Jo unfiltered life #2 Beggy Beggy Beggy, Can't you see, fake and trash is all you'll ever be

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I don’t understand how she’s going to make money out of the merch?!? The products have been made by small businesses who will be posting items out etc but what does jo get a cut of what is sold
I don’t understand how she’s going to make money out of the merch?!? The products have been made by small businesses who will be posting items out etc but what does jo get a cut of what is sold
I was bored so watched a part of her live. She said for a £5 scrunchie £3 would go to the maker/small business for the cost of making it. Then the profit left over would be spilt between them. So she'd get £1 from a £5 scrunchie
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So Ryan who doesn’t live there didn’t wake up this morning on time for the first day at his new job, so they had to get him a taxi as he missed his lift. Glad he can afford a taxi to work and it looks good first day at his new job waking up late! Why does she share this crap online I’ll never know
Reactions: 12
Absolutely ridiculous! Was going to say more, but I don’t think there is anything else to say…
Reactions: 2
She really annoys me with her Hello lovelies , which to me sounds like a fake welsh accent , and then goes on to speak in her normal voice. How does she afford to eat out all the time, I work 46+ hours a week and can’t eat out as much as her, benefits must be paying her well !, She really does believe she is something special …total fraud of a person
Reactions: 8
Those who need benefits get such a hard time without the likes of her adding to it. She's one of the ones who make it look like we all abuse the system.
Reactions: 10
Those who need benefits get such a hard time without the likes of her adding to it. She's one of the ones who make it look like we all abuse the system.
Yes yes she does I've had to claim when I was actually sick and I literally got £101 a week
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She says they’re blown away with the amount of orders … I was on live at 1215 and they’d had 11
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Are we supposed to feel sorry for her that she's 'never had a massage'? Because i don't most of the people i know haven't had massages because we can't afford it... i know she's talking about weight in it but honestly i also have friends and family struggling on benefits who are choosing between heating and eating... and she's not working eating out all the time and able to afford luxuries it really gives people on benefits needing help a bad rep.
Reactions: 11
Well said! I couldn't agree more!
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She’s got Ryan living there with her whilst he works full time, she claims sick, gets free nursery for her son and is nothing but a sponger!
Reactions: 8
She’s got Ryan living there with her whilst he works full time, she claims sick, gets free nursery for her son and is nothing but a sponger!
Now she is been given free false nails and is promoting them on her page …. She makes my blood boil with her stupid condescending Voice , she really thinks she is a celebrity and was telling her followers the other night not to vote for her to go to tokfest this year as she doesn’t like doing meet and greet ……. Yeah right!!! The stupid thing needs reporting to the relevant authorities
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She really needs to declare any gifted products or anything she's paid to promote with AD. So Many influencers have been fined for not doing it!
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Still saying in the comments of the sweets video Ryan doesn't live there. Yet he was there yday morning for his new job. Also he only moved out as his job was too far away but if this is new then is he closer now? How does she get away with it
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He defo lives there! If she isnt working her benefits should be covering the rent. So all the money she makes online plus Ryan's wages are a bonus. She is better off than most I know right now in the whole pandemic situation. I know people with life limiting illness and they wouldn't dream of making a go fund me for a holiday! She is a cheeky cow
Reactions: 7
I think she said he stays over on Sunday nights and someone picks him up Monday morning?

Anyway, she's just annoying

I think she said he stays over on Sunday nights and someone picks him up Monday morning?

Anyway, she's just annoying
Reactions: 1
I think she said he stays over on Sunday nights and someone picks him up Monday morning?

Anyway, she's just annoying

I think she said he stays over on Sunday nights and someone picks him up Monday morning?

Anyway, she's just annoying
Theres no way he just stays over one night I know a partner can stay over 3 nights is it but no way does he think ah I'll come for one night nah
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He was on her lives every night at like 11pm, then she read in here what we said about him living there whilst she’s claiming and Ryan now disappears and pops up on her lives a few nights a week only now to make it look legit
Reactions: 3
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