Interesting thread... did not know about her brother
She’s deffo been reading here, what annoys me is how defensive influencers get when they see these threads on tattle and how all the comments on the post say how we’re jealous/haters/women should empower women
I’m pretty sure most of us aren’t any of those things, it’s more the fact she will happily use her kid on the internet do ads (I hate seeing kids all over ig - honestly can’t believe parents think it’s ok to do this)
Also with the M&S stupid plastic food ad she did, as soon as people started calling out the influencers who did the Ad her mate Remi started saying it wasn’t important and people should concentrate on black women and how they are more at risk during childbirth. Completely agree it’s an important issue but made it seem like you can only focus on one issue - actually I give a
tit about both!
Quite long winded sorry. But I do think most influencers secretly love to find a tattle thread on themselves. Means they can do a post about it, gets lots of engagement and sympathy and then they have something in common with the big influencers too - I see MOD has commented on the recent post already...