Anyone got any stories about this pervy twit? His time is coming.
I feel bad quoting this, because I now can't find any evidence online, but wasn't there a story a few years back about him being rough with his wife (hands on her neck?) in public. I'm not confusing this with Nigella and her partner, for what it's worth.Anyone got any stories about this pervy twit? His time is coming.
Probably the BBC trying to protect them again. It’s ridiculous isn’t itHis apology said that the investigation was six years ago? Why is it only coming to light now?
No, I can't. Everything about him repulses me. He's either got a massive bank balance or a massiveSpud fondling, carrot canoodling, broccoli bothering, wrong 'un.
Can you Tattle ladies even get close to explaining what the attraction might be - to this spud headed cockwomble
Yeah, I think so too. He's done something more recently that they can't publish for whatever reason so they're dropping hints with this old story, I'm sure of it.My guess is it’s come out now because there’s another story they are baiting him with