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I used to get it then my doctors took me off it and refuse to put me back on it. I am now trying ozempic
I literally just asked my gp if I could go on it and she said yes. I’m trying for a baby and need to lose a bit of weight to qualify for help so not sure if this made a difference
I use a brand called OvaSense by Natural Factors, I order it off iHerb, haven't been taking it long enough to say if it's made much of a difference though! It's a bit cheaper than the one you mentioned
Thank you I’ll have a look. I’m guessing the ingredients in a lot of these supplements will be the same and your just paying for the brand
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Thanks guys, I might speak to mine and see what they say. I'm not ttc and I also don't want my periods to start again as I've got the implant in so who knows what they'll say but it's got to be worth a try I guess
Update - currently on day 10 of my first period in 10 years. Super thankful to have it but my god when will it enddddd🥲🫠
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Thinking of getting an IPL machine, my hair growth is so fast and cba shaving anymore.

Has anyone tried it and found it works with PCOS?
Thinking of getting an IPL machine, my hair growth is so fast and cba shaving anymore.

Has anyone tried it and found it works with PCOS?
I've had a Philips Lumea - it worked a bit on my legs, but not on the areas where I actually wanted it to work, my stomach, bikini area, face, etc. I'm the perfect fit with light skin and dark thick hair. The hair on my legs noticeably reduced after a couple of month and grew slower and a bit thinner. Everything else was unimpressed, regardless of how often I used it.
The device broke after 1.5 years - got a full refund, but not impressed with the life expectancy, tbh, I didn't get a new one.
I've gotten electrolysis on my chin - hurts, but the hair stays away.
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Thinking of getting an IPL machine, my hair growth is so fast and cba shaving anymore.

Has anyone tried it and found it works with PCOS?
I bought a epilator in the Black Friday sales. I’ve used it twice, only on legs and armpits. Slightly painful but my hair growth has slowed. I did wax religiously from the age of 13 to 18 though so I think my hair is already slightly trained
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Hi all Glad I’ve found this thread. I was diagnosed 6ish years ago when I was 24. Had various issues ever since starting puberty at about 11. Think I was 13 when they first put me on the pill! I’m 30 now and I was just on Eloine pill for 2 years (moreso to treat PMDD) until I decided to come off it 4 months ago cos it turned me into a zombie.

Now all the symptoms have come back with a vengeance and I feel like shit. Skin worse than ever, hair falling out of my head but growing uncontrollably everywhere else, mental health is a wreck, can’t stop eating everything in sight, absolutely no energy, no self esteem. Been tracking my basal temperature since I came off the pill (just for health insights cos there’s a possibility of premature menopause for me, I seem to still have somewhat of a cycle atm though), first two cycles were great but cycle three my body must have remembered that we have PCOS and I didn’t ovulate until about day 50 and when my period arrived I was bed ridden for three days. Think I’d rather go back to being a zombie. Feel totally defeated.
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Did any of you also start puberty unusually early?

I had my first menstruation a few weeks before my 11th birthday, but I remember that I also had small, but noticeable breast at around 9 nobody else did, it made me really uncomfortable as some mean kids called it out. It's not like I chose to have tits...
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I might have already posted this on here but not sure, if you have less than 4 periods a year then your gp needs to give you medication to induce a period as it’s really unhealthy to have less than that! Mine gives me medication if it goes over 3 months between them as that’s when it’s considered ‘too long’ if you like, I only know from experience xx
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This is really useful to know. I haven't had a period since December, prior to that they were very unregular but I just kept getting told it was due to coming off the pill and "wait it out". I have recently undergone some tests for suspected PCOS and/or thyroid issues and am awaiting results. After reading this thread I do think I have a few of the symptoms. My main worry is I really struggle to lose weight and I do have quite a stomach on me which I can't seem to get rid of.
When I asked my GP about medication to induce a period she said she couldn't give me anything! What do I need to ask for specifically?

I know I need to also wait for my test results, but not having a period is making me so anxious. We are TTC so obviously I'm panicking about being infertile If I could be given something to try and induce a period to then hopefully kickstart my cycle it would relieve so much anxiety and pressure!
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The doctor I was speaking to last week told me that it's not medically necessary to have a period if you're on contraception. But he did say what isn't good and what can happen is that you have a period but it (sorry, gross) doesn't come out. He also mentioned that it can happen that you ovulate but don't have a period as the hormone levels aren't high enough to trigger one. That one is probably important if you're trying to conceive.
Oh yeah of course if you’re on contraception it’s not relevant! Just for those who aren’t I meant xx
My doctor gives Norethisterone and I take it for 10 days. It’s part of the nice guidelines that they have to give you something if it’s been longer than 3 months (I think).. it might be worth trying to see a different doctor as the first couple I went to weren’t very helpful xx
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Thank you so much. I'm going to bring this up at my next appt. It's been longer than 3 months now so hopefully I'll be able to get something
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Thank you so much. I'm going to bring this up at my next appt. It's been longer than 3 months now so hopefully I'll be able to get something
If you don’t already know about it, the charity Verity is very helpful. They have a fb group which has loads of helpful people in it x
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So I’ve came off my pill - not TTC or anything, just haven’t renewed my prescription. I’m in two minds whether I want to go back on it or not because I’ve been on it for so long but it was mostly to manage my PCOS. Anyway - it’s only been a few days and I am STRUGGLING. I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. My whole body aches, I’m getting pains under my ribs, up my back, down my legs, my reproductive organs feel like they’re clamped in a vice. I slept for over 12 hours last night and had to force myself out of bed this morning otherwise I would have continued to sleep.

I haven’t had a period since I started on the mini pill around 4/5 years ago but I don’t ever remember feeling like this when I did get periods. I don’t know if this is considered ‘normal’ when coming off the pill or if this is what unmanaged PCOS feels like. I should say that my period hasn’t even started yet so lord help me if/when it does come and the usual cramping etc begins on top of all of this.

Sorry just had to vent somewhere
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Sympathy for you! I also felt like this when I came off the pill. It got so bad that after about 5 months I got the implant put back in which has made a big improvement. Hope you feel better soon!
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I’m so sorry you’re having such a rough time. I went through this too when I came off the pill about 5 months ago. All of my PCOS symptoms have now come back with a vengeance, functioning is hard and it’s shit! I’ve gone around and around in circles over the years going on the pill to mask symptoms, then getting undesirable effects from the pill so coming off it, then going back to PCOS (and PMDD) ruining my life and feeling like it was a mistake to come off. It’s like my own body and mind gaslight me into always thinking I’ve made the wrong choice! I really hope you’re feeling better soon! Never apologise for needing to vent about it, especially if it helps just to get it all out there.
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Sympathy for you! I also felt like this when I came off the pill. It got so bad that after about 5 months I got the implant put back in which has made a big improvement. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you ladies I feel a bit better today - slightly low mood but it is a Monday after all! I was so close to asking my GP to renew my prescription but I think I might actually see how it goes without. At least I know the option is there to go back on the pill if it really does become too much.

I have hypothyroidism too and it’s so difficult trying to understand my hormones and what side effect is related to which medical issue. Wonder what it’s like to be healthy with no problems eh
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