Katie Price #8 Her latest adventures, with a new set of dentures!

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Her pregnancy and birth with Jett was always a huge mystery.

From what I remember, she, unusually for her, kept her bump covered with looser clothing and an array of long scarves and wouldn't divulge the due date/ month when asked. Apparently she suffered an awful pregnancy, put loads more weight on than she usually does in pregnancy, suffered from anaemia and low platelets but still decided to go on a driving holiday (the pink horsebox iirc) to an undisclosed country where the medical staff didn't speak English (according to the stories she sold to the press and mags) near her due date, then sufferered complications whilst there and Jett was born by emergency C-section with Krayon not being allowed to witness the birth . He weighed (imo) a quite decent weight for an 8 week premature baby (5.5lb).

Tattlers discuss! ( until the next nauseating pics appear of them in the DM/Sun/IG)
Oh god yeah I remember that 😳 Then kieran gave that interview saying that he didn't know if jet was his but that he didn't want to know & would explain to him when he was older 😳 Didn't he do a test also??

I'm convinced they must have. But due to data protection/privacy laws/injunctions it's not public knowledge. I'd be very surprised if she isn't being monitored by them in some way. I guess they might have been involved in some capacity when it came to custody arrangements and they (hopefully) must be quite heavily involved in Harvey's welfare.
Harvey went into a residential care home the same time the other 4 kids went to their dads to live. It was online if you Google, that a well known UK celebrity mum had had her kids taken off her...was addicted to coke & the last straw was when she'd dragged her teenage son by the hair 👍 I'd say all kids were taken off her & she's been monitored to then allow somewhat joint custody at a later date. It would explain the kids new schools, kieran refusing to let the kids go to her & Harvey being taken away
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Her pregnancy and birth with Jett was always a huge mystery.

From what I remember, she, unusually for her, kept her bump covered with looser clothing and an array of long scarves and wouldn't divulge the due date/ month when asked. Apparently she suffered an awful pregnancy, put loads more weight on than she usually does in pregnancy, suffered from anaemia and low platelets but still decided to go on a driving holiday (the pink horsebox iirc) to an undisclosed country where the medical staff didn't speak English (according to the stories she sold to the press and mags) near her due date, then sufferered complications whilst there and Jett was born by emergency C-section with Krayon not being allowed to witness the birth . He weighed (imo) a quite decent weight for an 8 week premature baby (5.5lb).

Tattlers discuss! ( until the next nauseating pics appear of them in the DM/Sun/IG)
I’m sure i read she didn’t know she was pregnant with him or Bunny until she was quite far along? She was definately not her usual OTT self during those pregnancies.

5.5lb is a fab weight for a 32 weeker !! My daughter was a 3.6lb 33 weeker
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Oh god yeah I remember that 😳 Then kieran gave that interview saying that he didn't know if jet was his but that he didn't want to know & would explain to him when he was older 😳 Didn't he do a test also??

Harvey went into a residential care home the same time the other 4 kids went to their dads to live. It was online if you Google, that a well known UK celebrity mum had had her kids taken off her...was addicted to coke & the last straw was when she'd dragged her teenage son by the hair 👍 I'd say all kids were taken off her & she's been monitored to then allow somewhat joint custody at a later date. It would explain the kids new schools, kieran refusing to let the kids go to her & Harvey being taken away
Wasn’t that blind revealed to have been referring to the actress that play played Tricia in Heartbeat?
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Kieran said in an interview he thought it was unfair she got the kids taken off her, that will be princess and junior. She 💯 lost custody, they changed schools! Because it involves children, you'll never hear the real story, until the day Princess starts writing her memoirs. She does not seem to care at all about bunny and jett, forever letting them down. Dread to think how she'd treat Cole jr/Coaletta she's way too fucked up to have more kids.
The jett birth fairy story sounds like a load of lies.
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Kieran said in an interview he thought it was unfair she got the kids taken off her, that will be princess and junior. She 💯 lost custody, they changed schools! Because it involves children, you'll never hear the real story, until the day Princess starts writing her memoirs. She does not seem to care at all about bunny and jett, forever letting them down. Dread to think how she'd treat Cole jr/Coaletta she's way too fucked up to have more kids.
The jett birth fairy story sounds like a load of lies.
Please God let them call their Maldives baby Coaletta.
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Oh god yeah I remember that 😳 Then kieran gave that interview saying that he didn't know if jet was his but that he didn't want to know & would explain to him when he was older 😳 Didn't he do a test also??

Harvey went into a residential care home the same time the other 4 kids went to their dads to live. It was online if you Google, that a well known UK celebrity mum had had her kids taken off her...was addicted to coke & the last straw was when she'd dragged her teenage son by the hair 👍 I'd say all kids were taken off her & she's been monitored to then allow somewhat joint custody at a later date. It would explain the kids new schools, kieran refusing to let the kids go to her & Harvey being taken away
It wasn't Katie, the woman in question was outed at the time, it wasn't one of the soaps I watched so I can't remember her. But there are more details of the woman in question here. She was a soap actress and had a parent who had recently passed away. The child she was seen assaulting was one of the two taken. She was outed after going on a Twitter rant, so she effectively exposed herself.

ETA - Sorry didn't see the above reply.
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Pricey,I still think though SS stepped in and kids are with their dads,whether info has been kept secretwe won’t know,courts can keep things like that out of public eye,but she definatly doesn’t have full custody.
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Her pregnancy and birth with Jett was always a huge mystery.

From what I remember, she, unusually for her, kept her bump covered with looser clothing and an array of long scarves and wouldn't divulge the due date/ month when asked. Apparently she suffered an awful pregnancy, put loads more weight on than she usually does in pregnancy, suffered from anaemia and low platelets but still decided to go on a driving holiday (the pink horsebox iirc) to an undisclosed country where the medical staff didn't speak English (according to the stories she sold to the press and mags) near her due date, then sufferered complications whilst there and Jett was born by emergency C-section with Krayon not being allowed to witness the birth . He weighed (imo) a quite decent weight for an 8 week premature baby (5.5lb).

Tattlers discuss! ( until the next nauseating pics appear of them in the DM/Sun/IG)
That was a weird thing from the get go. She was rumoured to have been shagging Gavin Henson(well, a rugger guy. Seen in a hotel with him) while shagging kieran and then within a couple of months had married kieran and had a bump in her wedding images on the beach. So there was huge speculation that the bump was the rugger guy's. I think that's why she panicked over that birth. The rugger guy was very dark skinned and dark haired so a baby with similar colouring would have people querying whether the baby was her husband's. So she claimed illness as an excuse to hide and booked the secret C section to give her time to see if the baby would be dark featured like rugger guy or fair like kieran. As it turned out Jett is fair, luckily for her. Yes she is very noncaring re Jett and I think the stress over his parentage has coloured her view of him.
Oh and when she claimed the hosp emergency dash in France she was pictured by a fan in a tesco car park with her sister so I believe she gave birth in the UK and concocted the French scenario for drama and to flog pap stories. It was never confirmed she was in france for the birth.
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Pricey,I still think though SS stepped in and kids are with their dads,whether info has been kept secretwe won’t know,courts can keep things like that out of public eye,but she definatly doesn’t have full custody.
I think it's possible. But with her lifestyle it seems just as likely that she agreed to have them live with their fathers? Maybe. If the actress could be written about in the press, albeit anonymously, why nothing about Katie? Doing coke isn't enough to have children removed, or no celebrity would have custody of their kids.

She does seem to have them flexibly, and has taken them all on holiday (and friends). You'd think if Children's Services were actively involved there would be more stringent rules in place, especially if they were deemed to be at risk enough to be removed due to her behaviour.
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Well,these days Dodgy mums still take kids on holidays,so I reckon is set up,she isn’t allowed near school where younger kids are due to her gobbing off etc..I reckon there is so much more in the background none of use know.
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Social services rarely remove kids... Where they supposed to remove them too? It's well documented that there's a major lack of Foster placements etc plus no matter how bad the parent, most kids will do better with their parents than ending up in care system. The kids still have their dads, well except poor Harvey. They poss could have been put on child protection register, which would have meant stringent measures but only for so long, they would reduce this down if she was behaving. As for drugs etc, as long as kids not in the house. Probably have to get her boyfriends police checked. We would never know about ss involvement. And pwicey would never say as sure she's the best mum Eva 🙄 from what I seen I don't think the younger 2 were allowed over nights etc poss older 2 as well. Would also explain Harvey going into residential that time. Prob why she's on so many holidays, she's got no kids with her!
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Whilst I don’t agree with the comments the woman sent Carl, how can they preach ‘Harvey’s Law’ then open this woman up to millions of followers to get hate from. Fighting hate with hate. The abuse has already started on her page from Katie’s followers, would it not of been simpler to delete and block? No instead they restrict comments so their social media following doesn’t drop 🤨
She says on her post she has had 4 kidnap threats, yet on Celebrity SAS she told Ant she had 5 kidnap threats, she can’t keep track of her lies!
I agree she should of DMd the person privately, probably kept that story to deflect from her latest bankruptcy hearing.
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She says on her post she has had 4 kidnap threats, yet on Celebrity SAS she told Ant she had 5 kidnap threats, she can’t keep track of her lies!
I agree she should of DMd the person privately, probably kept that story to deflect from her latest bankruptcy hearing.
I was just talking about that story with my neighbour. We both reckon that Katie and Carl set up that page themselves. They’re using Instagram to create stories. I saw on the Sun comments she lied about the hold up in Africa on Celebrity SAS. She really isn’t a mentally well woman at all.
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