FacesByGrace #13 I’ve cured my angzyahee, now to cure me itchy gee

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some do the best recap ever pleeeeeaaaase!! I love reading them they always give me a laugh because if you didn’t see half the shite firsthand you just wouldn’t believe it 😂😂
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We need to take a moment to remember poor Nelly ... Will she ever ride again? 🚲 😔 #BlazingSaddle
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I cant believe she sent Hayden in to creche when he didnt sleep from 1am to 5am! what the actual duck. So she can go and do her brows. She will reap what she sews.
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Please please please Leonie From Italy with Love , do your business a favour and stop with the free food to Grace, there are other bloggers, it's total overkill.
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So she’s going out.. earlier she was having friends over for drinks... always shady tit with grabby 🙄
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For a girl who is supposedly trying to lose weight she sure eats enough gifted food.
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The thread title, has to be the best one yet!! It's shocking, I know more about Grace's vag than I do my own🤣🤣🤣
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“Leonie from with Italy with love...” hmmm can’t remember the name of the business who gifted you all those dinners Grace 🙄
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Lads 😂 I’ve caught up finally and all I can say is what in the actual duck 😂 the cahs tail has been voodooed in zens cabin on the m50. Now i know more about graces hairy Mary than I do about my own Mary. I’m baffled like do I sense a vagifem add incoming or what is the craic OMG she will be BA for vagifem guaranteed. Honestly thought she was going to say her vag hassle corona there for a second and I was like that’s a new one 😳😂
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