Well someone asked if he’d killed anyone and his response was “I haven’t killed anyone where’s that come from.”
I love how the story starts with ‘I was turning into a teenager’, but it happened when he was 8That video is gold, so much to dissect, it was a Saturday, no Sunday, I don’t know what day it was actually but he was taking me to school. When he said he doesn’t think Sid was even drunk does that mean she regularly gets tit faced and send him nasty messages? As soon as the tears dry up I can’t afford to go out Saturday beauts. Argh can’t abide that boy.
Yay i’m not blocked from this account !!! Shame i missed last nights antics though
He’s sitting explaining how he killed his mums boyfriend, crying away, and bleeping “Roll over Beethoven“ is playing in the background.For the fallen & sleeping beauts. Marcus reveals the “truth” about Andy - stream 16/09
It does explain a lot about why he’s so messed up, hardly sounds like he’s had a loving, supportive upbringingI've always hated Sid, she did a tit job of providing for a child with disabilities but my god if the bones of that video are to be believed she's an utter monster. Who blames a literal child for running around when an adult has a heart attack near them? I'm sure he was a right stress but you still can't blame a child for someone's death. She's such a cruel witch. I felt so bad for him in that video, sitting there crying, he's never had any support from her and I bet she's always resented him. She just sees him as a drinking partner