Kav and the City

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She's hilarious isn't she. Very dry sense of humour and her lifestyle is amazing! Woypd love to see her wedding dress.
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Yeah I’m looking forward to seeing some wedding photos!
I think she earns a lot herself, and so does he. He runs a make up company I think? Eyelashes or something?
I don’t know why but I had it in my head that Kav was in PR. Either way she’s ace. I’d love a night out drinking with her 😂
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I don’t follow her but I think the money comes from her partner Keith....

I think she earns more money then he does. She has a pretty high powered job in marketing, I think she’s a director. Her engagement ring is quite small when you consider the amount of designer she buys for herself.

Also a lot of her trips and first class flights are through work she said once. She’ll be racking up some hardcore air miles that can’t hurt
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Thoughts?? She's beautiful. Stunning. Perfect figure. What does she do for a living?
She’s an escort that has bounced around a few agencies and now only has selected private clients who pay her direct. Pretty sure she makes more than him and pretty sure he knows about it.
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