Charlotte Crosby #6

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I’ll never get my head around charging people for first access to pictures of/info about your newborn child, I can’t explain it.
Me neither especially when your going to upload it for free anyway in a few days 🤣
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I’ll never get my head around charging people for first access to pictures of/info about your newborn child, I can’t explain it.
I’ve already commented this on another thread this week, but it’s like a black mirror episode!!!
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I just had a baby and the thoughts of strangers paying me for pictures of my newborn child is absolutely terrifying and sick.
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I just had a baby and the thoughts of strangers paying me for pictures of my newborn child is absolutely terrifying and sick.

I really can’t get my head around it. Imagine if someone approached you in the street and said “do you want to buy pictures of my child?”, and on the flip side imagine the stranger saying yes to you and handing over money!

I know the whole to show/not to show your child on social media is a big debate in itself, but monetising a child immediately is just so unsettling.

Also, it annoyed me even more seeing Jake link and push the subscription for some reason…
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Because the

I really can’t get my head around it. Imagine if someone approached you in the street and said “do you want to buy pictures of my child?”, and on the flip side imagine the stranger saying yes to you and handing over money!

I know the whole to show/not to show your child on social media is a big debate in itself, but monetising a child immediately is just so unsettling.

Also, it annoyed me even more seeing Jake link and push the subscription for some reason…
Because they’re broke witches and that’s why the sold the house, and I won’t be told otherwise.
Still pimping out your newborn is disgusting, broke or not.
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I do wonder if the cash has dried up. I don’t want to be a cynic but I wonder if the being broken into story was fake news or whether Jake paid someone to do it. We know he’s not above paying people to do his dirty work as he’s done it before.
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It was shared on Talia’s off topic thread. She looks identical to Alba
Where do these gorgeous lips come from 😭 I swear charlotte and her husband have tiny thin little lips and they're producing these beautiful babies 😂
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Wow Charlotte has strong genes
Another clone of her nana!

funny she’s had two daughters identical to her old self and she’s had so much surgery
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It’s disgusting the way they are trying to get the public to sign up to their subscription to see their baby. It’s the same as when A was born. They got so much subscribers within two days and then lo and behold out came a magazine article that they got paid for showing her and the birth story. They got quite a bit of backlash from doing that no doubt it will be the same with P.
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I just can't imagine saying to my husband 'do you know what this charge on the bank account is for?' and he's like 'oh yeah I paid £2.99 to see a girl off Geordie shores baby'... Are these people telling other people they've done that because if my family member or friend told me they'd paid for that I'd be asking them if they're well 😂
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Have always thought that ‘Alba Ankers’ sounds like a Scottish term for a drunk man with his trousers down his ankles.
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Just as long as it's nothing starting with W. Imagine having to sign your name "W. Ankers" all the time 😂
I tit you not, I know of two brothers who have the names Peter and Alan*

Their surname? Ness.

P.Ness and A.Ness.

Why do parents do that to their kids? Like you can't plead ignorance because the dad was a teenage boy with the mind of one once too...

*edit to amend their full first names, just incase.
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Not the exact same thing but a close friend has two young cousins called Ronnie and Reggie 😂

I also know there’s a girl in my town called Skye Cable
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