Davinia Taylor #3 If I shout a lot it’ll make me look clever but don’t look too close, my skin’s like old leather

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Thread suggestion from @Fiddie 🥳 A bottle of Blossom Hill is on its way to you 🍷
Recap but feel free to add - Davina as manic as always, travelled to Oz to promote her business there and fry her skin to a crisp, not wearing sun cream because “toxins” deapite the hair bleach and Botox
Old thread here
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Hurray, thread title ❤

I wonder how much longer she’s out there, surely the kids need to go back to school?
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I think the kids and husband have flown back to uk and she’s out there on her own or with the oldest who’s not school age anymore
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I’ve just ordered my next bag of collagen from Peak Supplements as a few on these threads recommend it.

Still Type 1 & 3 Collagen grass fed from Europe like WP but much cheaper - 1kg for £27 (with 10% code) vs £47 plus postage from WP for the family sized bag and only £4 more than the 400g WP bag for 600g more !.
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I’ve just ordered my next bag of collagen from Peak Supplements as a few on these threads recommend it.

Still Type 1 & 3 Collagen grass fed from Europe like WP but much cheaper - 1kg for £27 (with 10% code) vs £47 plus postage from WP for the family sized bag and only £4 more than the 400g WP bag for 600g more !. View attachment 3371695
I read something somewhere (maybe even on the FFS page?) about collagen not getting absorbed properly in a powder form and better to get a liquid supplement as it is more liposomal to be absorbed. It’s so difficult to know what to do!
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Please keep us posted!!! I live that willpowders doesn’t taste that’s the winner for me. Xx
I’ve just ordered my next bag of collagen from Peak Supplements as a few on these threads recommend it.

Still Type 1 & 3 Collagen grass fed from Europe like WP but much cheaper - 1kg for £27 (with 10% code) vs £47 plus postage from WP for the family sized bag and only £4 more than the 400g WP bag for 600g more !. View attachment 3371695
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Please keep us posted!!! I live that willpowders doesn’t taste that’s the winner for me. Xx
Ye I agree it's the taste that keeps me buying it from willpowders
I’ve just ordered my next bag of collagen from Peak Supplements as a few on these threads recommend it.

Still Type 1 & 3 Collagen grass fed from Europe like WP but much cheaper - 1kg for £27 (with 10% code) vs £47 plus postage from WP for the family sized bag and only £4 more than the 400g WP bag for 600g more !. View attachment 3371695
Please keep us updated. As I may order from here also
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Peak Supps collagen is tasteless 🙂. If anything, I'd say I found Willpowders mixes slightly easier into things, it took more of a mix with the Peak Supps. But for the cost saving, I'd rather put up with whisking a bit more 😂.
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Peak Supps collagen is tasteless 🙂. If anything, I'd say I found Willpowders mixes slightly easier into things, it took more of a mix with the Peak Supps. But for the cost saving, I'd rather put up with whisking a bit more 😂.
I found the same when I tried Hunter & Gather , that would only mix easy in hot drinks and took forever to mix into anything cold.

That’s great to know Peak Supps is tasteless too , I’m coming to the end of my WP 1kg bag and remembered you suggesting peak so I thought for the price , I’d give it a whirl.
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My peak supps collagen arrived today and I can confirm it is odourless and tasteless just like WillPowders.
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I hate comments on how women look but I feel like she's aged 10 years in this trip to Australia. Her skin looks like leather and I truly hope that the people who follow her don't try fry themselves in the sun with no sunscreen. She truly believes what she says and she'll think it looks good.

I'm blonde and I've came home from holiday thinking my face wasn't that tanned and I've been surprised how brown it looks. I really think she'll get a shock when she gets home.
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She’ll come home looking like Magda from There’s Something About Mary !.

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I can't believe she's asking her followers to donate £10k to Paul Danans son. I feel desperately sorry for the child, of course we all do, but Davinia isn't short of a bob or two, she could help the child from her own money. If she's so concerned why isn't she? Donate the takings for a whole year from the villa, that would make a decent sum.
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I can't believe she's asking her followers to donate £10k to Paul Danans son. I feel desperately sorry for the child, of course we all do, but Davinia isn't short of a bob or two, she could help the child from her own money. If she's so concerned why isn't she? Donate the takings for a whole year from the villa, that would make a decent sum.
I saw on the Primrose Hill thread, Sadie Frost donated…£30!
  • Wow
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