Livia / alwayshungry

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So there is Livia aka alwayshungry. Very problematic foodie, has cheat days every week and it is fairly certain she doesn't even actually eat the stuff she shows. Has a boyfriend Nate who was a YouTuber before her. I find them both to be quite toxic to each other and enable this food focused thing.

Anyone watch her, opinions?
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Definitely very disordered. Whether she actually swallows the food or not (suspicious jump cuts), the way she shovels it in and continues eating things even after she says she doesn't like them is concerning. Suppose it's to be expected when she lives on lettuce 6 days a week though. I'm surprised she's still making videos, given how much she gets called out in the comment section. She's not fooling anyone.
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I used to enjoy her videos but now they are same old. Weirdly the only time I was interested in her and Nate was when it was rumoured she hooked up with one of his pals, her cheat days weren't just about food for a while... ;)
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Up on this thread.

This girl is seriously problematic af. Her hair got all frizzy and she looks unhealthy these days. Greg Doucette recently called her out but she still keeps on making toxic videos. I'm just amazed how she is still "haters gonna hate" on her channel and instagram.
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She is eating less, only doing taste tests and some donuts. Wonder if keeping her weight low got too difficult.
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She said she has lost some weight. I really hope she starts to eat more and normalizes her relationship with food.
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She said she's quitting her cheat day videos
Best case scenario, she has adopted a more balanced diet, but it seems more likely that she's fallen back into restriction too hard to even justify cheat days anymore :cautious:
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Best case scenario, she has adopted a more balanced diet, but it seems more likely that she's fallen back into restriction too hard to even justify cheat days anymore :cautious:
Yeah I see that being the case; she was complaining about the carb content in most pasta sauces and saying how great it was that she found a low carb one in Trader Joe's soooo....
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As per her latest "what I eat" video, she might be eating more (still some suspicious cuts) but damn, she is overexercising.

Did Nate move to Miami with her or are they over?
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She was undereating for most of the day, only picking low cal things, body checking to the max... Crazy. Not at all a healthy mind it feels like. And she has lost so much weight... I watched only until after lunch though, will check the rest of the video after work today.

Dunno about her and Nate but it seems suspicious.
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the nut butter with sweetener on :sick: the most depressing video i have watched of hers
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Ugh, that was really sad. And very telling that she was struggling to eat egg whites and a rice cake. I almost feel like if she was just honest with her viewers about lying about cheat days and now needing to recover from her eating disorder she would receive better feedback and support
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On another another note, aside from flying cross country in a pandemic just to hang out with Megan McCullom, it doesn't seem likely that she quarantined for 10 days, as per California guidelines.
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Honestly this was so freaking disordered. Also I bet my head she actually didn't eat anything with friends. I am almost over my ED and she literally remembers and repeats everything she has eaten and always mentions it, this is a sign of foot guilt. She has such a fucked up relationship with food, probably one of the worst food youtubers ever.
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On another another note, aside from flying cross country in a pandemic just to hang out with Megan McCullom, it doesn't seem likely that she quarantined for 10 days, as per California guidelines.
obviously she hasn't rules don't apply to influencers it seems :rolleyes:
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