Gabriella Lindley #19 juniper moon, business tycoon, don’t follow her account too soon

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Bit of a recap, she's starting an online shop selling tat with naff prints on that she has basically copied from others.

Calling it Juniper Moon and has been blocking everyone who attempts to follow the social media account for it.

All mixed in with the usual moaning about how awful her flat is, her apparently poor health and general unpleasantness towards people having social lives. Same old Hobby really.

Oh and Nellie is probably on his last legs because Gabby has treated him so poorly and he is unwell.

Feel free to add anything extra I've missed. I'm not deep into this thread to keep up properly.
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Bit of a recap, she's starting an online shop selling tat with naff prints on that she has basically copied from others.

Calling it Juniper Moon and has been blocking everyone who attempts to follow the social media account for it.

All mixed in with the usual moaning about how awful her flat is, her apparently poor health and general unpleasantness towards people having social lives. Same old Hobby really.

Oh and Nellie is probably on his last legs because Gabby has treated him so poorly and he is unwell.

Feel free to add anything extra I've missed. I'm not deep into this thread to keep up properly.
She pretended she was having a social media break but did anything but. She just stayed online constantly reading this thread and blocking anyone who followed her business account because they must be from tattle. “Fans” of hers are messaging her on twitter asking why they are blocked for following her account. She hasn’t replied to any of them as far as I know, apart from a couple on here saying she replied saying they shouldn’t read gossip sites, 🙄 HI GOBS! 👋
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Best thread title. Worst YouTuber/bUsInEsS wOmAn/ham muncher/irresponsible pet owner/winter baby that isn't a winter baby
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the tweets about deleting her deleting her youtube channel are pretty much routine. she always goes on and off with "absolutely loving youtube at the minute" and hating it. once she gets over her shiny new tiktok small business venture, she'll be back to vlogging.

she's talked about making a new channel so many times, but it never becomes a reality.
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I don't know what the point of a new channel would be. Dress it up in as many costumes as you want, if the content isn't fresh or different, people will still be facing Gabbie whining and lying about the silliest things.
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Bold of her to assume she'd even have any subscribers on her new channel.
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She just wants to wipe away any evidence of her being a dick online. But she would have to delete all her social media for that to happen, and she can’t delete gossip sites, so she’s fucked really! 😁
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Bold of her to assume she'd even have any subscribers on her new channel.
Bold of her to even assume people would notice her other channel is gone considering her patchy uploads and the recent "I dOn'T hAvE tO uPlOaD wItH mY mAnY iNcOmE sTrEaMs"
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Just casually mentioning that she’s off to die her hair at the end of her story 🙄 that didn’t take long
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So in her latest insta stories she said she went to the doctor because she's worried about some changes to her boobs. Honestly completely fair, like I'm going to say that's a better safe than sorry situ.

She ended the story saying she's going to dye her hair though! I thought she loved being "blonde"!
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