Endometriosis & Adenomyosis discussion thread

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Glad to of found this thread! I have endometriosis and have had a few laparoscopies since 2015. I was so incredibly lucky to conceive my daughter after one round of fertility treatment after my last lap in 2018 but I went through so much to get to that point. Endometriosis has changed my life in ways I didn’t know it could, I’ve suffered all my life and I was constantly given different pills and meds to manage my pain and heavy periods, none worked. One night I was taken to a&e as I was bleeding so heavily and it was only then that I was finally listened too. Glad to have found other people like me, I don’t know anybody else who has endo!
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Anyone any tips on how to loose the adeno/endo belly?
I cut out gluten, reduced my dairy intake and try to exercise as and when possible! it's a constant struggle when you think you're doing everything possible and you still feel constantly bloated, swollen and just meh
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Evening ladies, desperately looking for your opinion and advice.
I am at breaking point. My periods are horrendous due to bladder, pelvic and bowel serverly affected by lesions, scars, endo etc.
I am bed bound, I faint with pain, I pass stools with blood etc Then ovulation is utterly miserable I feel like I have the flu, I am exhausted, sick, migraine the lot.

After trying to conceive for over a year we've given up, I need to put my health first.
I have decided to go back on the depo contraception jab

I went to get it today but stupidly didn't realise I could have unprotected sex before getting it - my fault. I've built it up so much, to decide not to continue to TTC and give up and just accept this is it. I have been so so unwell and disabled I couldn't wait to get it.
Lots of emotions have gone with this appointment.
However the nurse said we can't give you the depo injection and I burst into tears. It all came out, I was so mortified I just sat there and wept. I said I felt suicidal and I can't cope.
The response from the nurse was have you been to the gynaecologist? I said yes and the cruelty of telling me just get pregnant.
Any way the nurses didn't quite get it, I wasn't upset at them and the rules but they literally wanted me to out asap. They got the doctor in to tell me about fertility and how I should try
But I'm mentally, emotionally and physically done.
The doc then said 'there there' you shouldn't be in this 'state' (I just quietly cried).
The nurse then said 'i get it I'm a woman'.....wtf, wtf!!!! I'm suicidal over this and they chose to ignore.me.

Anyhow they decided to give me the morning after pill and then I can come back to get the depo once I prove I'm not pregnant.

So this is my question. I am not pregnant, I know this.

Ovulation and on my period ruin my life.
I have just stopped ovulation 2 days ago.

So do I take the morning after pill now? Or do I wait and save it for my period or save it for when I ovulate later next month?
Basically the pill stops ovulation so if I take it
around my ovulation it'll hopefully stop the
Severe symptoms that I dread every month.
Or do I take it now in the hope I get a 'period' quickly and so can get the depo injection asap....but that might not work as it doesn't always induce a period.

What do I do? Sorry for the very long post
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@Inforapenny The morning after pill only works for 48 hours after sex.

Sorry you’ve not got any support from the doctors/nurses. It’s so hard! Whereabouts are you based? Perhaps someone could recommend a good specialist for you who will actually listen.
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I just don't know whether to bother to take it now - I don't mind getting pregnant
But do I save it for when I am ovulating to ease the symptoms?

I'm in the Suffolk/Norfolk region x
@Inforapenny I don’t think it will help with ovulation. But if you don’t mind being pregnant then don’t take it at all.

Are you in your local Endometriosis UK support group on facebook? They’re really helpful. Also do you think you could get a referral to Ipswich or Colchester because there are good specialists.
Honestly if you feel suicidal you need to get some professional help or talk to someone who can listen without judgement. X
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it's been a long time since anyone posted on here, so I thought I'd check in with the fellow endo sufferers and see how everyone is doing?
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That's awful. Could they not have done a preg test there? I know some do.
I’m trying to decide whether I want a bowel excision given the risk of illeostomy or whether I’d rather just put up with ongoing symptoms.
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I’m trying to decide whether I want a bowel excision given the risk of illeostomy or whether I’d rather just put up with ongoing symptoms.
what are your symptoms like on a day-to-day basis? how do you tend to manage them?
it's been a long time since anyone posted on here, so I thought I'd check in with the fellow endo sufferers and see how everyone is doing?
I’m in a bit of a limbo land at the mo I think - am 4 months post laparoscopy and excision where they removed various endo adhesions and also diagnosed adeno. And I’m 6 weeks into my first ever Mirena coil, I wasn’t keen but once the operation was done I gave in and decided to try it and see how it goes for controlling future pain. So it’s been a few months of healing, and now am waiting for the coil to fully settle - my GP said for endo pain it can take 6-12 months to really help. However I was taking the pill back to back previously and I definitely feel better being off that, those hormones were crazy! Still getting pain flares though, which is disheartening. At this point (40) I’m literally praying for an early menopause to kick in!!
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i'm taking a pill at the moment, and although it has helped with some (not all) of the pain it's done nothing for my self esteem. I just feel fat, bloated, swollen and sore almost everyday! Hope you start to feel better soon
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i'm taking a pill at the moment, and although it has helped with some (not all) of the pain it's done nothing for my self esteem. I just feel fat, bloated, swollen and sore almost everyday! Hope you start to feel better soon
Can i ask where you feel your pain and to what extent ?
Can i ask where you feel your pain and to what extent ?
lower belly, feels like a stitch but also heavy and like something is weighing me down and in my lower back and sometimes middle back, just feels sharp and uncomfortable. I used to get really bad pain in my groin and legs, that just made it impossible to walk/sleep/sit because every position was difficult but that has stopped since i started taking the pill.
Thanks. Exactly the same for me. Ive never spoken to any doctor or anything about it. I went back on the pill too, it has helped a bit
Oh god, am in the middle of a family day out and a flare up has just started out of the blue I hate how this controls my life! I felt ok this morning and stupidly didn’t bring any of my usual bits (strong painkillers, TENS machine) so it’s really caught me out. It’s literally like a hot poker going up through my cervix and intense cramps across my lower back, back of legs and stomach
Sorry to moan, just I know people will understand here and so many others just think it’s period pain!!!
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