Cleaning with Mario #105 Jizz on his face, he’s a big disgrace, waving his snail snot all over the place

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Aw naw, ah've already sent him a congratulations card as well. Think he will get it, I sent it tae bit aff ears close in Beirut towers. Follow the smell.
Reactions: 21
It’ll definitely be a shithole he’s staying in in Lanza. He’s used to staying in shitholes so aye and so forth also, can’t have Marion mop kick out of his comfort zone can we
Imagine if they are going in school holidays and the place is buzzing with kids. He will have a fit
Reactions: 16
He is so going to hate that place called abroad. He will moan they speak funny and he can’t find a chippy anywhere. There isnae a Castleveccis in Lanza
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Reading that post aboot the wax melts and pets made my brain hurt #factual
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He really does post a load of shite.

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He is so going to hate that place called abroad. He will moan they speak funny and he can’t find a chippy anywhere. There isnae a Castleveccis in Lanza
It's feckin hot in that place called Abroad as well. He will not cope. He'll be up in the room by 8pm every night getting aw cosy under the Air Con watching Two Doors Down.
Reactions: 24
@HappyLittleSnail Bet he couldnae stretch the Klarna tae a room with air con so the wee wurum will be FUMMING
I went on a 30's trip to Ibiza with some friends many moons ago (did all the big clubs of course ) and one of the guys in our group cheaped out and booked the hotel next door with no air con. I think the lack of air con coupled with a hangover almost finished him off. I've never seen anyone look so rough in my life
Reactions: 18
I did the same in 2003. How I'm still alive I don't know. Some of those 18-30 places were like Marions bedsit. Manky as fuck.
Reactions: 18
He'll hate that wee place abroad.
Too warum,
Holidays are no for me. Ah prefer ma safe place so aye.

Wunner if he's gone all inclusive.
Lining up at the weans section of the buffet for pizza, chips & nuggets.
Reactions: 26
where has he taken that last pic from because it certainly isn't his front or back garden, or anywhere round Beirut towers. Get her trying to copy the way SS & Hinch post wee pics of their gardens lol. He is so sad.
I assumed it was taken in his brother's garden last time he was playing house there. I bet he's got a camera roll full of pictures at his brother's
Reactions: 16
I assumed it was taken in his brother's garden last time he was playing house there. I bet he's got a camera roll full of pictures at his brother's
Ah yes how could I forget. Still have that image of him taking a bath in his brother's hot tub You just know he will have a wee album full of his brothers garden pics ready to post some stolen quote over the top too the fat bitch. also.
Reactions: 15
I assumed it was taken in his brother's garden last time he was playing house there. I bet he's got a camera roll full of pictures at his brother's
Reminds me if when I was ah used tae play hoose.

Difference is, ah was a 13 year old lassie feeding my aunties goldfish.
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