omg I'm so glad there is a thread about this! Definitely she has had help to become a 'star', but she is very limited in what she can do. She doesn't even have enough content to make youtube video's.
Ok so a while ago I got really sick, and I went to the dr's they could not help me at all. I went to a naturopath who was amazing and I had a bunch of health issues and some of it was being caused by disrupted hormones. After doing some testing he found out I was using Lenor (or most fabric conditioners) and some plug in air sprays and he told me these things are TERRIBLE for health especially women's!! I stopped using fabric conditioner, the plug ins (and my headaches went away too as well as my on and off skin rashes, I had no idea how harmful the chemicals are) and slowly but surely my health is now better than it ever has been, especially as now I use all natural cleaning stuff as much as possible such as Lavender Method.
So I see all the hype about this lady and I check her out, and while she's pleasant, HOLY COW!! she is literally killing herself. I wrote this to a friend a couple of weeks ago 'I'm really sad this lady is encouraging other people to do what she does, because they are all going to get sick. They will at least have hormones disruption 100%, as they are not just using Lenor for the clothes but also for on doors, radiators, putting tumble dryer sheets which are just as bad behind sofas, sprays zoflora everywhere, every cupboard has some kind of chemical scent dispenser, and she does silly things like breathe it in neat, and sprays her shower doors while inside then says she's in a coffin of this chemical spray! I've never seen such craziness. And she is going to get sick, I predict in a few years'.
So the next thing she is in hospital and she won't say why, and I think I know what is wrong with her. When I was using a lot of conditioner and plugs in I got ovarian cysts, which is a side effect of hormone disruption. I think she is in hospital having them taken off. And she doesn't want to say because a) she is embarrassed and b) I wrote on her instagram warning her this would happen to her in a few years and she deleted it and blocked me.
So yeah
People I know it's a lot of fun to buy super smellies I used to do it, candles too, but those fragrances are actually chemicals released into the air that you breathe into your system and they muck you up so bad!! I had no idea about this, but it is so so true. Also one of the worst things you can do is spray or rub fake tan on your skin after a bath or shower when your pores are open, it doesn't just sit on the skin it enters your system and clogs up your liver, amongst other harmful things. So clean but try to use natural. This woman is doing nobody any favours. Also her diet is shocking, she's sick in hospital and needs fruits and veggies, water and green juices to heal quick, instead she is guzzling pure sugar in snack after snack and that is really bad for you too!! Plus she's a hairdresser, so she will be smelling fumes and hairspray too. I just .. omg. She is going to be in for a massive shock if she doesn't have a huge lifestyle overhaul soon, because atm she is selling a lie.
I also think she works for Minky because my god she promotes the ass out of that company. Who takes their minky cleaning pad into the hospital with them and tucks it in the bed sheets? She must think we are blind, but we've already been duped by Zoella so we saw her coming lol.