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VIP Member
It's really crappy when big weight loss accounts post loads of stuff, make money from ads off the back of it then radio silence and then you realise they've packed on the weight again and then delete their social media.

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Chatty Member
There is a mrdaddywright post in here. Started
Chatting about them at the end of jan. and they both went radio silence. Then a week or so later deleted both their instas. And her FB sw page I csnt
Find either .
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Chatty Member
They seemed to have the break and then both of the same day deleted their insta’s. Personally im
Not a fan, use to be a follower a while back. But unfollowed about a year or so ago.
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Chatty Member
That’s a shame if they have come of social media as I liked them both of them and their meals were interesting to look at. I’m sure Mrs did mention that she was coming off for like a week to have a break, but they seem to have deleted everything 🤷🏻‍♀️
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