I work part time and have a toddler. I don’t fulfil my working role, mother role, wife role or ‘housewife’ role to any of their full potential.
(By housewife I mean... I’m very houseproud, I like everywhere to be clean, tidy, washed, ironed, home made etc, but I’m not forced into it by expectations from my husband it’s my standards that I’m referring to.)
I’m always falling behind somewhere, something always has to give, I’m always chasing my tail. I’ve also just noticed I didn’t even include myself as a ‘role’ ie - hobbies, looking after my physical/mental health, beauty treatments etc. Because let’s be honest, that side of me always comes bottom of the list now!
Despite all that, I have a very happy fulfilled life. I’m grateful for everything I have and I muddle through it all. On paper I do ‘have it all’ (family, career, home, husband etc) but I don’t feel like I have it all as well as I’d like it
For me to feel like I had it all, I’d be:
• smashing my career (would need to work full time and be out the house at the crack of dawn!)
• have a spotless house, all the chores done and a home made dinner every night (would need to not work and not have children
• be a full time mummy and meet all my child’s needs (in which case I’d not be able to work)
• be a size 10 eating healthily at the gym regularly, perfect skin, always shaved legs, fresh highlights every 8 weeks and fresh nails every 3 weeks (Defo not possible being a mother!!
So no, I don’t feel like we can have it ‘all’ because I think the ‘all’ bit refers to smashing the
tit out of every aspect of life which is impossible
But we can have a little bit of everything it’s just a balancing act and muddling through each day spinning all the plates! I hope that makes sense and doesn’t sound like a big whinge!!