Mrs Hinch - Cleaning Mad Essex Women

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Her Instagrams are entertaining but does anyone else think all that product can't be good for your health. She's sometime spraying it on herself and always uses loads of whatever it is. Sometimes she uses vinegar but mostly its some toxic looking product. Must be making a fortune now with all the ads and affiliate links
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I think she seems very sweet. But I do not understand the herd mentality for her. Did people not clean their house before?
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I don't get the hype either. She's Also don't like all the heavy chemicals she is throwing down the drain every five minutes.
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She has given me good tips as I now have my own home and for friends with depression she seems to have made them want to clean.

I have always loved Zoflora products before Mrs Hinch
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I think Mrs hinch is married to someone that's an expert in marketing / PR and has bought a load of followers and made her happen.

I watched her feed once, so boring I know wiping and scrubbing things gets them clean.
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I think Mrs hinch is married to someone that's an expert in marketing / PR and has bought a load of followers and made her happen.

I watched her feed once, so boring I know wiping and scrubbing things gets them clean.
Everything she cleans is already clean. And how many times can someone clean a sink. There is a PR company talking about her - it says they share news about clients. Does her husband perhaps work in PR? They are based in Essex.
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She has given me good tips as I now have my own home and for friends with depression she seems to have made them want to clean.

I have always loved Zoflora products before Mrs Hinch
X post but I had not thought of that, I can see helping people with depression and getting up to clean is some good. Congrats on the house!

Everything she cleans is already clean. And how many times can someone clean a sink. There is a PR company talking about her - it says they share news about clients. Does her husband perhaps work in PR? They are based in Essex.
She's connected in some way, rarely does someone make it organically these days. It's almost always friends in high places making someone look like a breakout star that just happened by accident
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There are tons of cleaning accounts on Insta and some that I feel are better than hers. Lynsey queenofclean (think she was on OCD cleaners on channel 4) and The Organised Mum are two that are good, but again cleaning things that are already clean! I don't really get the hype around this Mrs Hinch/Hinch Army thing and yeah probably too many chemicals. Do love me a bit of Zoflora though, lol!
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You would think she has reinvented the wheel how all these low bit youtubers have jumped on the bandwagon. She is obsessed with diluted fabric conditioner, cleaning doors with it?! Spraying fabrics sofas, they must start to feel greasy at some point. Looks like she only has one dog her rugs and sofa can’t get that smelly every few days. Maybe bath the dog rather than spraying everything with diluted fabric softener.
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Hadn't heard of her before I happened to see her on This Morning the other day. Had a quick look at her IG but won't be following her, the boring grey decor put me off for one. As mentioned above, Lynsey Queen Of Clean is better and I sometimes have a look at her account, but I don't follow any cleaning accounts, they're perpetuating stereotypes and I've got better things to do!

I don't think spraying chemicals around that much is very good for you or the environment.
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I think shes peaked with this opening of a new savers in Essex
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I will always have a problem who become famous on SM but maybe that's the way things are now. I think she's pretty harmless, but not for me. Her decor is too grey as well, just not a fan.
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To me nothing she does looks excessive but I have ocd.

She reminds me of the way I used to be, really houseproud but something happened and I developed ocd. I don’t know if that could happen to anybody but I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’ve had depression, panic disorder, social phobia over the years but ocd is by far the hardest mental health problem I’ve had to deal with and the least understood. People treat it like a joke and say they have it too because they like their coat hangers to match.

I can’t say I’ve learnt anything from watching her. I don’t understand why she washes doors with fabric softener. The residue it will leave will just attract more dirt
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omg I'm so glad there is a thread about this! Definitely she has had help to become a 'star', but she is very limited in what she can do. She doesn't even have enough content to make youtube video's.

Ok so a while ago I got really sick, and I went to the dr's they could not help me at all. I went to a naturopath who was amazing and I had a bunch of health issues and some of it was being caused by disrupted hormones. After doing some testing he found out I was using Lenor (or most fabric conditioners) and some plug in air sprays and he told me these things are TERRIBLE for health especially women's!! I stopped using fabric conditioner, the plug ins (and my headaches went away too as well as my on and off skin rashes, I had no idea how harmful the chemicals are) and slowly but surely my health is now better than it ever has been, especially as now I use all natural cleaning stuff as much as possible such as Lavender Method.

So I see all the hype about this lady and I check her out, and while she's pleasant, HOLY COW!! she is literally killing herself. I wrote this to a friend a couple of weeks ago 'I'm really sad this lady is encouraging other people to do what she does, because they are all going to get sick. They will at least have hormones disruption 100%, as they are not just using Lenor for the clothes but also for on doors, radiators, putting tumble dryer sheets which are just as bad behind sofas, sprays zoflora everywhere, every cupboard has some kind of chemical scent dispenser, and she does silly things like breathe it in neat, and sprays her shower doors while inside then says she's in a coffin of this chemical spray! I've never seen such craziness. And she is going to get sick, I predict in a few years'.

So the next thing she is in hospital and she won't say why, and I think I know what is wrong with her. When I was using a lot of conditioner and plugs in I got ovarian cysts, which is a side effect of hormone disruption. I think she is in hospital having them taken off. And she doesn't want to say because a) she is embarrassed and b) I wrote on her instagram warning her this would happen to her in a few years and she deleted it and blocked me.

So yeah :eek:

People I know it's a lot of fun to buy super smellies I used to do it, candles too, but those fragrances are actually chemicals released into the air that you breathe into your system and they muck you up so bad!! I had no idea about this, but it is so so true. Also one of the worst things you can do is spray or rub fake tan on your skin after a bath or shower when your pores are open, it doesn't just sit on the skin it enters your system and clogs up your liver, amongst other harmful things. So clean but try to use natural. This woman is doing nobody any favours. Also her diet is shocking, she's sick in hospital and needs fruits and veggies, water and green juices to heal quick, instead she is guzzling pure sugar in snack after snack and that is really bad for you too!! Plus she's a hairdresser, so she will be smelling fumes and hairspray too. I just .. omg. She is going to be in for a massive shock if she doesn't have a huge lifestyle overhaul soon, because atm she is selling a lie.

I also think she works for Minky because my god she promotes the ass out of that company. Who takes their minky cleaning pad into the hospital with them and tucks it in the bed sheets? She must think we are blind, but we've already been duped by Zoella so we saw her coming lol.
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I agree with you about the chemicals. But please be aware that Method is not all that natural either. Check out for further details.
I don't get the obsession with zoflora. That stuff just looks toxic.
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She seems like she has ocd i first saw her on this morning show but when i looked at her instagram i realised she doesnt actually post anything about cleaning on her actually instagram feed but on her story... so if youve missed her story not very helpful haha
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I think the cleaning chemicals are probably on a par with smoking, so she's not going to get ill soon. But long term it will be damaging her.

Fabric conditioner is supposed to be washed off, not sprayed on all your furnishing to linger forever and on you.

She only posts on stories as timeline is dying off. Easily make loads of money just on Instagram with affiliate links and brand deals.
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She's only been home 5 mins and she's advertising the heck out of brand deals, I feel lied to, she's all guys check out my new blinds, gorgeous, then the next story, guys I have a code for money off as they saw how many fans were buying the blinds, like immediately back to back, it's been one advert after another she must be making a fortune. I feel like she's another zoella, everything she mentions is for money? She always links where to buy her products.

I am the same age as her and I got sick from using the stuff, and if she's been using it the same time as me and 5 times as much then I'm not surprised she was sick. I predicted she would get sick but I didn't expect it 2 days later I thought a few years more maybe if she's strong. I might be wrong she might have had an appendix out or something, but that doesn't make any sense as it's so painful you wouldn't be able to do insta stories before and after, if that makes sense. I think she was literally on tv the day before, so it might have been booked in for a while. She said she will do a story about what was wrong with her, so it will be interesting to see if she says a hormone disrupted issue or something else. I honestly have seen a few people warn her now and so if she's carrying on full steam ahead knowing this, then it's purely for the money, which is awful knowing you are advertising products that are harmful to people.

I will check more into method, thanks, I just chose it as it seemed to have less crap in it than what I had been using, and I also use the pink stuff as it's better than most. Haven't got it perfect yet but getting there and it's made a massive difference. Thanks for the link that looks like a great site! (y):cool:
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I will always have a problem who become famous on SM but maybe that's the way things are now. I think she's pretty harmless, but not for me. Her decor is too grey as well, just not a fan.
Sorry for double post but I didn't see this post until now, omg I've been thinking the same, everything in her house is silver and grey even the wood and I find it really weird! It seems a craze at the minute as I checked out the link where she got the mirror to see the price, and they had posted picture after picture of everyone's silver and grey houses. How long as that been a thing? I'm way too nervous to follow a trend like that, because as soon as it goes out of fashion everything has to go, or be changed, inc the flooring throughout unless it can be repainted. Just seems a lot.

This is what I mean, these are all different houses. It looks christmassy or something.
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