I should add that over a decade ago I was diagnosed with a syndrome that is now linked to long CoVid as well as some post vaccination issue studies (mainly in the US). Post diagnosis and medication I changed diet/lifestyle and was discharged from Consultant care once I had it under control. I controlled my symptoms for the best part of a decade. Early March 2020 I had suspected CoVid. Subsequently my symptoms increased to almost unmanageable levels. Couldn’t get a gp consult for love nor money despite my pulse on more than a few occasions reaching over 180bpm just by standing up. My feet were permanently purple. It took about 9 months to get my symptoms back to the level they were at previously (i.e normal for me). Fortunately I recognised it was an increase in my symptoms. My husband was on more than one occasion trying to call me an ambulance.
I have historically vaccinated (including privately for holidays - but never before assessing the risk:benefit ratio) but I have always - even before it was going to be rolled out to my age group - been hesitant about this due to my preexisting condition/experience.
I’m now in a position where I feel like I’m being coerced into vaccinating but no one can tell me whether or not it will make my symptoms worse or is willing to discuss anything around options. I just keep getting told to get one or my life will be restricted. It’s mentally
bleeping draining.
Sorry for the lengthy rant. I think I just needed to get this off my chest as I don’t think I’ve ever felt so downtrodden and hopeless in all of my 40 odd years and you guys seemed like the best place to offload without being called a selfish antivaxxer.
@Lisdiz and
@Jc456, I’m glad your families seem to be recovering. I hope it continues.