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My fave bit from the unwashed one last night was that after England scored she actually rewound the tv so she could record her and BrookeBlessHer screaming yes at the tv…….imagine being that sad and needing content 🤦🏼‍♀️
she was recording the penalty so would have had time to start recording when waiting for the pen to be taken
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These powder things you throw down on your carpet cannot be good for your hoovers or carpets and rugs, surely some of it stays ingrained, I’m guessing because I’ve never used them and £10 seems a lot for something you put down then hoover up 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤭🤣
Makes your hoover smell braw though 😂
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Why am I not surprised she used someone’s misfortune for content? “a couple of things i want to talk to you about” you basically just told us a story of someone in your town, then added a tiny shit bit at the end about making sure BBQ’s are out and test smoke alarms. If you felt that strongly about it you could’ve followed on with couple of informative posts (google is a wonderful thing!)
Could always donate them some of your many gifted items, to help them out!
Maybe someone should message her and say just this. See what reply they get. I bet I know lol!
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As soon as I saw the handle tagged I thought @GimmeGimmeGimme has her so sussed!! We could all afford 2 bottles of Pimms and a bottle of vodka along with all the other alcohol if all of our meat is gifted!!!😡 Here’s an idea “I’ve been gifted this food but you know what I can more than afford this so i’m giving it to someone in need”
Has the cheek to then show £180 egg chair, not sure if you’re aware but there’s been and still is a massive pandemic 😷 It’s affected people financially terribly, a lot of people right now don’t have £180 spare right now!!
That looked like an awful lot for 6 people, maybe it was the way it was shown!
You might as well say 5 people as she won't eat anything 🤷
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OMG, yes. Her top teeth aren't in line with her nose, they aren't central at all.

Wow money well spent.....NOT!
Someone at work has had Invisalign and her teeth look off but rather than removing her teeth, they were filed down when they began to move into place so they would all fit in a row.

I'm expecting lots of dental problems over the coming years because peoples teeth are all narrow from being filed unevenly to make them fit

Or is that a proper orthodontic practice to do that? My child currently has braces and he will be moving onto the final stages I'm a few months where the teeth are ready to be moved into place following the bite being corrected but we've been told that teeth may need to be moved if there isn't enough space, not randomly whittled till they fit!
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