For anyone who is new to this thread and wants the read the previous
I've moved this to 'quieter' threads as I felt 'influencer' was a bit of a misnomer As you were people :)
TL;DR from the last thread / a summary of the last few days.
This week Lucy begged her "community group" (read: sheeple) for reviews to be put onto trustpilot. Most people continued to lick her
hole til it sparkled, obviously, because they're brainwashed and think Lucy is their best friend. However some people told the truth; that the leggings have declined in quality, that the community group on Facebook is worryingly cult like, and that you get better leggings cheaper elsewhere. They also said Lucy constantly whines about how hard her life is and that's shes unprofessional as
Lucy then had a tantrum because of the complaints that she's unprofessional on social media (because of course her life is so hard and she's entitled to complain - obviously millions of pounds of turnover from selling cheap leggings at premium prices hasn't stopped her from being an insecure whiny little
She's now "taking a step back" i.e. Still posting but under their business page instead of her profile.
Her cult followers are crying that "Lucy has gone", saying "We miss you Lucy" blah blah blah. I expect within a couple of weeks she'll be back complaining about having to do a full day of work and once again I bet her cult people will have a whip round and send pizza to HQ.