asking for everyone's disney cartoon crushes just seems weird. like, we're well aware she is RABID for gaston and flynn, not only because she's told us repeatedly, but based on her reaction to meeting them at disney. but i can honestly say, i have never had a crush on an animated character, especially not an animal! she thinks the supposedly "handsome" simba is going to do particularly well, but then goes on to mock those followers who have revealed they fancy the cartoon fox version of robin hood as "weird", despite having admitted to having a crush on an animated lion cub. okay babs. the whole concept in its entiroty is weird, but she's obvs desperate for a new weekly poll. she's obvs giving the christmas polls a break since the results were leaving her SHOOKETH.
that "happy birthday to my main man mickey" post confused me for a second - thought she was being unusually nice to stephen, before remembering that babs herself doesn't refer to him as mickey, and her "main man" is literally the mouse. yet another disney crush, presumably. poor stephen, upstaged by a cartoon mouse.
and yeah, there's no WAY grabby babs would risk opening disney freebies under the #emmaopenscrap hashtag, as she may then risk missing out on future disney-themed #gifts, merch, events, holidays etc. that oh-i'm-so-funny hashtag is reserved for #gifted items she ungratefully perceives as crap, so doesn't mind taking the risk of offending the sender. the #gifted on the disney freebie post was even in dancing, animated gif from to ensure that everyone definitely knows it was a freebie, and she can continue to grabby mcgrab at more free disney gifts, whereas usually, the #gifted label in her #emmaopenscrap segment is incredibly small and often almost obscured. just goes to show that she doesn't value all #gifted items - it's the disney gifts she's after, so essentially don't waste your money sending her products because there's no gratitude - if it's not disney, it's just junk, and she doesn't care who she offends.
i thought that story about erin was unnecessary too - let's publicly humiliate the poor girl for mistakenly attempting to wear her mother's big pants like a vest - presumably because babs didn't sort the dried clothes properly and shoved them in her daughter's underwear drawer - but any opportunity to get her pants out for the gram! especially if you can let the world know that by four in the afternoon, you're proudly not wearing any underwear. talk about tmi. she truly is utter scum.