Mental health/Anxiety/Depression on Instagram

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Is anyone else, really, really, really fed up with every one of these bloggers claiming to be riddled with anxiety? Now, i am an advocate for mental health, i have struggled with anxiety and depression so don't get me wrong i fully appreciate how it can effect you day to day. But realistically, these bloggers throw the word around for any scenario possible.

Mental health is a much more talked about topic now, which is fantastic. Really is. But having anxiety doesn't make you more relate-able, especially when you're quite happy to talk to a phone all day and broadcast your life to thousands of people using phrases like 'gave me actual anxiety' over trivial things.
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Totally agree, opening up discussion and making people feel 'less alone' is fabulous and means more people will get help.


Trivialising will dilute the progress. People can all feel anxious but it doesn't mean you have anxiety, theres a significant difference.

I would also add that given some of these people share EVERYTHING, I too would be anxious/not sleep at night overthinking the potential future impacts on my family's life and forever a footprint on the internet. I, fortunately, don't have anxiety but even I get anxious for them over the things they put out there!

Buzz words means people pour their heart out in the comments but as long as it gets the engagement up and those #ads a-cooking, they don't tend to respond to the comments.
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I was not sure which topic to post this in but as it’s about Instagram I decided to post it here , please move admin if there is somewhere more appropriate .

I’m a mum of 2 and a wife . We don’t have oodles Of Bank notes raining on us each day but for the most part I think we have a nice life , yes we can’t afford to go on holiday , but we do nice things as a family , the kids are well fed , have everything they need , we have a nice home with all the basics (currently trying to decorate room by room when we have spare cash ) , the kids are loved tremendously and we do everything we can to give them everything we possibly can within reason .

But my god Instagram makes me feel like a bag of crap. That my life is rubbish , I’m a rubbish mum , with rubbish things , living in a rubbish house . Constantly feel like I’m trying to keep up with the Jones’s on Instagram . Wishing I had what they have . Why their stainless steel doesn’t have finger prints on it 24/7 , why there’s not a crumb in sight , why the kids look picture perfect when mine look like they’ve been through a tsunami 5 mins after getting dressed , why I can’t have the model show home with nothing out of place . You no the one that isn’t really real they just clean frantically take a pic and then the kids probably trash it ? But that trashed picture is nowhere to be seen on Instagram?

Instagram annoys the hell out of my it’s nothing but lies and deceit and what people choose to show you . It’s not real life .

I think il stick to my “rubbish” life because at least I’m true , a real person , not trying to be something I’m not . I have the most important things in life. And gaining 10k of followers so I can do swipe ups and links isn’t one of them and I’m fine with that 👋🏻
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I think mental health and all the varieties of it are used way too often

Someone’s died, you’re not depressed you’re grieving. It’s normal.

You worry about money - you don’t have anxiety issues, you’re just human

I could go on and on. Yes there are real peeps out there that have these genuine disorders and problems but it’s over used and makes people switch off when it’s spoken bout cuz people rolls there eyes and go oh another 1
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Ugh, after being sucked into Instagram and instamums after my second baby, I found myself at one point querying with myself about design choices in my own home as if others would then be able to see my house and therefore judge my style. I mean, WTAF - I don’t even share my interiors on Instagram so who even cares what colour my walls are or what rug I have?! It was at that point I realised I’d actually gone mad, and I think it coincided with finding the mumsnet threads and, thankfully, Tattle. I swiftly unfollowed all the professional interiors salespeople, and a hefty chunk of the instamum arseholes, and am now pretty quick with the unfollow button if I realise they are making me feel more tit than entertained. BUT, when you are in the throes of vulnerability, be it being a new mum, mental health issues, feeling a bit tit about your wages, job, house etc. Instagram is a very dangerous place for spiralling into life anxiety (and, if it really takes hold, credit card debt).
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Agree with you all. I actually have anxiety and take meds anf I think so often people use the term to mean feeling a bit nervous or slightly out of sorts. I live near some Instamums who claim to have anxiety and I just don't get how sharing every detail online helps them. I know their address their kids' names and birthdays, their relationship problems, money problems, I've seen them pose naked for pregnancy photos... I feel nervous when i post something on my tiny private account so god knows what it's like posting for 10000s people.
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YES!! Isn’t anxiety just a normal human emotion. To have slight worries or apprehension is a normal part of life. I see so many instagrammers and if they have a spot or running late or have had a troll they say their mental health is so bad today so anxious. It’s a normal part of life! I totally agree with Brett Easton Ellis calling this generation the pussy generation.
I’m so to say it but Bryony Gordon has mental health issues because she is fat. If she was slim she’d feel more confident it is proven that FOOD and gut health can effect your mood so her posting I’m fat and me and happy stuff is just fake fake fake. I know from experience, fat I’m depressed. Eating well and my clothes aren’t tight I’m happy. But the depression wasn’t real it was a reactive emotion to feeling ugly and unwanted. It is not a reason for medication. This generation think if they haven’t got perfect clothes and job then they are depressed and take a pill for it.
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Totally agree, opening up discussion and making people feel 'less alone' is fabulous and means more people will get help.


Trivialising will dilute the progress. People can all feel anxious but it doesn't mean you have anxiety, theres a significant difference.

I would also add that given some of these people share EVERYTHING, I too would be anxious/not sleep at night overthinking the potential future impacts on my family's life and forever a footprint on the internet. I, fortunately, don't have anxiety but even I get anxious for them over the things they put out there!

Buzz words means people pour their heart out in the comments but as long as it gets the engagement up and those #ads a-cooking, they don't tend to respond to the comments.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here.

My 2 pence worth is... as a clinician working in a mental health setting ‘anxiety’ is a buzz word thrown about a lot and I think these influencers feed into that.

Having a worry or butterflies over certain things is NOT anxiety, you cannot self diagnose (which I presume most of these influencers do) and anxiety can be absolutely crippling! I see it daily in work and the impact of serious mental health disorders.

Anxiety CAN be helpful- it’s our flight or fight instincts and I think people can get confused/ conflicted with this feeling.

I find it overall insincere and offensive personally when these people bleat on about their anxiety in stories. I’d invite them to come visit a clinical setting for a day to get some perspective.
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Totally agree, it's taken years of my life. I've lost many friends and have isolated myself so much, the thing is I hate being so lonely! I can't do things I took for granted and haven't taken or collected my son to/from school in around two years. I can only go to places I know are quiet on a ok day and even then I feel sick. Ringing anywhere/one is equally hard.. I could go on. These instagrammers wear it like a badge, yet I fail to see in most cases how it impeads their lives! It's not's horrendous and soul destroying.
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Agreed. I think they need to realise the difference between feeling anxious and having anxiety, as someone has said.

There are certain things in my life I feel anxious about and may lose a small amount of sleep about, however I do not suffer from anxiety which is constant.

I thinking making it a buzz word can do just as much harm as good. How long before people start thinking if these influences suffering from anxiety and doing all this amazing stuff, why can’t the average person?
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Instagram is a fantasy world. It's not real. People pretend to be something they are not to make themselves feel important and so that others will be envious of their "fantastic" and oh so "perfect" life. It's all a steaming pile of 💩💩💩. Don't let yourself be affected by it. Concentrate on what you do have in life and what makes you happy and sod the rest.
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Agree, it's like when people claim to be 'a bit OCD' because they like cleaning. It's really quite disrespectful of people who actually do have it.
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Agree, it's like when people claim to be 'a bit OCD' because they like cleaning. It's really quite disrespectful of people who actually do have it.
I completely agree, I actually detest flippant use of the term OCD. I saw someone on a cleaning page on Facebook earlier saying they hated dust and considered them self “self diagnosed OCD”. Pathetic and makes light of a serious condition.

(Sorry, needed a rant about that there).
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Yes!!!!! As an anxiety sufferer I hate how it has become "fashionable" to say they have anxiety. No, they have nerves, not anxiety 😡 Anxiety is a whole different ball game!!!
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All of this...I take meds for anxiety, sometimes crippling and other times okish but even the thought of posting an Instagram story is too much for me and a caption takes maybe three or four times to write because of the serious overthinking, I don't buy it but it's nice to be en vogue
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i was actually having this conversation with my husband the other day, how its strange in our society that humans for some strange reason get off on the fact that sharing some weird miss fortune like a mental illness or #metoo movement is much more glamorous to share publicly to get a reaction from, then sharing the good parts in your life like a promotion or learning a new skill. its like the negative things are more desirable to share to the world than the good things about us. with the awareness aspect, there is knowledge of the subject and then their is just a line when it comes to privacy. i think the only people you need to share these issue with are close friends and loved ones if its necessary to your situation, weather you need to confine in someone for support or if they need to know, i dont get why it matters for a stranger to know if you were raped, or if your feel sad, its none of their business and you don't benefit from it other than sympathetic compliments which boost your ego rather than getting to the source of the issue. i'm sure were capable of sharing more positive things than just trying to gain attention to make us feel special. all I'm saying, you dont see people with diabetes or cancer crying out their issues over social media to get send emoji hearts and #staystrong because its not as attractive to boast about. and I'll add, there is anxiety (a normal human emotion we all have) and then there is Anxiety Disorders.....a BIG difference
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i was actually having this conversation with my husband the other day, how its strange in our society that humans for some strange reason get off on the fact that sharing some weird miss fortune like a mental illness or #metoo movement is much more glamorous to share publicly to get a reaction from, then sharing the good parts in your life like a promotion or learning a new skill. its like the negative things are more desirable to share to the world than the good things about us. with the awareness aspect, there is knowledge of the subject and then their is just a line when it comes to privacy. i think the only people you need to share these issue with are close friends and loved ones if its necessary to your situation, weather you need to confine in someone for support or if they need to know, i dont get why it matters for a stranger to know if you were raped, or if your feel sad, its none of their business and you don't benefit from it other than sympathetic compliments which boost your ego rather than getting to the source of the issue. i'm sure were capable of sharing more positive things than just trying to gain attention to make us feel special. all I'm saying, you dont see people with diabetes or cancer crying out their issues over social media to get send emoji hearts and #staystrong because its not as attractive to boast about. and I'll add, there is anxiety (a normal human emotion we all have) and then there is Anxiety Disorders.....a BIG difference
See I feel like the #metoo movement is a bit different, as I felt like when it started, the reason so many were sharing was to show just how prevalent rape and sexual harassment still is. I feel like any time someone tries to speak up about those issues, you get those men that are like 'not all men are bad' or 'well *I've* never personally raped anyone so I don't think this really happens', and it becomes a focus on completely the wrong thing. I guess strangers don't need to know - you're right about that, but I do also think it can help with the stigma and shame surrounding those situations.

With mental health though, I feel like it also started as a 'starting a conversation' and trying to reduce the stigma, but now you've got people diagnosing themselves with anxiety/depression/EDs, and almost making it part of their brand in terms of being an influencer/Youtuber. I think it can be a bit irresponsible for these people to almost be 'spokespeople' for mental health, when they haven't been diagnosed themselves and therefore aren't really in a position to offer advice/support.
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i was actually having this conversation with my husband the other day, how its strange in our society that humans for some strange reason get off on the fact that sharing some weird miss fortune like a mental illness or #metoo movement is much more glamorous to share publicly to get a reaction from, then sharing the good parts in your life like a promotion or learning a new skill. its like the negative things are more desirable to share to the world than the good things about us. with the awareness aspect, there is knowledge of the subject and then their is just a line when it comes to privacy. i think the only people you need to share these issue with are close friends and loved ones if its necessary to your situation, weather you need to confine in someone for support or if they need to know, i dont get why it matters for a stranger to know if you were raped, or if your feel sad, its none of their business and you don't benefit from it other than sympathetic compliments which boost your ego rather than getting to the source of the issue. i'm sure were capable of sharing more positive things than just trying to gain attention to make us feel special. all I'm saying, you dont see people with diabetes or cancer crying out their issues over social media to get send emoji hearts and #staystrong because its not as attractive to boast about. and I'll add, there is anxiety (a normal human emotion we all have) and then there is Anxiety Disorders.....a BIG difference
I think people overshare the good stuff too, and that can make people who haven't been so lucky feel bad. What I mean is people might boast about their new car but aren't honest that it's taking up X amount of income. People might have worked hard and learned a new skill but don't necessarily want to share it.... People want to be special, and that's fair enough we are all different, but we are beginning to lack sincere social interactions and a real sense of family/community.

I have noticed the phrase "anxiety' creeping into workplaces. Often the people that use it are very difficult and bullies themselves. But you can't ask them a question or tell them they are not being nice, because they have anxiety!!! And don't be negative, thats another silly phrase I hear. Making a suggestion that someone else hasn't thought of can just be pushed away by using both these things as a criticism, which is ridiculous. Asking a question isn't negative!!! Unless the person you are talking too can't answer or doesn't want to be asked questions

I hate people using this condition as an excuse for their bad performance/behaviour or to hide behind. I work with at least one person that I know who genuinely has anxiety and depression. I know this because I have see her have a panic attack at work and my heart went out to her as I used to have them too. There are probably loads more people suffering but are too scared to let on incase it affects their promotion. However, the no negativity/fake anxiety crew are busy protecting and promoting themselves!!!!
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Do they share to much ? Is it a ‘trend now ‘ to have a mental health condition

Who is good
Who is bad

Discuss please
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