Lydia Millen #172 Baiting Nicky and collecting her "Royal" Rover, her hair's fried and her career is over

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I could be wrong but I can’t recall the scarves being paired onto the dresses but I can recall them on top of the trench coats .
Hate to break it to Lydia but the trim on the gilets isn’t made from leather it’s fake 😂 am biting tongue 😛
She says that the idea to tie the two scarfs together came from Jade. Well, it looks as if that's correct but Jade didn't wear them over a white shirt dress....

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Its a very clever handbag, it always knows where the camera is and which way to face
It’s just like Meghan Markle in that way! 🤣😂
So I'm Northamptonshire born and bred, I moved north for a bit but returned recently.

They show nothing of it. The area the Millen Morons live has some great places to visit/eat, yet all they show is the same field and walk for a pub crawl. They don't eve showcase the pubs they visit (of which I know well). South Northamptonshire has always been a bit nicer with Towcester etc, but again... Nothing but the same old (although now nothing!)

I know the north/west of Northamptonshire like the back of my hand. Which réservoir is nice for a stroll, where the best bakery is, all the farm shop locations, owners of pubs/business etc because I became a regular! It really pisses me off that they show nothing of the area they live. Sure, support those big corporate businesses when they pay up Lidl. But what about your local shops and pubs??
Isn’t Althorp, the home of Princess Diana, in Northamptonshire? She never mentions that.
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So confused… surely if you are invited to an event and sent clothes prior to the event, the idea is you wear the items … not even a try on of the skirt?!
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So confused… surely if you are invited to an event and sent clothes prior to the event, the idea is you wear the items … not even a try on of the skirt?!
Typical lidl! Didn’t get the memo, didn’t understand the brief. Always all about her and her bloody crap( birkin, sheet/tit dress…)
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Does anyone wonder why she doesn’t see her younger sister or hang out with her so know she’s a lot younger than her
yes! She keeps very quiet about her. She’s probably embarrassed of her or something. Or Lidl has deemed that she doesn’t fit in with her ‘rich’ aesthetic so keeps her out of the picture, much like her mum.
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So after the pretentious costumes on socials and at Cheltenham, it's tracksuit bottoms for him, and a dressing gown to eat pizza for her, any old dressing gown will do.
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So after the pretentious costumes on socials and at Cheltenham, it's tracksuit bottoms for him, and a dressing gown to eat pizza for her, any old dressing gown will do.
I bet this is how she is unless shes making a vlog
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It’s just like Meghan Markle in that way! 🤣😂

Isn’t Althorp, the home of Princess Diana, in Northamptonshire? She never mentions that.
Did you call me, Hunny Bunny? 🥰

Btw… what the actual F happened to Carrie??! 🫣


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It’s just like Meghan Markle in that way! 🤣😂

Isn’t Althorp, the home of Princess Diana, in Northamptonshire? She never mentions that.
Don't think it is open to the general public or is part of it open sometimes?. I didn't think it was,,,
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Lydia doesn’t follow travel bloggers but she should to know how to do her job properly. Her plumped up nose is MASSIVE. Such a bad look.
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She says that the idea to tie the two scarfs together came from Jade. Well, it looks as if that's correct but Jade didn't wear them over a white shirt dress....

View attachment 2043677
Ohh I see what Lydia was trying to do. Being a Fashion victim. If you find an outfit idea, you try it and look yourself at the mirror. If you look ridiculous you just don't leave your house dressing like that. I mean... is obvious, isn't it?

I saw on IG this girl (don't know who she is. Saw it on an account /modelroyalofficial ). But I think that belt over a few layers can work with the right elements. Not whatever with whatever. Oh Lydia! I actually wonder what the he&% is Karen Millen / Holland Cooper people thinking on working with Lydia?

Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-20 a la(s) 17.25.28.png
Captura de Pantalla 2023-03-20 a la(s) 17.25.31.png
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I bet she talking about her paternal grandfather, the one she pretends was a wealthy industrialist
For all the nice cars/bags/designer goods/homes abroad etc bragged about by Elsie this family purportedly failed to support homeless family members…who chose to buy designer bags instead of pay rent…
Someone here said she bagged a free wedding so she saved her parents a fortune…
Just for the record I dont think it’s ever occurred to me to talk about my grandparent‘s cars, designer bags or holiday homes. I was wondering if anyone else thinks to do that? I think of happy family occasions from the past but don’t know what handbag or car were used on the day. I find this so odd.
Something makes me think Lydia will still attend Josies wedding. A bit like how Claire attended hers even though they weren’t really good friends anymore but the invitation had already been sent and RSVP’d too.

Lydia attended Frows and they hadn’t been friends for that long (Lydia only became friends with her to get an invite)

Lydia attended part of Robins even though they weren’t actual friends

Lydia will attend Josies if she has been invited as she wouldn’t not miss the opportunity.

Josie does have balls but I’m not sure if they are quite big enough to rescind an invite. Plus Charlie and Ali were good friends.
Lips Gordon will go but Elsie will sadly have a previous gig she simply must do as she doesn’t want to let anyone down. 😴😴😴
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For all the nice cars/bags/designer goods/homes abroad etc bragged about by Elsie this family purportedly failed to support homeless family members…who chose to buy designer bags instead of pay rent…
Someone here said she bagged a free wedding so she saved her parents a fortune…
Just for the record I dont think it’s ever occurred to me to talk about my grandparent‘s cars, designer bags or holiday homes. I was wondering if anyone else thinks to do that? I think of happy family occasions from the past but don’t know what handbag or car were used on the day. I find this so odd.
Yep. My dad is from real generational wealth. He has never talked about it to anyone except the odd comment about maybe summer on the cape. He’s very humble and typical non showy old money. (The money dwindles over the generations so we are pretty normal now but blessed to have some money to pass down for kids education).

I have inherited quite a lot of treasures but it does not occur to me to brag about them to others like you say.

It’s ok for her to share a love of cars with her dad and even be excited to be in a RR Ghost. My sons and their father and grandfathers are extremely into cars and bond over it.

It’s just the WAY she talks about it that’s so strange and not healthy IMO
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She only started to talk to her family again just when she got all the money to show of. When she goes to visit her family she wears the most luxury items (not her Amazon confy clothes) just to brag about things she now have (and they can't afford).

The only reason she accepted the Elizabeth Arden campaing this year is cause she has not many brands interested on her. (I'm still waiting the Savoy thing makes more demage to her career).
Yes I think that’s spot on.
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A visit to Cheltenham races and now she says it’s up there with Ascot. It’s a real life Mrs Bucket. Note the new hand gestures and weird top lip action…..she’s well up Smees arse….
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