Davinia Taylor #3 If I shout a lot it’ll make me look clever but don’t look too close, my skin’s like old leather

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Interesting profile piece on her in The Times:

How party girl Davinia Taylor became a wellness queen
‘The loo roll heiress’ was at the centre of the infamous Primrose Hill set. Then rehab and a custody dispute over her son changed her life. Now the only pills Davinia Taylor takes are the biohacking kind

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Triggered today, mad busy on bondi beach.. Need to feel grounded, so off for a spa and massage. ...

As you do.

I'm wound up to hell today, cos the beach is busy? I hear you ask? No.
For a million crappy normal reasons.. My mams just knocked herself clean out trying to fix storm carnage, got walloped on the head, my cat tit on the floor because she's scared of wind. 🙄 I've got to pay my car tax, I've not had a sale in over 3 weeks...blah blah Cba.

But bondi beach is busy.. Jesus christ.

I'll probably have a brew.


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Is she that wealthy? She seems to have a few homes and a travelling lifestyle?
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Triggered today, mad busy on bondi beach.. Need to feel grounded, so off for a spa and massage. ...

As you do.

I'm wound up to hell today, cos the beach is busy? I hear you ask? No.
For a million crappy normal reasons.. My mams just knocked herself clean out trying to fix storm carnage, got walloped on the head, my cat tit on the floor because she's scared of wind. 🙄 I've got to pay my car tax, I've not had a sale in over 3 weeks...blah blah Cba.

But bondi beach is busy.. Jesus christ.

I'll probably have a brew.
And it is Saturday of a Bank Holiday, end of the summer holidays, what do you expect you stupid entitled woman
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She has money from her dad, not because of anything she has achieved.
She was also left quite a bit of money from her mum. She’s her mum’s only child. She owned the villa in Spain but also had a massive Manor House in Cheshire which was also sold. I think she was also a collector of art, furnishings etc and a lot of that went to auction too. I remember reading about it online around the time.
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Woooow I didn’t know that. I just knew about the house in Spain… OMG!!!!

To be fair she must be making a packet from willpowders
She was also left quite a bit of money from her mum. She’s her mum’s only child. She owned the villa in Spain but also had a massive Manor House in Cheshire which was also sold. I think she was also a collector of art, furnishings etc and a lot of that went to auction too. I remember reading about it online around the time.
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Her skin looks like leather now. Sat out in the harsh sun with no cover. The only people that do that in Australia are usually non Australians that don’t know the ferocity.
Also, fgs, do some research into the Australia Day issue, it’s culturally important not just ask all the sheep for answers
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Her spoiled brat side comes out every now and then doesn't it.

Have to say for a "bio hacker" she seems to permanently have a Coldsore, which is most definitely not the sign of health and vitality. Oh the irony.
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Woooow I didn’t know that. I just knew about the house in Spain… OMG!!!!

To be fair she must be making a packet from willpowders
Just had a nose at the accounts and I’m shocked 😮 £4.6million?! Don’t understand it, 2023 they had made 200k ish? How is it such an huge jump? And then she tries to mug us off making us feel stupid with her patronising blossom hill wine rant - clearly making a fortune off of these products?


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She is making a packet!!! And from the books and then all the sales via independents.
She’s not stupid… she knows exactly what she’s doing….! And will have the best people behind her too. She’s no slouch.
Just had a nose at the accounts and I’m shocked 😮 £4.6million?! Don’t understand it, 2023 they had made 200k ish? How is it such an huge jump? And then she tries to mug us off making us feel stupid with her patronising blossom hill wine rant - clearly making a fortune off of these products?
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Just had a nose at the accounts and I’m shocked 😮 £4.6million?! Don’t understand it, 2023 they had made 200k ish? How is it such an huge jump? And then she tries to mug us off making us feel stupid with her patronising blossom hill wine rant - clearly making a fortune off of these products?
Well there ya go. All the sheeple who buy into her products give yourselves a pat on the back. You've done well.

Look I'm not saying that they don't work, but I do believe there's an element of the placebo effect here. If you buy into it wholeheartedly and believe it will work for you then you're already half way there. It will work. But they're not the only products available. They're not the cheapest and they're not necessarily the best and her way is not the only way.

Do your research. Shop around. Ask yourself what her qualifications are. Does she look the picture of health? Does Perception matter more than the facts?
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Oh she’s off having a melt down again… wonder what or who it’s about now. Who to trust… paranoia is setting in me thinks
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Well there ya go. All the sheeple who buy into her products give yourselves a pat on the back. You've done well.

Look I'm not saying that they don't work, but I do believe there's an element of the placebo effect here. If you buy into it wholeheartedly and believe it will work for you then you're already half way there. It will work. But they're not the only products available. They're not the cheapest and they're not necessarily the best and her way is not the only way.

Do your research. Shop around. Ask yourself what her qualifications are. Does she look the picture of health? Does Perception matter more than the facts?
This sums it up - her socials are a total echo chamber of her shouting so loudly about her views, she never takes time to consider anything else or find balanced research. Loads of it just repost after repost of the same old influencers shouting everyone else down.

I’m not saying I agree with and that I’m not concerned by seed oils, pesticides etc but I can at least see the other side that the world is so overpopulated, if we didn’t have many of things we would all be in a state of famine. There is a reason organic produce and things like decent extra virgin olive oil and free range meat is so expensive, because it is really hard work to sustain and just wouldn’t be possible for everyone to get enough of. That’s just another viewpoint of the stuff she talks about, I wish she would consider other sides and appreciate the privilege she has.
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She's unravelling in front of our very eyes, why doesn't someone in her team tell her to put the camera down, it's not a good look. Probably because no one would dare.
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