Mrs Bavington #9 Let’s give her her dues, provides great content for rudefoodreviews!

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I mean I have turfed my kids off to my mums before for an afternoon and driven away with the music blasting and gone for a snoop around a retail park- careless, no kids repeating mummy over and over again, cake and a coffee without having to share (jeez sounds like a dream right now ) but I would never ever put those t shirts or use that phrase. How shit would that make your kids feel? Those kids look like they’re good as gold too! It’s so trashy.
Bav, why not make some nice bits for your house? Like nice framed wall art or some cushion covers, throws, curtains etc to make your house look less like a hovel?
Reactions: 9
How vile is her lounge! Happy to renovate the garage but the TV is on a chest of drawers and that fireplace!
Reactions: 15
Her kids are gonna grow up with some serious resentment for her, especially when they get older and realise no one else's parents speak about their kids like this or treat them this way.
I hope for their sakes it doesn't impact on them too much. You have no idea how much drilling 'YOU ARE AN INCONVENIENCE TO ME' into your children can affect their confidence.
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She's just spent £100 on her tp links as if it's nothing when she could've got something that does the same thing for £20.
Especially when it's only for her craft room
Reactions: 5
exactly we all have moans about our children at time, due to exhaustion etc, but you’d give the world for them. I snapped at my little lad yesterday and felt so guilty all day (I cried in the loo)- I ended up over compensating and now he’s so clingy. Goodness knows how those two poppets feel with old sour face as their mum. Ithink they probably like to go to nana and gaga’s house rather than be stuck with her.
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worst of it is , they’ll go out in public in them tops when they’re with her mum and dad! How embarrassing for those poor kids !
Reactions: 3
Ohh I've been there, that's because you're a good, caring mum! We all get annoyed and at the end of our tether but to repeatedly post it all over the internet and make them wear t-shirts with it on is really fucking cruel.
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Those t-shirts she’s made are a disgrace. I’m all for a bit of humour and being tongue in cheek but that’s not funny. Why “problem”? Such negative connotations. And the kids seem delightful considering who their mother is, I feel really sorry for them. She just doesn’t seem to be grateful for what she has, she always has to find a way to complain. I’ve said it before, just because people can have kids doesn’t mean they should, some people will never be able to be parents when they would do a much better job than her.
Reactions: 11
‘Nana and Gaga’ too? How old are they? Pretty sure they can say grandad
I really dislike her. But in her defence ( who am I?) my daughter is 27 and we still say ‘good boy’ if anyone ever does a good thing. We had dogs when she was little and she assumed ‘good boy ‘ was what you said when you were pleased with someone. She would say to my mum ‘good boy granny’
Reactions: 5
She's just spent £100 on her tp links as if it's nothing when she could've got something that does the same thing for £20.
Especially when it's only for her craft room
Yeah but that is the most important room! The amount of money that has been spent on that room when she whinges she can’t afford to do the house up, prob could have gotten a new bathroom and decorated that vile sitting room! The fact that the sitting room still looks like that 2 years later baffles me, if I had moved in and hadnt got the money to do any big jobs I still would have at least painted over that horrible wallpaper!
Reactions: 6
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