Davinia Taylor #3 If I shout a lot it’ll make me look clever but don’t look too close, my skin’s like old leather

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The older boy probably did know about it but at that age would you really want it splashed all over again for your mates to see?

I’m not that keen on Davinia tbh she’s a bit all over the place for me, but all that stuff was old news, not that interesting and probably caused old wounds to open. I don’t think she deserved that, the part about her business model was tiny.

I’d be upset and pissed off about it too if it were me.
Is the older boy the one she had with Beckhams mate? If so, I'm sure dad custody of him due to her issues years ago. Needless to say he would have known about her past, as would his pals.
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Did she say she’s heading home today? She’s been there ages. I think the article got in her head a bit much, it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I expected from her rants.
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Looks like she's home, full of cold sores and bitching about plane food
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For someone that flogs aload of wellness powders and preaches about exercise and what you should and shouldn’t eat she looks haggard and as rough as toast!
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She really doesn’t look healthy at moment since being back she looks like she’s aged ten years her eye needs a doctor not random stuff she’s using
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Just seen an interesting post on IG from a dietician @priya_tew. It has Davinias post on there about how to combat carb cravings , and this Priya lady just says ' eat some Carbs' . Ie - rather than lining her pockets with these supplements! There's some very interesting comments on there. I'm crap with technology or I would share the post😫.
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I just saw this post. I love that lady! I’m surprised Davinia hasn’t commented on her own instagram with her usual ranting and raving. One commented that Davinia never seems happy which is so true. She should be the happiest healthiest woman on the planet with all the pseudo science supplementation she’s takes but she looks ill and is grumpy and angry most of the time.
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The comments made for interesting reading. Basically calling her out for being a charlatan and having no qualifications whatsoever. Basically the truth.
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The post has made its way to the Facebook group and some of the replies are from full on tin foil hat wearers.


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The post has made its way to the Facebook group and some of the replies are from full on tin foil hat wearers.

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There are good carbs and bad carbs. If your on carnivore then it's animal fat only. Not everyone can do carnivore. I take the collegan. I did take the mct powder. But now I don't as it didn't stop my craving and I just have a splash of milk. I am on carnivore and am on day 40 I feel great and don't need any extra products just the electrolyte but you can make that yourself .
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I’ll post it here for others to see.

This lady talks sense, she’s an eating disorder specialist and all she’s saying is you should eat a varied diet. Sometimes cutting out whole food groups like the carnivore diet can lead to at the best disordered eating and at the worst eating disorders which is probably where Oriya is coming from. Eat freely but eat well is probably the most sensible message.
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What, you mean you don't need to spend a shed load of money on powders and supplements to be healthy?! I mean, WHO KNEW?! Unless you're a professional athlete or training for a significant fitness event, just eating healthy food, have a balanced diet is literally all you need. I wouldn't give Davinia a single penny, she hasn't got a healthy relationship with food at all. Someone like Joe Wicks, for example, has a good sensible and achievable eating plan if you sign up to the app. Yes, there are some recipes including protein powder, but you can quite easily follow the plan without it if you choose. Loads of healthy, fresh food ideas.
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Natalia Spierings did a similar post about Davinia a while back

I haven't watched the video but even DT saying what's up with skin cancer going up when we have more SPF than ever? Is she thick?
Apart from the fact there is better early detection now it's not the suncream causing it. It's the false sense of security it gives people. The advice to stay out of strong sun is simply not heeded by a lot of people as they think factor 50 gives them complete protection. It simply does not due to any number of reasons - usually human error.

And as for her diet. Leaving out major food groups like carbs and consuming liquids as 'snacks' instead is barmy. I dread to think of the state of her bowels.
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I haven't watched the video but even DT saying what's up with skin cancer going up when we have more SPF than ever? Is she thick?
Apart from the fact there is better early detection now it's not the suncream causing it. It's the false sense of security it gives people. The advice to stay out of strong sun is simply not heeded by a lot of people as they think factor 50 gives them complete protection. It simply does not due to any number of reasons - usually human error.

And as for her diet. Leaving out major food groups like carbs and consuming liquids as 'snacks' instead is barmy. I dread to think of the state of her bowels.
Also, we have more SPF than ever now, but go back a couple of decades and that wasn't the case. It's no surprise when people who spent years baking themselves back in the day, are developing forms of skin cancer now. The damage was done over time, and likely when people were more blasé towards the idea of needing suncream. A diagnosis in 2025 does not mean that the problem began in 2025.
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Also, we have more SPF than ever now, but go back a couple of decades and that wasn't the case. It's no surprise when people who spent years baking themselves back in the day, are developing forms of skin cancer now. The damage was done over time, and likely when people were more blasé towards the idea of needing suncream. A diagnosis in 2025 does not mean that the problem began in 2025.
Yes that's such a good point. My dad had it on his head in his 80s and they thought it traced back to when he did his National Service in Egypt in the late 1940s/1950s.
Plus when foreign holidays became affordable in the 70s (I think?) there was next to no suncream and the aim was to get a deep tan. And it was not that long ago you could buy Factor 2, yes 2, suncream which no doubt gave people a terrible sense of false security.
So DT has come to the right conclusion but for all the wrong reasons.
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