Can we all stop getting our flabby bellies out in the name of being “relatable”

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Instamums showing all their “flabby bits” put in purposely unflattering positions.

What is this trend?

Am I the only one annoyed by it?! Am I a dick? 😂

Just feels so try hard!
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We were literally talking about this at work the other day!

Love your stretch marks love your mom tum. Here’s a photo of me with soaking wet breast pads. Cause this is ‘real life’

I sound so bitchy. I’m 27 with 2 boys and I know what’s real 100% just don’t want to see it all online. It might make some moms feel better about themselves. But you’ve got to be stupid if you think your the only person who has all this after birth. No, we ALL do I just choose to show the best bits and I’ll never love my stretch marks 😂😂
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It's an engagement goldmine. Gets comments and that's the most important thing these days to boost you in the algorithm. Ups all their figures to show brands so they can charge more and get more opportunities.

In 2019 everyone should know that none of these infuencers care what you think or want to start a discussion, they just want more engagement. That's why so many get pissed off with tattle as comments here don't help boost them.
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What annoys me is when people do it, talking about their "flabby" tummy's etc & they are stick thin! It makes me feel worse as I don't relate at all! I've had two kids, lost tons of weight with the first (due to hyperemesis!) But put it back on with the second, had a c section & now I have a pouch. As someone who has struggled with weight all my life, these "influencers" (see posers) just piss me off!
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What annoys me is when people do it, talking about their "flabby" tummy's etc & they are stick thin! It makes me feel worse as I don't relate at all! I've had two kids, lost tons of weight with the first (due to hyperemesis!) But put it back on with the second, had a c section & now I have a pouch. As someone who has struggled with weight all my life, these "influencers" (see posers) just piss me off!
My pet hate is the fashion grammers showing off clothing by saying 'I'm wearing the 6 and it's still too big', how tiny are they?
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What annoys me is when people do it, talking about their "flabby" tummy's etc & they are stick thin! It makes me feel worse as I don't relate at all! I've had two kids, lost tons of weight with the first (due to hyperemesis!) But put it back on with the second, had a c section & now I have a pouch. As someone who has struggled with weight all my life, these "influencers" (see posers) just piss me off!
I think its because body positivity first started as more a seeing bodies that you don't necessarily see in the media movement - like showing the stretchmarks, any sagginess, bigger bodies etc that magazines would either not include or photoshop out. Then it got kind of highjacked by very thin, perfectly toned woman. Not that they can't be body positive at all, but if someone already has the body of a Victoria's Secret model then its not exactly groundbreaking for them to be positive about it.

It also makes me uncomfortable how influencers who've had tons of surgery go on about being body positive. Again not saying they can't be, but I'd hate for young girls to see a post of some with a Kim Kardashian type body with #bodypositive and think hang on, why don't I look like that? not realising they've had work done.
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I post a lot about body positivity and I have pictures of me in underwear on my gram - however non are of me squishing my belly. I’m a size 14 and a mother of 4 so had a lot of Hang ups in the past about my body. Not an influencer, May I add.
“My meat sticks bring all the boys to the yard....”
“Get your meat sticks out”
Didn’t she set up a meatsticks Facebook group!? To support each other, but it got removed because of arguments!?

Louise Pentland 🙄
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No Karen, I do not find your postpartum arse grapes relatable or empowering. Put them away.
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“My meat sticks bring all the boys to the yard....”
“Get your meat sticks out”
Didn’t she set up a meatsticks Facebook group!? To support each other, but it got removed because of arguments!?

Louise Pentland 🙄
“Meat sticks”

I’m sorry but meat stick is surely a euphemism for Penis?!! 🙈
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Check out fairyboobmother. She’s one big bandwagon of cliches
Jesus Christ.

Being morbidly obese is nothing to be proud of.

Dress it up however you like but it’s wrong to be pretending that being obese is ok as long as you take half naked photos if yourself.
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I’m fat I’m not going to go around with it all hanging out. I’ve also been a size 4 before children and again I didn’t get my body out then either. It’s mine not millions of people that I don’t know to see and look at. If I’m Not going to walk down the street with just my granny pants on holding my fat up with my hairy armpits and legs hanging out and milk leaking from me tits I am1000% not going to photograph it and plaster it on social media. I’m not sure how it empowers women it’s not the Stone Age we can cover it with clothing. If it’s that they’re worried about men when getting down and nasty being put off let’s be honest once they hit 30 they can just about keep up with their 20 year olds self stamina anyway, they couldn’t give a duck if you’ve got a baggy fanny or belly or tits, all they’re hoping is they last longer then 5 minutes.
Women have lost their utter minds it’s allways the ones that are boring as duck that do it as well.
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