ugly as sin, her forehead has a forehead, her head is a total potato and the eyes are like the bad bits gouged out. I feel quite shite saying this but I’m sick of seeing her playdo legs

Also, through entirely her doing, this kids by the end of primary school will be obese, it’s a shame as they have no chance when mum and dad serve up a four course breakfast

“Feebs” grow the fuck up, you’re not cool, you’re not down with the yoots, you’re heading towards an early grave due to gluttony, put down the pheasants and pick up some long walks

off to do 40 Hail Marys, apologies of anyones offended but she does my tits in
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