Oh 10000% with bells and knobs and everything else on I agree.Being in an abusive relationship is so incredibly complex, there’s a reason why women go back to their abusers and not the police. There’s a reason why so many women try to get cases dropped and often then end up dead.
If she didn’t go to the police I wouldn’t be surprised, there’s a huge stigma and shame around it, she may not of even realised fully the level of abuse there was.
But stigma and shame doesn't really apply to writing a whole book, and then doing podcasts or lives.
She has a position that most abuse victims could only dream of in terms of her privilege, but also her ability to help others with her reach.
One simple statement rather than a whole speculative book would have achieved the same, and do the cease and desist at the same time, make it clear you're following the correct legal channels, and for any further comments please see my legal team etc, which I think essentially ended up being near enough her representatives statement by the time of the cease and desist anyway?
Luckily she seems to have been largely left alone now bar some bizarre TikToks including her with Beyonce or Roger or something, and I hope it stays that way, she's said her piece, he's dead, maybe Teardrops was his apology maybe it wasn't.
She's young still and maybe in 20 years time she'll wish she hadn't worn her heart on her sleeve in such a public way.
I still stand by though that any adult involved anywhere with any of them at that point had a safeguarding duty to that little boy over anything, and it's just so absolutely effing tit that he's the one who's lost out essentially all along, and the only person who could have made that right can no longer do so.
Honestly, I lost a parent around his age, and myself and any others who've experienced the same wish that Liam understood none of it was worth it, not the music, the girls, the fame, the money, the substances and the only temporary fix that provides, only him and B mattered.
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