Yeah I get that vibe from her too. I have nothing personal against her but when you're trying so hard be up there with the popular blogging mums, people find it a turn off and eventually lose interest.She’s ok but it’s very obviously that she’s desperate to make blogging pay so will accept any job
I hate it when accounts do this! So so annoyingI used to like her. We're a similar age, both parents, she crochets too. Or at least used to.
A while back, she followed me on Instagram. I thought she only followed other bloggers and companies so I was a little chuffed. Then a few days later, she followed me again. I realised she'd unfollowed me, and refollowed. I thought it was an accident, so I messaged her to say hi and ask about something she'd mentioned on her stories that day. She sent back a brief reply, thought nothing of it until I noticed she had unfollowed me again. A few days later another Instagram account I manage had a follow from Lyndsay. And another follow two days later.
I really thought she was genuine, including how she gets her followers, but this follow/unfollow/notice me bullshit really rustles my jimmies.
Bloggers really do flog everything these days!Flogging beans now ffs![]()
I didn't see it, had to unfollow because I felt so much cringe watching her stories and seeing her posts, it's so obvious she wants to make it big as a blogger. what did she do in her stories?Anyone else see her stories about the Heinz Beanz factorySTOP IT Fizzy Peaches please!
Block herI used to like her. We're a similar age, both parents, she crochets too. Or at least used to.
A while back, she followed me on Instagram. I thought she only followed other bloggers and companies so I was a little chuffed. Then a few days later, she followed me again. I realised she'd unfollowed me, and refollowed. I thought it was an accident, so I messaged her to say hi and ask about something she'd mentioned on her stories that day. She sent back a brief reply, thought nothing of it until I noticed she had unfollowed me again. A few days later another Instagram account I manage had a follow from Lyndsay. And another follow two days later.
I really thought she was genuine, including how she gets her followers, but this follow/unfollow/notice me bullshit really rustles my jimmies.
I've unfollowed her too after that last one. Basically a video of her and the kiddies at a beans factory absolutely raving about how you can get your name on a tin. It was all AD work but this is what twists my melons about these 'influencer' types. If you weren't getting paid you would never think "oh, let's take the babies to the beans museum" would you? And the majority of the population aren't gonna watch that and think... Can't wait to take my kids there, MUST make sure I also make everything with HEINz beans now. If they're gonna work with brands why don't they work with ones they really care about? Don't try and flog me beans and a beans factory and expect me to keep following love!I didn't see it, had to unfollow because I felt so much cringe watching her stories and seeing her posts, it's so obvious she wants to make it big as a blogger. what did she do in her stories?