Doctor Who

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[i didn’t see a thread so if there is one, I’m sorry!]

...anybody watching?

I have loved Doctor Who for a majority of my childhood, I grew up on Chris Eccleston/David Tennant/Matt Smith. David Tennant & Ten will always and forever be MY Doctor. I want so, so badly to like thirteen but I’m finding it so hard. I think it’s the stories - I just switch off halfway through. The writing is abysmal, seeing Bradley Walsh throws me off cos I keep thinking he’s going to start spouting off about The Chase, and it feels wrong Damn it. On Sunday afternoons on the tv channel Watch they do re-runs of 9/10/11 and it’s BRILLIANT. Was watching them this afternoon and loved them. The tone just feels really different somehow, quicker and just more fun 🤷🏻‍♀️

BUT, the parts I DO see, I have enjoyed. The Master - brilliant, and he’s fit, I have a crush. The Cybermen... my biggest DW fear is the cybermen, and watching them tonight was genuinely the first time since David Tennant that I got that sickly butterfly feeling in my stomach! And the cliffhangers!
Chris Chibnall feels like he’s good at writing twists... but not much else 😆

still mourning the Tenth Doctor
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Love this thread! Thanks for making it.

I think we have a lot in common as I also grew up watching the new series (I say grew up,
I was 15 when it came back in 2005 but those latter teens are pretty formative years)
I was also absolutely in love with David tennant and his doctor. However, in recent years I’ve come to a conclusion no one who knew me back then would believe, and I actually prefer 11! Don’t get me wrong, I adore both. And it might partly be down to the production values and lots of the writing improving when Stephen moffat came onboard (tho I will always love RTD and all
He did. But there was a lot of slightly dodgy, budget saving moments. Which I know is what doctor who is about but still)
But Matt smith also had something in his performance that was so charming, so eccentric, so brilliant. You really could believe he was very old while also seeming very young, that he was so intelligent, damn even that he had 2 hearts! All that i would say for DT too... but Matt smith somehow more. And I was DEVASTATED when DT left and bemused when MS was first introduced “who the hell is this guy.” But Moffat took a risk with him and he made the right call...: from 11’s. very first line “can I have an Apple?” I thought “ooh this guy is good....”

I have more thoughts about 12 and 13 (not as positive) but will add later.
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I‘m surprised there wasn’t one already!
I really enjoy eleven, it took me AGES to finally give in and watch eleven, but I do enjoy his episodes. I think his bouncy goofiness put me off a bit initially. It felt like Smith was trying to go for DT’s vibes at first and me, mourning DT, was having NONE of it. I also really struggle with Moffat’s style of interconnecting all the plot into a nice bow (like when he carried River Song’s storyline through from S4 to S5...) ... can’t deal with stuff that makes me sit and think 😂

I just, ahhhhh, I dunno, I wanna sit down and really love Doctor Who again, nine, ten, eleven all manage it. Twelve and thirteen, the wheels came off, although Capaldi was stellar imo :D
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RTD who was the best who imo. Ecclestone is my doctor 🥰 I was 16 when it started so Nine was my first doctor if you will! what an impact in just one series. Would have given anything for a couple more series with Nine and Rose I thought they had such great chemistry.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Ten but I LOVED series 4 with Donna. An amazing friendship written well. Her ending though 😭

I lost interest after Matt Smiths first series it just didn’t have that fun anymore for me. Moffat is such a show off and I didn’t enjoy a lot of his writing. Some stuff was good of course but I just longed for the silliness of RTD Who.
Loved Rose a lot and Martha too! Martha was let down by some bad writing though. She was an awesome force but the character was poorly written and she was treated like tit by Ten a lot of the time poor gal.

Didn’t watch Peter Capaldis purely because I couldn’t stand Clara as companion.

Saw Jodie’s first series and I think she’s bloody superb. Must catch up on the new episodes.

Anyone a Torchwood fan? IPlayer has every episode currently! Working my way through and bloody loving it. Used to be obsessed with it and had forgotten how enjoyable it is.
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Interesting... we are the same age but have very different perspectives! I did love 9, and will always have a soft spot for him as my first doctor. “If you’re an alien why do you sound like you’re from the north?” “Lots of planets have a north.” 💚

As with 10 to 11 I was initially very unhappy about eccelston’s regeneration. I didn’t like DT at all at first ... that changed quickly tho, by the end of ‘the Christmas invasion’ pretty much. (“Don’t you think she looks tired?” Genius !)

I agree that Moffat went too far with trying to be clever and turned things into a confusing mess by the end of his tenure. Episodes like ‘blink’ and ‘the girl in the firelplace’ were so brilliant but I think fuelled his ego that by the time he took over he was obsessed with doing things that way - to summarise that way in four made up words: “wibbly wobbly timey wimey”
That said there were some great episodes. Series 5’s entire arc and finale - yes it was complicated but still enjoyable at that point. All the stuff with the pandorica and stone henge. I also loved the silence and the episodes in America I thought they were brilliant, and terrifying.
I even enjoyed the melody pond / river song twist. By then I was in my early 20’s and not keeping up with all the fan theories etc so genuinely didn’t see it coming!

It kind of lost its way by ‘the angels take Manhattan’ - I don’t think the angels should ever have returned at all, just wasn’t ever necessary and too much of a good thing.
11’s last episode was pretty disappointing. I don’t remember that much, just that he had a long indulgent Moffat speech, and it was a let down.

I never got into peter capaldi. And I tried, on the basis I hadn’t liked either of the past two at first. Lots of people say he was let down by writing, which is probably true. But tbh I also think he just didn’t have the charisma and spark to be the doctor, something was missing. I know he’s a lifelong fan and a lovely bloke. it’s a shame. But that’s how I felt. I dipped in and out during those years.

When Jodie Whittaker was announced my interest was peaked of course. The backlash online was so pathetic I really wanted it to be good. But what I saw of her first series (lost track of numbers) was just terrible. The writing seemed to take a back seat to the ‘moralising’ - and don’t get me wrong im not one of those keyboard warriors hating any hint of equality. Far from it. But I felt this just fuelled their arguments because it was so weak.( I watched 2 or 3 episodes)

I did still dutifully return for the new years special, because the James Bond thing looked good, plus Stephen fry ! And actually, I loved it. Such an improvement.
I haven’t watched any more of the series tho, not yet. I did see something about a black female doctor on an alternate timeline?
I’m sure certain corners of the internet went into meltdown but I’d need to watch it to see if it worked. Maybe I’ll start the new series now actually....
I need to watch torchwood - I was so young when it came out that it was a bit too raunchy for me! Stuck to the Sarah jane adventures! 😂 from what I’ve seen it looks amazing though, with that same feel as early newWho (well it was written at the same time by the same team so that’s why I guess 🙈)

I loved capaldi as the Doctor, but I didn’t like the stories he was given, I think he was a victim of poor writing. :( he seems lush in himself too though! I really want to meet him one day 🥰

The older ones are in a compilation on britbox as well I think so I really want to give them a crack! I only saw one old episode, it had the cybermen in, they were somehow even more terrifying 😬
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I need to watch torchwood - I was so young when it came out that it was a bit too raunchy for me! Stuck to the Sarah jane adventures! 😂 from what I’ve seen it looks amazing though, with that same feel as early newWho (well it was written at the same time by the same team so that’s why I guess 🙈)

I loved capaldi as the Doctor, but I didn’t like the stories he was given, I think he was a victim of poor writing. :( he seems lush in himself too though! I really want to meet him one day 🥰

The older ones are in a compilation on britbox as well I think so I really want to give them a crack! I only saw one old episode, it had the cybermen in, they were somehow even more terrifying 😬
Get on it! It’s all on iPlayer right now. Yes series 1 and 2 have very new who vibes just more adult. Series 3 is a HUGE shift in tone from the first two series but amazing television. Series 4 we will not mention I like to imagine it never happened 😂

but 1-3 are amazing you will love it I guarantee.
Oh I was not a fan of torchwood at all... it was at the height of doctor who mania and the bbc would commission anything with a vague connection and RTD as exec producer...he’s mentioned himself how he had about 6 shows on the go at one time, all of which he had to personally sign off on...
Anyway torchwood felt like the supporting cast of an average doctor who episode were given their own show (so lots of dodgy acting) but then sex and swearing was stuck on top. It was very contrived and cringey. And it was frustrating because ‘doctor who for grown ups’ isn’t a bad idea in theory - but the best episodes of doctor who are down to the strong writing. A well written spin off with darker themes and some adult elements when relevant would have been far more satisfying.

THAT SAID they did one amazing long running story , was that s3? Hold on going to look it up...yes s.3 the mini series ‘miracle day.’ As above poster said, a change of tone which worked for me. This had the strong writing I wanted all along. I don’t remember the details but I do remember being pleasantly surprised and eagerly awaiting each new episode. I’m going to re watch it on iplayer soon to see if I feel the same way ten years later.

And series 4... well it seems at least we agree on one thing @hrh89 ... I recall it being some of the worst tv I’d ever seen... to the point of humour ... and back again to basically unwatchable. Approach with caution!
I haven’t watched any of the Thirteenth Doctor stories but I made a promise to myself I’ll watch this one because I am bleeping terrified of the cybermen so the episodes feel more fun then 😂 (well that and last weeks cliffhanger!) I have to say I really love Sacha Dhawan as the Master, he feels like the best casting decision they’ve made in ages!

Something I’ve noticed though - I think it’s the pacing I struggle with. It feels so slow, like the characters sit around and chat separate from the action, whereas they should be in between it!

It makes me worry for future Who tbh, I don’t see it lasting beyond Jodie. I don’t know why I just have this feeling it’ll go on hiatus again after her run ends. and if it doesn’t I don’t see it getting that spark back that it had initially. 😬

Also I’m pretty sure Chibnall has just rewritten the entire canon of the show? Not sure how I feel about that? 🤨
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I had to wade through a lot of threads to find this one.
I am old enough to remember Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker as The Doctor. Although I wasn't an avid viewer of the show, I still enjoyed it from time to time. I never saw any of the episodes with Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor. Then it was cancelled.
I was really pleased when they rebooted the series back in 2005, Christopher Eccleston was an excellent Doctor. Russel Davies did a brilliant job, of bringing the Doctor to a modern audience. Brilliant stories, well acted with memorable characters, it was a recipe for success. It is a pity that Christopher Eccleston only stayed for one series. But David Tennant was a fantastic replacement.
Matt Smith was an interesting choice to play the Doctor, his first two series were good. But somewhere along the way, the rot was setting in. I didn't really take to Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, really good actor though.
I am a little old school where the Doctor is concerened, he should be played by a man. So when Jodie W was announced as the new Doctor, I inwardly groaned. As it turned out she was alright, it is just a pity that the last two series stank, mostly down to the dreadful writing. I quite like the other actress who plays the Doctor, she has the gravitas for the role. It is a pity she was so underused.
So now we have come full circle, Doctor Who has become unwatchable because of the preaching and undermining of the history of the show. It might be on the brink of being cancelled again. What a way to treat a much loved character.
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I was about to start a new thread for Doctor Who but then I discovered this one!

Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall are both leaving in 2022:

I have to admit I'm quite excited - I think Jodie has been great but Chris is nowhere near the genius of either RTD or Stephen Moffat, so this era has fallen a bit flat for me. Having said that, I didn't enjoy Peter Capaldi's last two series much either. Any guesses as to next showrunner / Doctor?

(I feel bad for admitting this, but I'd kind of like a male Doctor again...)
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Chris Chibnall has been nothing but a major disappointment. And he has let Jodie down. The flaws with her Doctor are entirely down to the poor scripts she has had to deal with.

I want a return to the vibes of early New Who. Russell T. Davies just gave the show a real magic. Even side characters had an arc and development. People like Jackie Tyler, Martha's family, Donna's family. Those vibes haven't been there since.

Everything felt more natural, the jokes felt more natural (and I will forever Stan Jackie Tyler for thinking the Doctor was asking about the Eastenders storyline in Army of Ghosts in series 2) , the stories were generally better.
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Chris Chibnall has been nothing but a major disappointment. And he has let Jodie down. The flaws with her Doctor are entirely down to the poor scripts she has had to deal with.

I want a return to the vibes of early New Who. Russell T. Davies just gave the show a real magic. Even side characters had an arc and development. People like Jackie Tyler, Martha's family, Donna's family. Those vibes haven't been there since.

Everything felt more natural, the jokes felt more natural (and I will forever Stan Jackie Tyler for thinking the Doctor was asking about the Eastenders storyline in Army of Ghosts in series 2) , the stories were generally better.
completely agree with you nothing beats the RTD era for me. It was so full of life and absolute fun! I miss those days. A bit camp, a bit cheesy, but so full of heart and joy.

It’s such a bleeping shame the first time we have a female doctor and it doesn’t live up to what we had hoped. Gutted for Jodie she is an amazing actor and I think she was a great fit for the role but the writing is dire and the companions are weak
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Chris Chibnall has been nothing but a major disappointment. And he has let Jodie down. The flaws with her Doctor are entirely down to the poor scripts she has had to deal with.

I want a return to the vibes of early New Who. Russell T. Davies just gave the show a real magic. Even side characters had an arc and development. People like Jackie Tyler, Martha's family, Donna's family. Those vibes haven't been there since.

Everything felt more natural, the jokes felt more natural (and I will forever Stan Jackie Tyler for thinking the Doctor was asking about the Eastenders storyline in Army of Ghosts in series 2) , the stories were generally better.
i forgot I made this thread 😆 - but I completely agree. RTD had this real talent in injecting sci-fi into the real world, if that makes sense. It was comforting to see a girl like me, working class council estate, on the screen… as Moffat moved into writing more and then chibnall it has become more about the sci fi. Which is no problem, as that is what DW is at its core, but it lost a bit of charm for me then
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Its good news the RTD is returning, just so long as he removes all the elements that made it unwatchable. It is disheartening to hear that he admires Chris Chibnall, the man that ruined the show.
RTD is the best chance at reviving this show. He knows how to make it work. So I have all my fingers desperately crossed. I really need Doctor Who to be good again.
I am so, so glad RTD is returning. He seemed to have a knack for what chibnall doesn’t which was to give characters dimension and also show diversity or education without grinding the plot to a halt to do so. It’s a shame that Jodie didn’t get to have a run under RTD as I think she would have shone
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I am so, so glad RTD is returning. He seemed to have a knack for what chibnall doesn’t which was to give characters dimension and also show diversity or education without grinding the plot to a halt to do so. It’s a shame that Jodie didn’t get to have a run under RTD as I think she would have shone
People say Chibnall has made the show too political, what they actually mean is too blatantly political. Because RTD era was also political, just far less in your face, and more natural.

Also, hoping for more family characters like Jackie Tyler and Martha's mum, and Donna's mum/grandad. Nobody does Doctor Who companion families like Russell did.
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