Davinia Taylor #3 If I shout a lot it’ll make me look clever but don’t look too close, my skin’s like old leather

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Oh good grief. The journalist would have had little-to-no say in what pictures were used with the article, surely she knows that after all her years doing media? And it's a fact that the tabloids were speculating about a lesbian threesome, and it certainly doesn't make you a sexual deviant if you've had one. Think that comment says more about her than the journalist.

If she'd read any of Jane Mulkerrins' work beforehand she'd know this is bang on style for her.
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Article is here. It's hardly a hatchet piece, it just goes through a timeline of her life really. She's just annoyed that her company and current success didn't get more focus. But it seems that wasn't the focus of the interview, it was a piece about her as a whole, not just a businesswoman?
i understand why Davinia would be upset. She knows what they spoke about and there is very little in that piece that is direct current quotes from her. The times could have written the vast majority of that without an intervie.
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That’s exactly it… it isn’t what she thought she’d signed up for, but that’s journalism. If she wanted a PR piece then she needed to speak to OK magazine.
There’s not a single thing in there I haven’t heard before… quite a lazy piece. If her kids googled her they’d know all this already. Nothing new here.

i understand why Davinia would be upset. She knows what they spoke about and there is very little in that piece that is direct current quotes from her. The times could have written the vast majority of that without an intervie.
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Thanks! Was keen to read it and didn’t know how to get around the paywall.

Article is here. It's hardly a hatchet piece, it just goes through a timeline of her life really. She's just annoyed that her company and current success didn't get more focus. But it seems that wasn't the focus of the interview, it was a piece about her as a whole, not just a businesswoman?
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I think that article was pretty accurate. Definitely nothing new though which is a shame as her addiction to wellbeing and hacking is actually more interesting. The explosion of biohacking, some good and some absolutely nonsense is definitely something I'm interested in reading.
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I can understand why Davinia would be upset by that article. She comes across as a total nutjob, nobody is going to buy Will Powders after reading that.

I don't think the journalist went into that interview with good intentions.
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She does generally come across as unhinged though, can’t blame the writer for capturing her accurately 🤷‍♀️

And it’s not like Davinia presents herself as calm, rational and professional on her own social media. In fact she seems to embrace a kind of “if you don’t like me warts and all then duck off” approach, why would the paper contradict that. What was she expecting, a flattering puff piece about her book and products? You don’t get that for free in The Times
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Exactly…! I buy a couple of her products because I like them. It’s def not beside of her and her social Media. I’ll still buy them- the times piece won’t change that. Truthfully, I think releasing the transcript makes her sound even more unhinged than the article. she thinks she comes across as cool and knowledgable but the manic behaviour and chaotic style just isn’t appreciated by many’s
The journo def tried to come across as her best friend and stitched her up in that respect. Shes an over sharer and the journo took advantage of that and did a hatchet job based on her own opinion of Davinia which isn’t hard to understand.,, Davinia just didn’t like her take. It’s a two way conversation the journo didn’t have to do a PR job for her.. and that’s the part that Davinia is raging about.
It’s like going on a date, spending a night with someone and thinking you had a real connection and that it went really well and you’ll meet again. On the other hand the other person - said it was a one night stand, you both enjoyed it for what it was and no interest in meeting again.

QUOTE="PineappleQueen19, post: 21685248, member: 28062"]
She does generally come across as unhinged though, can’t blame the writer for capturing her accurately 🤷‍♀️

And it’s not like Davinia presents herself as calm, rational and professional on her own social media. In fact she seems to embrace a kind of “if you don’t like me warts and all then duck off” approach, why would the paper contradict that. What was she expecting, a flattering puff piece about her book and products? You don’t get that for free in The Times
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I get ‘dry drunk’ vibes from Davinia - not drinking but exhibiting the problematic behaviours of someone who is. Behaviours include: self centredness, defensive, doesn’t handle stress well, obsessive, mood swings, unreasonable expectations.

The way she was super focused on the half empty bottle of wine left on the beach when she went on her sunrise walk yesterday was concerning behaviour imo. Someone in her position should have been able to choose not to give it focus. And then to go on her stories about it, bragging that she would never have been able to leave it anything other than empty - even more concerning.
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Going against the grain here.

I do think she has swapped one addiction for another. She does seem incredibly obsessive over her diet and exercise and some of her opinions are nonsense.

However, good for her staying sober and concentrating on her health. She could have lived happily out of the spotlight, she has pots of money.
Showing off on Instagram like other children of wealthy parents.
But she's turned herself around and has created a good business.

I really don't see why that journalist had to drag up her past, which has been written about so much over the years. No wonder she's pissed off.

Also like the fact that she credited her mum for being a great business woman and was 50% responsible for the family wealth.
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Jeez is this what she’s been going on about? “Losing her kids, feeling unsafe”…I thought someone had broken into her house or was blackmailing her 🙄 What a drama queen! She manages to make everything an issue & I’ve not read the article because I’m not actually interested but even if it was a hatchet job her (over)reaction & need for stranger validation shows how her lifestyle/biohacking clearly isn’t working for her.
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Going against the grain here.

I do think she has swapped one addiction for another. She does seem incredibly obsessive over her diet and exercise and some of her opinions are nonsense.

However, good for her staying sober and concentrating on her health. She could have lived happily out of the spotlight, she has pots of money.
Showing off on Instagram like other children of wealthy parents.
But she's turned herself around and has created a good business.

I really don't see why that journalist had to drag up her past, which has been written about so much over the years. No wonder she's pissed off.

Also like the fact that she credited her mum for being a great business woman and was 50% responsible for the family wealth.
I agree with you, so thanks for putting into words what I didn’t have enough time this morning to write. Yes, she definitely has he faults but don’t we all?

She lives in a ‘nice’, but far from palatial house essentially our in the sticks and does a lot of stuff in the house that (I’ll be honest), if I had money I absolutely could not be bothered doing. Her boys seem to be well rounded and appreciate normal stuff (from what we see, but none of them seem hungry to be on social media). She has a fabulous beachfront house that she inherited, but rents it out for income. I’m sure she doesn’t ’have’ to work but she’s built a successful business that she’s genuinely passionate about (and I think although she obviously wants it to be profitable there is a genuine belief that he products will help people.
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Honestly I wouldn’t like my 17yo child to read that about me but that’s okay as they won’t. That’s not in my past history but if it was I’d have made damn sure none of it came as a shock to them and would have discussed it with them years ago. Nothing there isn’t already in the public domain .
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That’s exactly it… it isn’t what she thought she’d signed up for, but that’s journalism. If she wanted a PR piece then she needed to speak to OK magazine.
There’s not a single thing in there I haven’t heard before… quite a lazy piece. If her kids googled her they’d know all this already. Nothing new here.
It was the Times though and not the Daily Mail. Nobody wants to be forever judged by their past and to be honest her present is far more interesting to me anyway.
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It cannot be the first time grey has heard this stuff or certainly read it and if it is.. then that’s the parents fault.
Honestly I wouldn’t like my 17yo child to read that about me but that’s okay as they won’t. That’s not in my past history but if it was I’d have made damn sure none of it came as a shock to them and would have discussed it with them years ago. Nothing there isn’t already in the public domain .
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The older boy probably did know about it but at that age would you really want it splashed all over again for your mates to see?

I’m not that keen on Davinia tbh she’s a bit all over the place for me, but all that stuff was old news, not that interesting and probably caused old wounds to open. I don’t think she deserved that, the part about her business model was tiny.

I’d be upset and pissed off about it too if it were me.
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She's just pissed off cos she got an interview with The Times.....kerching she thought......wide audience equals many new customers. Turns out the journalist wasn't interested in that but more her personal life.
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Davina used to lap all the attention up she could get when she was younger, that whole set did. Always out to get papped and be “outrageous” to get attention. Even the “lesbian” threesome would have been put out there in the media by someone in their camp so they can stay in the media. Can’t really complain when it gets brought up again, it’s really the only thing she is famous for and why she is known 🤷🏼‍♀️
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And being married to David beckhams
Best mate. Her and Victoria has no time for eachother. They were the party set and she owned supernova heights. It was all to do with who she was with and her parents money. Certainly NOT her acting!

Davina used to lap all the attention up she could get when she was younger, that whole set did. Always out to get papped and be “outrageous” to get attention. Even the “lesbian” threesome would have been put out there in the media by someone in their camp so they can stay in the media. Can’t really complain when it gets brought up again, it’s really the only thing she is famous for and why she is known 🤷🏼‍♀️
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