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Livia Fantasy

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🎧 …and that was ‘Fluid Phobia’, the brand-new single from Asexual Christian Kayakers, out this week on ADHD Records”

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Rebecca says she wants a boyfriend. What she really wants is a full-time carer. And in return he gets cuddles. That's it. Maybe a place to stay if he doesn't yet have his own home but nothing much else. She is sick all day every day with whatever happens to tickle her fancy on that day. They couldn't have children because she wouldn't be able to handle a baby (fluids, noise, can't walk the child any reasonable distance in a pram coz of her "walking issues" or run after them once they start walking), let alone a child (mess, noise, active (lots of walking), more noise, does she even cook?....). I'm struggling to see what she brings to the table. No respectable young chap would agree to this for any meaningful length of time.

Imagine leaving the house in the morning to a moaning Rebecca just waking up with a hint of a "migraine"and coming back after a long day's work to a Rebecca in the throes of a migraine, cold because of her "circulation problems", with a bucket of sick next to the bed you have to get into to cuddle with her because she is so broken down. And this on a weekly basis. And on the "better days" it's just an incessant string of complaints about noise, doctors not answering her calls, a setback in whatever diagnosis she happens to be after next, an update on the status of the other diagnosis that she's been chasing for the last 30 years aged 30, and that despite all this she still has to work, her disability status was denied again.... Finally, the long awaited weekend arrives, you go for a coffee and she sticks her fingers in her ears, it's too noisy. Ok, let's take a walk --> can't legs will hurt. Ok, let's go to a different place ..."Oh, we can't go there, the colours are too noisy". Ok, how bout we go home, gets home, dammit, neighbour having sex, more complaints, how about we have sex?, ewwww, and besides I can't, I'm asexual. And all of this amongst a sea of "prrrrrrrrrr", "aaaargh". You go to the bathroom to try get some peace but can barely get through the door because of the 4 different kayaks lined up. So you go to sit on the balcony instead, and 10 seconds later you see one of only two planes that cross that part of the sky every day approaching in the distance, you count down "3,2,1.." and right on cue "Golly, you'd think we were living right next to Heathrow airport" resound loudly from indoors...You look down from the first floor balcony you're stood on and wonder if the height would be enough to finish you off. You go for it, but only manage to break your leg. As you reach for your broken leg, you hear from upstairs "Darling, have you seen any one of the 7 walking sticks I own, that walking to the bar we never went to really did my knee in, do you think you could take out the trash?, I'm just.... knackered. Oh, and I feel another migraine coming on. Must have been the noise from that plane. Would you hand me an ice pack. Actually, it's rather strong, maybe we should go straight to A&E. Prrrrrrrrrr"
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Livia Fantasy

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The maudlin boring cunt would push her own mum down the stairs then whine on Insta about having sprained her own wrist
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I wonder what would happen if we just stopped chatting about her on here. It's quite clear she reads these threads and is enjoying the attention and using it to spur further videos. I'd be curious if we just stopped altogether. She doesn't deserve the attention to be honest and no doubt even this post will in some way be manipulated and referenced in the coming days.

*cut to a 'I am making these videos / stories for myself to document my struggles, nobody else' post*
While I do believe that Rebecca loves attention, I do think it matters to her what kind of attention it is. There are people for whom any kind of fame, good or bad is welcome but I think for most people it matters whether they're seen as saints and adored or sinners and pilloried. I think Rebecca falls into the first category. I think she sees herself as an innocent person hard done by life and no matter how hard she tries she keeps getting beat down. But she wants to be seen as a fighter and that is positive imagery, positive attention. People cheer fighters on. In addition, a victim, which she also sees herself as is generally a tragic figure for whom one has sympathy. The underdog. Everyone roots for the underdog.

When she had trich and a bald head or bald patches she resembled what I think most people initially associate with a cancer patient or at least someone with a serious illness. A fair assumption to make. She was also fairly skinny at the time which supported that assumption. And people in the real world generally treat others who they believe have cancer (even if mistakenly) or other serious (looking) illnesses with more sympathy. And most probably wouldn't have asked what her illness was. I mean, you don't just go up to someone who looks ill and ask them what they are ill with. She was also young so the idea of a young person with cancer is quite sad. And so I think people are not quite so quick to be impatient, unkind, inconsiderate etc....Now that the strong visuals are no longer there and she looks normal (normal weight, full head of hair, skin is fine and she walks normally when she's not faking it for social media) people treat her as a normal person. I think that might be surprising to her. Where is that kindness, consideration, sympathy and those cheers from her youth?

Now, she has to go the extra mile to elicit that same sympathy, sensitivity, kindness and consideration etc. but it's kinda hard to do when you look the way she does. Not only her person but her surrounding appearance on social media. The visual status of her life is in stark contrast to how she portrays herself. Firstly, she looks healthy. Looking healthy obviously doesn't mean one is healthy but it's likewise a fair assumption to make. Her surroundings i.e. her flat, her activities displayed in social media also don't initially indicate someone hard done by. She's able-bodied, has family close by, not struggling for money as she owns her flat and has money to spend on her hobbies etc. Again, just because someone someone is financially stable also doesn't mean they have a good life. But again here, that gut reaction that would immediately elicit sympathy for the skinny, bald girl will not elicit sympathy for the healthy, financially stable looking young woman. And just as you wouldn't walk up to a person you assume has cancer and ask them what kind of cancer they have, you don't walk up to a person who looks healthy and ask them what problems they have that one cannot see just by looking at them. So on that front alone, even if it is a mistake, she won't get any of those extra considerations that a sick person would.

The young sick person is someone people root for, the attention they get is positive. Of course, anyone who is ill is already burdened with an illness and I think it's human nature to treat them "nicer". They are gifted things, people will go out of their way more often to accommodate them, etc. And don't get me wrong, I think that is a good thing because when you are genuinely sick you already really have a lot to contend with. And it's good for the sick person to be treated better so they don't have to contend with extra stress and it makes the person treating the sick person also feel better. It's a win win.

But now Rebecca has a problem. She has to find a way to be treated with that extra sensitivity, that extra kindness, those extra gifts etc even though on the surface it doesn't look like she "deserves" it. I think this might be something she is really struggling with. I think it's generally hitting her hard how "normal" people get through life. They don't get invitations to talk shows and a couple of thousand bucks for an appearance. They don't get flown around places to talk about themselves. They don't get complementary gifts left right and centre. Normal people work and they work hard and a lot of them toil. These people, and this is most people, who might have had something to spare for the young cancer patient will have absolutely nothing to spare for the person Rebecca appears to be today. There are millions of people who may also be autistic for whom a diagnosis wouldn't mean anything. They need to work and toil inspite of it. There are millions of people who, no matter how sick, disabled etc simply have to find a way to deal with it. I'm not saying this is right, but this is the state of the world, the REAL world. The real world is far from perfect.

But with the current Rebecca you have a holier-than-thou cunt, who doesn't have to support anyone but herself, who doesn't have a cloud of financial insecurity hanging over her head EVERY day, who is able-bodied, who has the comfort of working from home, who also has family close by, has time and money to pursue hobbies and yet she still COMPLAINS DAY IN DAY OUT like some fucking dying dog about how so very sick she is, so pitifully sick, so beaten down, so crippled by life, so mistreated, so neglected, so everything terrible you can think of and no mature sensible person in their right mind encourages this behaviour. Her flippant attitude to all that is actually going right in her life is disgraceful. The derision, the (justified) criticism, the harsh words etc. will not suit her because they are even if true, unkind, insensitive, etc. This attention she does not want. I am certain of it. I think she is aware that she is not getting positive attention from adults (the mature sensible ones) and the positive, sickly sweet attention she gets is most likely from immature, overly idealistic teens who haven't yet felt the true burdens of life or from some creepy, old dudes. She wants positive attention from at least her own age group.

In terms of trying to make the best of things, well she doesn't and instead chases further misery. Her attitude could use a complete overhaul. And in terms of managing her autism she sits around like a flaccid lump of jelly utterly immobile und helpless to start working on adjusting and coming to terms with being autistic in this world (if she even really is and that's a big if).

Yikes, this got long. Sorry for the long post. Just started writing and now I'm already here. I think this'll do.
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Livia Fantasy

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Its funny she claims that all these small noises bother her so much she wants to cry, but was totally okay with going to a bagpipe concert full of noisy people without headphones or any ear protection.
She picks and chooses a lot with all her struggles.
Of course she’d feel at home with whiny old wind bags droning on for hours
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A partner literally isn't something that just falls down from the clouds just in time for your birthday or Christmas! Does she realise that in order to be in a relationship you have to, at the very least, meet other people and actively try to establish a connection? Is she expecting one of her followers to go "Oh I've got this single friend who's an asexual Christian kayaker who works for the NHS in the migraine and ADHD department" ??
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I'm sick of her bragging about how she hasn't taken any time off for ages. She works one job now, she has annual leave, if she hasn't used it it's her stupid problem, as most places are unlikely to pay her for all of the unused days.
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It’s definitely Munchausens Syndrome. A key sign of it it is choosing symptoms or illnesses which are difficult to disprove, such as migraines. Their reason for doing it is to gain sympathy and attention and anyone following her social media can clearly see her desperation for attention and to be viewed as a strong brave victim.
Just thinking back over some of the illnesses / issues she’s had over the past few years:

- chronic migraines
- leg/ hip issue (needing a walking stick)
- trichotillomania
- dermotillomania
- autism
- pleurisy (anyone remember this?!)

but she also likes to victimise herself in non-health specific ways, for example she spent years complaining about working in retail and having no money.

I hope she could get psychological help for this but it’s unlikely as people with this disorder as usually in complete denial about it.
And that’s not even mentioning her mental health disorders she’s mentioned:

- depression
- anxiety

And adding to that the way she likes to ‘look’ like a victim, eg shaved head, skin picking, walking stick.

Those with Munchausens often keep up the act so long they believe their own lies about having migraines etc. I think Beckie is one who’s managed to convince herself at this point.
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Morning Mimosa

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I thought it was very courageous of her to go for a stroll around Tesco while suffering with a debilitating migraine. No walking stick required either. Stoic.
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Don’t forget the aggressive jazz hands to show she’s stimming cause she’s ✨𝓷𝓮𝓾𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓽 ✨
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Yesterday she complains about a broken drain that hasn't been fixed. Today there are building works presumably to renovate or fix (adding value to the building) and she complains. This girl lives in fantasy land - a place where everything is perfect and as she'd like it to be. Where nothing needs fixing coz nothing ever gets broken. This is not an autistic trait, it's an immature trait. She's a woman child. Adult body, mind of a child. Nothing in the real world is ever good enough. She wants wants wants (hair (finally has it, still not good enough), apartment (finally moved out of parents place after years of complaining and can't even muster a smile on 4th anniversary - not good enough), boyfriend (doesn't not want sex, doesn't propose - not good enough)) but without any of the work or shite that comes along with it. Again, NOT an autistic trait to be a whining bitch. I cannot for the life of me ever imagine being friends with someone like her. She's a lot of work - very particular, high maintenance, draining (always glass half empty kinda person). I don't blame anyone for not wanting to be friends with her let alone be her boyfriend.
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Brief summary - She's been crippled, she's been a fitness freak, she's building a new identity over having a kayak, but mostly Beckie has spiralled into full femcel mode, including:

Taking and posting these photos after a breakup -

Drawing stick figure boyfriends on to photos of herself -

Listing contradicting reasons why she might be single (all the hypothetical man's fault of course) -

Posting deranged videos of her with her cat -

Unironically referring to herself as a powerhouse for, i dunno, being single i guess -

All while reinventing herself as neurodivergent (and using it to explain her channel's downfall - and desperately seeking an autism diagnosis that will solve everything
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She's posting vids with James but cutting him out of them lol.

Does anyone also find it hilarious how much she goes on about music but literally all the music she posts/likes is bad generic synths? No tune, no words, no instruments, it sounds like the generic hold music you get on the phone or in a lift.
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Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 22.39.17.png

Oh, wow, autism, ADHD and walking problems all in one post! She's really indulging herself today. Throw in the words "PAINFUL", "havoc", "life changing" for good measure.

Also, WTF, she is longing for the ADHD diagnosis? Has the novelty of Autism already worn off and now she needs more. And when she has ADHD too, what next? As someone said, she's collecting diagnoses like they are infinity stones. When is she actually going to start working on treatment? Never! Because she's addicted to the attention that her manufactured misery has gotten her except she needs to keep increasing the dose because the attention kick isn't quite what it used to be. Pathetic girl!
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Chatty Member
Okay yeah she’s actually gone off the deep end. Who posts an update about their mother having a fall and then dances around to music, smiley and eating ice cream? She literally looks like she has a glint in her eye, genuinely happy, she can’t hide it or pretend she isn’t. 🤢 She’s sick!
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