Harry & Meghan #11 You’re Muggles Now Harry!

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It’s just all gone to tit for them, hasn’t it?
Aye, well tit finds it's own level.
This is what happens when you pair off a spoiled uneducated brat with a scheming social climbing narcissist.
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Surely Canada refusing to pay for the dynamite duo's security just means we honest taxpayers definitely will :(
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Surely Canada refusing to pay for the dynamite duo's security just means we honest taxpayers definitely will :(
Call me cynical, but isn’t it just amazingly coincidental that Canada publicises they’re not going to pay for their security any longer just when it appears the house has been vacated! Doh 🤦‍♀️ Problem solved for Canada and they can pretend it was their own idea. No Canada, they fucked off to Cali. You don’t get to pretend you’ve done the world a favour. Trudeau is a twit!!!
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...........hmmmm somehow we (UK) are getting dumped on here - security bill incoming!
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I’ve just looked at the Meghan online thing as per the clip on the last thread. What a strange setup. I’m waiting to see if I’m approved for membership. 😂
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Surely Canada refusing to pay for the dynamite duo's security just means we honest taxpayers definitely will :(
Yes and that will be dealt with faster now that Canada has pulled the plug on funding them.
It MUST be addressed. The Met cops are cracking up over the pissing of millions down the drain on these lazy good for nothings. Money they cannot spare, and Charley boy will be apoplectic that they're not getting Canadian help with it.
Remove their titles entirely. As Mr & Mrs Harkle they are less of an obvious target for bad intentions and security can be vastly reduced.
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Ahh what! I posted that muggles picture on Monday! Have I been markled? 😂 😂

NEW THREAD: Thanks to @Homesweethomesweethome for the title suggestion.
Call me cynical, but isn’t it just amazingly coincidental that Canada publicises they’re not going to pay for their security any longer just when it appears the house has been vacated! Doh 🤦‍♀️ Problem solved for Canada and they can pretend it was their own idea. No Canada, they fucked off to Cali. You don’t get to pretend you’ve done the world a favour. Trudeau is a twit!!!
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here. AMAZING coincidence isn’t it 🤨
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I’ve just looked at the Meghan online thing as per the clip on the last thread. What a strange setup. I’m waiting to see if I’m approved for membership. 😂
Do you think it’s legit her though, it seems really amateurish? Mind you, why would that surprise me, but it’s grasping and needy by the look of it and trying too hard to look regal with the tiara. Is that the level she’s at, hardly groundbreaking is it. Just seems like an opportunist site.
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Someone should start an online petition into their security costs.
They probably cost more than William and Kate now that they are gadding about overseas.
They need to pay half the cost with the UK government.
Apart from the JP Morgan money and the travel agency, I wonde4 how much cash they have made? A couple of million dollars? I bet that has gone on meghan’s tax bill from flogging off her clothes and accepting back handlers.

They just disgust me.
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Do you think it’s legit her though. It seems really amateurish? Mind you, why would that surprise me, but it’s grasping and needy by the look of it and trying too hard to look regal with the tiara. Is that the level she’s at, hardly groundbreaking is it. Just seems like an opportunist site.
Yeah, looks like a clever bandwagoning scheme/scam.Making cash from the advertising and whatever items they's supposedly selling.For once I don't think bugger-lugs is involved.
It's probably someone in Nigeria. One of the many princes wot live there.🤪
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Do you think it’s legit her though, it seems really amateurish? Mind you, why would that surprise me, but it’s grasping and needy by the look of it and trying too hard to look regal with the tiara. Is that the level she’s at, hardly groundbreaking is it. Just seems like an opportunist site.
I've just done a bit of digging on that meghanonline site and found this … the domain name is up for sale for $29,744! It was registered in 2017 Info here http://whois.domaintools.com/meghanonline.com
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I've just done a bit of digging on that meghanonline site and found this … the domain name is up for sale for $29,744! It was registered in 2017 Info here http://whois.domaintools.com/meghanonline.com
Hmmmm, interesting. Was registered in California, not Nigeria 😂. Could be her, she’s tacky enough and seems to like a sideline considering how Jessica MulPHONEY is snapping up every domain name that could ever have anything to do with them. There’ll be crowns on everything 🙄
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I think if a billionaire came along,she would be off like a shot...that's how much she loves Harry
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