Cleaning with Mario #7 Purple Rayn

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So the newest DR article is his top cleaning tips. First to spot the error (or is it) wins a bespoke bottle of toilet duck and so forth.
Reactions: 11
Sorry, but Marion has one drink and she’s forever going on about how pissed she gets so I don’t believe that they are onto their SECOND bottle?! Considering they are both hobbits, they’ll be paraplegic! Marion's keratoconus eyes will be going 90 and Dezza will all dressed out in his footie kit squirting toilet cleaner about the rats in the loft! Bet you anything it’s one of those mini bar bottles
Reactions: 26
Sofa crystals are just the crumbs of crisssssss that MelDez leave in the crevices of the bespoke gruple sofas. They are like cleaning kryptonite!1!!!!!
Reactions: 9
I wreckon one of thems a drinker because they always have a bit sitting around! Like if you don’t drink you don’t have it in the house
Reactions: 2
I wreckon one of thems a drinker because they always have a bit sitting around! Like if you don’t drink you don’t have it in the house
If I lived with Melvin I would drink. I would mainline vodka all day and all night
Reactions: 20
Drinks in the wrong glass trigger me something ruthless

Bet there was only an eyeful left in the previous bottle.

Reactions: 9
Picture the scene right now: Look at me, no, look at me....I'm having so much fun and gin and fruit. Gin and fruit I say, so aye and so forth. Bet you wish your girlfriend was hot like me, dontcha? look I can click my fingers and clink glasses with ma finance, and so forth. Pure buzzin' I'm going to brain storm some fun cleaning tips now that involve sofas and machines and ooooooh look, eye gel. Ah'm pure crayzee ah am, bring me a higher follower count.

Actually no Melvin, all I'm thinking is how sad it is when you have to insta story your kerrrrr-ay-zeeee night in with Asda's 'premium' berry gin. I'm having a NetFlix and rum night, nobody needs to know, I am perfectly capable of having a fun night in or out without the desperate need to prove it to everyone.
Reactions: 19
I think I may wish to have careful sex with you?
Reactions: 9
I'll tickle you with a pineapple in a tick, promise! but have I missed something....a chapter in a book he's writing? Please tell me that's just a turn of phrase, Melvin thinks that the only punctuation that exists is the exclamation mark and spellcheck is something he blocked on insta for being a troll
Reactions: 10
how many of his new followers are genuine? How many are following for the comedy?
let’s just look at some more Facebook comments under the article
Reactions: 17
I think we're agreed aren't we on the new thread suggestion?

Cleaning with Marion McKnight #8
Reactions: 25
View attachment 91610

The selfie someone took to get them in the background. Derek having a laugh and Melvin looking as though the council are trying to rip off his letterbox again.
Has Derek actually twigged that they're deliberately in the picture? He's looking and grinning straight at the camera. I wonder if he is enjoying people ripping the piss out of Mingio because his life would be too miserable if he tried?
Reactions: 6
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