Jake Quickenden #16 Begging & buying even joining a grow Jake doesn’t care about followers don’t ya know

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Im afraid to go to bed incase i miss the moment he hits 1 mill.....i bet hes sitting up all night waiting as well . Soph probably has the balloons ready!
Reactions: 19
Im afraid to go to bed incase i miss the moment he hits 1 mill.....i bet hes sitting up all night waiting as well . Soph probably has the balloons ready!
I agree- he won't sleep at all tonight! What a crap day to hit a million though- on a Tuesday when everyone's gone back to work?! He didn't think this through. He should have had the draw yesterday then he could have milked it all day today.

He's got a nerve to even celebrate when it won't even be an authentic million, but everything about him is fake so he definitely will!
Reactions: 19
Let's be honest, we know a quarter of them are bots, he's almost permanently shadow banned, and he's the biggest cunt on SM...
Well done Jakey .as popular as a fart in a spacesuit
Reactions: 21
Let's be honest, we know a quarter of them are bots, he's almost permanently shadow banned, and he's the biggest cunt on SM...
Well done Jakey .as popular as a fart in a spacesuit
He will then say he doesn’t care if people unfollow as long as he achieved his “road to 1 million” target. Saddo Prickenden.
Reactions: 14
How has he gained 2000 in a day. Buyin bots clearly. Cos no fucker can be done with hin
It’s not even in a day It’s been 6 hours, if you believe Jake Absolute bullshit I ss his followers when he posted the giveaway & have just done it again, there’s no way on this earth he’s gained that many new followers, the cunt is deluded I won’t even be mad that he hits the million because it won’t change anything, he’ll still be a sad, desperate beggy cunt & we’ll know the truth and still get under his skin
Reactions: 15

So the cunt has somehow hid his followers?! I wonder why he’s done that. Wouldn’t be to hide all the bot accounts would it Jake? You can see here most of his new followers are Indian accounts. You can hide them all you want Jake, the truth is you’re a sad, baggy, cringey, pathetic narc wank stain who is so obsessed with followers that you literally SPEND MONEY on them. You might hit a million but you paid for them, and that really is the saddest thing of all.
Reactions: 37
I think it will be interesting to see how her account grows too and what those new accounts are. Would he be so stupid as to forget about needing to buy two lots? I can see some of whatsherfaces’s followers going along to try and win one though.
Reactions: 13
I think it will be interesting to see how her account grows too and what those new accounts are. Would he be so stupid as to forget about needing to buy two lots? I can see some of whatsherfaces’s followers going along to try and win one though.
Haha yeah, he won't have thought of that.
Reactions: 6
I’ve just checked out the photos on Sophie’s grid and Quickenden the Prickenden hasn’t liked any, am I missing something?
Reactions: 9
It still astounds me just how popular he is in India and Turkey for all these accounts to start following him when they can’t even enter the dodgy giveaway, they must really be hardcore Jake Quickenden fans
Reactions: 26
Can someone add the profile button to the wiki please? So all future banned club members can find it. I don't seem to be able to edit


Reactions: 12
So giving away two expensive air wraps has nearly worked and sure by lunch he gets to his million for at least a day .Jake you are still a cringe eye fucking self absorbed twat so enjoy Now we have a week of the ambassador’s stories to look forward to at least we will be saved from our daily soap scopes from su His teletubbie cringe outing yesterday was so set up saying to Leo is poo your favourite blah blah and then the idiot shows up in his outfit looking a prize TWAT .Hopefully he’s of to footloose today and can’t use Leo for content

No explanation needed


Reactions: 12
Ohh look they have been gifted baby organix. like they haven't been begging for it for weeks. Cant bare these companies that gift food to "influencers" when they have more than enough money to buy it. Should be getting gifted to the food banks. Hopfully thats where Sophie will take it
Reactions: 17
Do those hairdryer things not come boxed and wrapped? He must have got the ones from China!!
Reactions: 10
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