Emma Bailey (myprettymummy)

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This one’s always going on about getting bullied in the days where she was part of Channel Mum. Can anyone enlighten me on this?

(I’ve missed this because I didn’t really follow any mums until I became one!)

She had a hiatus where she got a job as a teaching assistant but it seems she’s quit and come back to Instagram / vlogging.
I remember. When CM was still quite a new thing, she was sected as one of their initial mums but she left after a while because it was making her unhappy.

She's had a lot of coming and going from blogging/vlogging over the years.

I think she was trying for a third baby for a while too?
Her writing style is naff and cliched “a little town called London”

Mod edit locking as it's a small account so off limits for here.
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