New Build Luxury Interiors - do they look dated to anyone else?

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This is supposed to be high end, but it looks terribly dated to me even though it's brand new. All of the Berkeley places look like a 5 year old hotel in need of a referb to me, or maybe I've got no taste

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This is supposed to be high end, but it looks terribly dated to me even though it's brand new. All of the Berkeley places look like a 5 year old hotel in need of a referb to me, or maybe I've got no taste

They’re neutral, so don’t really stand out. I can see what you mean, but I don’t think they’re dated. Maybe you’re just getting a bit fed up of the greige phase that everyone seems to have! I think they need more colour!
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I call them Flat Pack homes.
50 shades of beige and grey.

we did a lot of “new build” shopping a few years ago and don’t get me wrong, they can be beautiful houses and apartments, but I always feel like they’re made of cardboard and decorated in the same shade of neutral that can be bought on discount.
it doe however look like the colour pallet of a lot of influencers who think they’re “Lux”
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They are both boring and they've gone to effort with tacky chandeliers, grey artificial leather panels on the walls and boring grey wallpaper. To get them looking nice (for me) would need quite a bit of work for something brand new. I'd rather an avocado suite than some of that stuff! Not dull enough to just add your own touches on top.

Not that I can afford 1.5m on an outer london 2 bed but wouldn't even buy with 90% off - the kitchen has no natural light, tiny bedroom windows and no windows in the bathroom. "High end" London new builds and conversations are in a total bubble. NYC new builds mostly look way more modern and liverable.