Does anyone else find it a bit odd that she's constantly out and about without her baby? Her life doesn't seem to have changed at all, if anything it looks she's going out more now than before!
Yes I agree, those early days are so important and baby just tends to want their mum and needs to see that their mum is there in order to feel secure in the attachment, surely she can wait for a year or so before she starts having a night out againI’m an odd one to comment I’ve left my 2 year old once for 6 hours & the odd half hour here there. But I find it so bizarre to leave such young children, I just wonder if they’re aware of their babies needs & that mum & baby time is so vital. Worries me how unattached they’ll be
She obviously hasn’t got a clue what real life is like for many mothers who don’t have the masses of family help that she seems to have, who have no help at all and barely get time to drag a brush through their hair and also don’t have money to buy new clothes etc, also some people just don’t prioritise their appearance anymore when they are too busy with a baby and that is fine!!She really pissed me off at the beginning of her pregnancy saying that it isn’t difficult to dress nicely when you’ve had a baby and something along the lines off many people let themselves go but that’s just laziness...
That’s exactly it, she isn’t breastfeeding and seems to have unlimited babysitting help, and yes all the free stuff will be making a huge difference, I’m the exact opposite to her - exclusively breastfeeding, zero help from family, doing everything on a budget but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way !Just makes me sad... Feels like the pregnancy and baby is all for her profile/insta. I said somewhere else that her portrayal of motherhood is misleading for young mums...if you have loads of support, free stuff and aren't breastfeeding then maybe you don't have to change your lifestyle too much but her pics make it seem a hell of a lot easier than it is for 99% of us
You sound like me haha!My baby is 7 months old and I’ve only had one night out which was 5 minutes down the road. I was crying the whole night because I missed him! Don’t know how she does it!
You’re doing a great job. You should be proud.She obviously hasn’t got a clue what real life is like for many mothers who don’t have the masses of family help that she seems to have, who have no help at all and barely get time to drag a brush through their hair and also don’t have money to buy new clothes etc, also some people just don’t prioritise their appearance anymore when they are too busy with a baby and that is fine!!
That’s exactly it, she isn’t breastfeeding and seems to have unlimited babysitting help, and yes all the free stuff will be making a huge difference, I’m the exact opposite to her - exclusively breastfeeding, zero help from family, doing everything on a budget but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way !
Same I had 3 comedy gigs booked and paid for but soon as she was born I knew I wouldn’t be going but I had booked them before I knew i was pregnant.You’re doing a great job. You should be proud.
Also - when my baby was 6 weeks old I had booked tickets for a concert for my husband (I booked them when pregnant as I naively thought thanks to people like Chloe that you can leave your baby with other people no problems.)
We were only going to be gone 6 hours but within 20 minutes of us leaving my baby cried hysterically.
Our babysitter rang and I could hear my baby on the phone and it was the worst thing I’ve ever heard. We didn’t go to the concert,
Lost all he money paid for it, but never left her again until now - we will have a few hours every few months - she’s 5 !
You’ve hit the nail on the head. Most influencers nowadays make it look like having a baby is easy and you can carry on with normal life.This is the problem... I don't want to mum shame her, I am sure she is a great mum and and she loves her baby and whoever looks after him when she isn't around does too.
The issue I guess is with influencer life in general. She shows all the snuggly sleepy baby pictures and all the work/socialising side but I would have zero problem with her if she shared some less than perfect images (and also ones that's weren't using her baby to flog stuff but that is something else) and was more transparent. Maybe explain that she just needed a break and someone is looking after baby and she is really grateful. But if you were to judge mum life just based on her squares and captions, it looks easy with baby being something you can leave at home when you fancy going shopping. And when you are flogging a lifestyle and products to potentially vulnerable young people then I think that does need shaming
Thank you, yeah I thought it would be easy leaving my little girl with someone so I could go out for a few hours, it wasn’t easy at all, I worried about whether she would actually drink from a bottle or not, whether she would go to sleep or not and if she would just cry the whole time (she refused the bottle, cried a lot and did not go to sleep as she is only used to going to sleep with me feeding and rocking her to sleep!) people like Chloe are making it look easy, and normal, to leave your baby to go out socialising all the time when for most people it’s just not realistic at allYou’re doing a great job. You should be proud.
Also - when my baby was 6 weeks old I had booked tickets for a concert for my husband (I booked them when pregnant as I naively thought thanks to people like Chloe that you can leave your baby with other people no problems.)
We were only going to be gone 6 hours but within 20 minutes of us leaving my baby cried hysterically.
Our babysitter rang and I could hear my baby on the phone and it was the worst thing I’ve ever heard. We didn’t go to the concert,
Lost all he money paid for it, but never left her again until now - we will have a few hours every few months - she’s 5 !
I disagree completely. These are influencers with a huge following, probably a large proportion mums or mums to be, who as stated above assume its easy to leave children when in reality it isn’t and of course the majority of mothers do put their babies needs before a night out or business trips. She will not get those moments back and I assume that one day when she’s grown up a little bit she will look back on her desire to go out & “live her best life” with her friends and understand the negativity she’s had in the press over how unattached to her baby she is. She will long for those moments once the opportunity is up.It’s not a competition on who stays with their baby the longest before they have a break. Surely the baby is cared for by family or friends if everyone is happy then it’s nobody’s business. It’s nearly 2020 let’s not Mum shame
I have to say I agree, i hate this ‘let’s not mum shame’ forthings that actually are harmful, and also leave the mothers that are doing things the right way - aka the tough way - feeling like failures because they actually put their offspring first.I disagree completely. These are influencers with a huge following, probably a large proportion mums or mums to be, who as stated above assume its easy to leave children when in reality it isn’t and of course the majority of mothers do put their babies needs before a night out or business trips. She will not get those moments back and I assume that one day when she’s grown up a little bit she will look back on her desire to go out & “live her best life” with her friends and understand the negativity she’s had in the press over how unattached to her baby she is. She will long for those moments once the opportunity is up.
Whether it’s 2020 or 1905, she is a mother and a few cocktails or champagne is not as important as a secure attachment with your child.
Her ignorance to actual motherhood is what is wrong with influencers.