Part Time Working Mummy #23 A patchwork family you've created? Half your content's fabricated!

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Everything just has to be a littttttle bit embellished with her. I doubt anyone has actually inboxed her directly to say how her braces make them sick. I’m sure she’d be quick to doxx them anyway. I doubt she gets messages every week from parents about braces. I doubt it.
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How much did she get from her book? I don’t know how book royalties work but I’m sure someone said it wasn’t much for a first book?
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I've decided I'm gonna write a book cos you obviously get paid endless amounts of money......🙄

She loves to throw that word around doesn't she....'kindness' 😂😂 Oh she's a funny one. She needs gifting a dictionary so she can look that word up.

Straight teeth, wonky teeth, teeth with braces, yellow teeth 💁‍♀️ you're still ugly R and always will be cos you are positively ugly on the inside and it shines through.....just sayin 😁
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Not sure how long it will stay but has anyone seen the Facebook post about her braces? She’s clearly reading tattle
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Who was it that worked out the dates of her posts? I'm sure we were due the long winded, full of tit one that she's just posted!

I doubt people are messaging her about her manky mouth, she's just been reading here again. How the duck that brace is going to sort out that mouth within a year is beyond me...but it doesn't matter because she's going to get her huge ego boost now that she needs at least once a month. And she's rattling on about being kind about you stop reciting the same old tit Rachaeaeaeaele and teach Banal Betsy to be kind and not sneer at her younger sisters when they speak.

And for the record...your teeth look shitter than when you started.
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She’s got her back up because people here say the braces me have been paid for by PayPal donations. I’ve always believed the book advance paid for them. How did you get the book deal Rach? By embellishing stories or straight up lying about your life, people you know, people you have met, the work you do. So yeah. You paid for it with money you wouldn’t have made without a series of ongoing lies basically.
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No need to mention how much her bleeping teeth cost! She just loves boasting about how much everything costs her doesn't she...amazing what lies and deceit can buy!
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Did she really get the money from a book deal?
Was it a best seller then?

I came straight here after reading her post. ...loved how she mentioned casually about how she funded the braces. If they we’re genuinely funded by her book royalties then fair play to her...she can spend that cash however she likes.
Still suspicious about how much cash a book like this would rake in though.
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Someone said the post is predicted for the 14th. Brace face was actually early for something.
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Did she really get the money from a book deal?
Was it a best seller then?

I came straight here after reading her post. ...loved how she mentioned casually about how she funded the braces. If they we’re genuinely funded by her book royalties then fair play to her...she can spend that cash however she likes.
Still suspicious about how much cash a book like this would rake in though.
No the payment from her second book which I believe comes out in August. God knows what tit she’s written about this time.
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